Tenders (Archived)

  • Notice Inviting Tender




    July 13, 2015



    Quotations are invited from Book Suppliers for supply of Books on “Complete Business Statistics” by Amir D Aczel, Jayavel Sounderpandian, P SARAVANAN, Published on 30/May/2012 , 7th Edition ,ISBN: 9780071077903 ,Format: Print for Term-I course "Statistics for Management". Following details are required while submitting the quotation:

    1. Price per book.

    2. Percentage of discount.

    3. Expected date of delivery from date of closing of this tender.

    4. Free delivery of books at the Institute preferably during working hours.

    5. The excess copy of the above book will have to take back from the Institute.

    6. Penalty will be imposed for failure of delivery on time

    Please note that the Vendors will have to compulsorily submit the copy of the Procurement Invoice at the time of delivery of the book. A line of confirmation to this effect is to be given at the time of submission of quotation. For non-sub mission of copy of the Procurement Invoice at the time of delivery of the books, a financial penalty to the extent of 10% deduction on the final bill will be imposed.

    Quotations to be submitted to the PGP office by July 16, 2015 before 3.00 P.M.

  • Notice Inviting Tender




    July 14, 2015



    Quotations are invited from Book Suppliers for supply of Books on (1)“Simply Managing” by Henry Mintzberg, Collins Business-Berret Koehler (2)“The Little Prince” by Antonio Saint De Exupery (3)“In the Wonderland of Indian Managers” by Sharu Rangnekar, Vikas Publishing (4)“The Essential Drucker” by Peter F. Drucker, Harper Business (5)“Managing in the Next Society” by Peter F. Drucker, Routledge for Term-IV course “Management Information Systems:The Strategic Dimensions”. Following details are required while submitting the quotation:

    1. Price per book.

    2. Percentage of discount.

    3. Expected date of delivery from date of closing of this tender.

    4. Free delivery of books at the Institute preferably during working hours.

    5. The excess copy of the above book will have to take back from the Institute.

    6. Penalty will be imposed for failure of delivery on time

    Please note that the Vendors will have to compulsorily submit the copy of the Procurement Invoice at the time of delivery of the book. A line of confirmation to this effect is to be given at the time of submission of quotation. For non-sub mission of copy of the Procurement Invoice at the time of delivery of the books, a financial penalty to the extent of 10% deduction on the final bill will be imposed.

    Quotations to be submitted to the PGP office by July 17, 2015 before 3.00 P.M.

  • Notice Inviting Tender

    Engineering Division
    D. H. Road Joka

    Memo No. ED/IIMC/NIT/1/15-16/105 July 14, 2015


    Sealed tenders in printed tender forms, as specified hereunder, are invited for the following work from the contractors as per particulars mentioned below. Tenders will be received by the Executive Engineer, IIMC as per time schedule mentioned hereunder. Rates are to be quoted on overall percentage (%) basis.

    1. Name of work Sand filling to HT cable trench around 33KV Sub-station in IIMC Campus, Joka.
    2. Name of Division Engineering Division IIMC.
    3. Contractors eligible to participate the tender. Resourceful, bonafide contractors having adequate experience in past three years in similar nature of works only can apply.
    4. Estimated value of work Rs. 93,859/-
    5. Earnest Money Rs. 1,900/- by Bank draft in favour of IIMC Construction Works Accounts payable at Kolkata.
    6. Tender Form Standard Agreement form of the Institute.
    7. Price of tender document Rs. 150/- Each set.
    8. Last date of application for purchase of tender paper. 24/07/2015 (up to 3.00 pm)
    9. Date of sale of tender 28/07/2015 (up to 3.00 pm)
    10. Date and time for receiving the tender 30/07/2015(up to 2. p.m)
    11. Date of opening of tender 30/07/2015 (at 2.30 p.m)
    12. Time of completion of work 15 (Fifteen) Days

    Intending contractors are requested to procure tender documents as per time schedule. They should bring with them their current STD Return, valid STCC, ITCC Registration, PAN and VAT Registration numbers and similar credentials. If demanded, they will have to produce original of all documents.

    Accepting authority reserves the right to cancel any or all the applications / tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.

    (D.K. Misra)     
    Executive Engineer

  • Notice Inviting Tender

    Engineering Division
    D. H. Road Joka

    Memo No. ED/IIMC/NIT/1/15-16/106 July 14, 2015


    Sealed tenders in printed tender forms, as specified hereunder, are invited for the following work from the contractors as per particulars mentioned below. Tenders will be received by the Executive Engineer, IIMC as per time schedule mentioned hereunder. Rates are to be quoted on overall percentage (%) basis.

    1. Name of work Annual maintenance contract for Routine check, Operation, minor maintenance, breakdown attendance of the IT systems at LVH, MDC & NAB in IIMC Campus, Joka.
    2. Name of Division Engineering Division IIMC.
    3. Contractors eligible to participate the tender. Resourceful, bonafide contractors having adequate experience in past three years in similar nature of works only can apply.
    4. Estimated value of work Rs. 1,60,202/-
    5. Earnest Money Rs. 3,200/- by Bank draft in favour of IIMC Construction Works Accounts payable at Kolkata.
    6. Tender Form Standard Agreement form of the Institute.
    7. Price of tender document Rs. 500/- Each set.
    8. Last date of application for purchase of tender paper. 24/07/2015 (up to 3.00 pm)
    9. Date of sale of tender 28/07/2015 (up to 3.00 pm)
    10. Date and time for receiving the tender 30/07/2015(up to 2. p.m)
    11. Date of opening of tender 30/07/2015 (at 2.30 p.m)
    12. Time of completion of work Annual Maintenance

    Rates are to be quoted on the basis of presidency circle schedule of rates P.W.D., effective from August 2014.

    Intending contractors are requested to procure tender documents as per time schedule. They should bring with them their valid STCC, ITCC, P.F., ESI Registration, PAN and VAT Registration numbers and similar credentials. If demanded, they will have to produce original of all documents.

    Accepting authority reserves the right to cancel any or all the applications / tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.

    (D.K. Misra)   
    Executive Engineer

  • Notice Inviting Tender

    Engineering Division
    D. H. Road Joka

    Memo No. ED/IIMC/NIT/1/15-16/107 July 14, 2015


    Sealed tenders in printed tender forms, as specified hereunder, are invited for the following work from the contractors as per particulars mentioned below. Tenders will be received by the Executive Engineer, IIMC as per time schedule mentioned hereunder. Rates are to be quoted on overall percentage (%) basis.

    1. Name of work Provision of additional LAN Network in MDC building by installing 24 Nos. Wi-Fi router to improve the Wi-Fi signal in 1st, 2nd & 3rd floor of MDC i.e. New Executive Hostel in IIMC Campus.
    2. Name of Division Engineering Division IIMC.
    3. Contractors eligible to participate the tender. Resourceful, bonafide contractors having adequate experience in past three years in similar nature of works only can apply.
    4. Estimated value of work Rs. 95,974/-
    5. Earnest Money Rs. 1,900/- by Bank draft in favour of IIMC Construction Works Accounts payable at Kolkata.
    6. Tender Form Standard Agreement form of the Institute.
    7. Price of tender document Rs. 150/- Each set.
    8. Last date of application for purchase of tender paper. 24/07/2015 (up to 3.00 pm)
    9. Date of sale of tender 28/07/2015 (up to 3.00 pm)
    10. Date and time for receiving the tender 30/07/2015(up to 2. p.m)
    11. Date of opening of tender 30/07/2015 (at 2.30 p.m)
    12. Time of completion of work 30 (Thirty) Days

    Intending contractors are requested to procure tender documents as per time schedule. They should bring with them their current STD Return, valid STCC, ITCC Registration, PAN and VAT Registration numbers and similar credentials. If demanded, they will have to produce original of all documents.

    Accepting authority reserves the right to cancel any or all the applications / tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.

    (D.K. Misra)     
    Executive Engineer

  • Notice Inviting Tender

    Engineering Division
    D. H. Road Joka

    Memo No. ED/IIMC/NIT/1/15-16/108 July 14, 2015


    Sealed tenders in printed tender forms, as specified hereunder, are invited for the following work from the contractors as per particulars mentioned below. Tenders will be received by the Executive Engineer, IIMC as per time schedule mentioned hereunder. Rates are to be quoted on overall percentage (%) basis.

    1. Name of work Provision for Telephone Connectivity at D-2, F-5 & F-6 Building in IIMC Campus, Joka.
    2. Name of Division Engineering Division IIMC.
    3. Contractors eligible to participate the tender. Resourceful, bonafide contractors having adequate experience in past three years in similar nature of works only can apply.
    4. Estimated value of work Rs. 2,31,900/-
    5. Earnest Money Rs. 4,650/- by Bank draft in favour of IIMC Construction Works Accounts payable at Kolkata.
    6. Tender Form Standard Agreement form of the Institute.
    7. Price of tender document Rs. 500/- Each set.
    8. Last date of application for purchase of tender paper. 24/07/2015 (up to 3.00 pm)
    9. Date of sale of tender 28/07/2015 (up to 3.00 pm)
    10. Date and time for receiving the tender 30/07/2015(up to 2. p.m)
    11. Date of opening of tender 30/07/2015 (at 2.30 p.m)
    12. Time of completion of work 30 (Thirty) Days

    Intending contractors are requested to procure tender documents as per time schedule. They should bring with them their current STD Return, valid STCC, ITCC Registration, PAN and VAT Registration numbers and similar credentials. If demanded, they will have to produce original of all documents.

    Accepting authority reserves the right to cancel any or all the applications / tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.

    (D.K. Misra)     
    Executive Engineer