IIM Calcutta carries a unique and distinctive identity among top Asian business schools owing to its strong emphasis on combining academic rigor and relevance, and maintaining plurality and diversity in form, content and methodology. It has been the home for some of the finest scholars India has produced in the past several decades. The business management courses fall in one of the following academic groups.
Post Graduate Programmes

Master of Business Administration Designed to train students to become excellent general managers and high-level-decision-makers with broad strategic vision, this full-time two year residential program views

MBA for Executives Programme is IIM Calcutta's One Year Full Time Residential Programme meant for Executives with more than five years of professional experience. IIM Calcutta is the first management institute in the

In its endeavour to become a global institution, and as a step towards achieving its vision of becoming an ‘International Centre of Excellence in Management Education’ IIMC has joined CEMS, an elite club of 30 premier business schools from across the world, as an Academic partner. IIMC is the only Indian member of this renowned alliance of leading global business schools and multinational corporations.
Collaborative Programmes

The Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (PGDBA) – jointly offered by IIM Calcutta, IIT Kharagpur, and ISI – aims to help shape the emerging profession of business analytics by delivering a cutting edge inter

PGPEX-VLM is a unique program that fulfills the current industry’s growing demand for techno-managerial leaders who shape the neo-industrial revolution. Laden with latest management skills and
Doctoral Programmes

The Doctoral Programme of the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta was started in 1971. It is a full-time doctoral programme that offers students opportunities for advanced studies