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Sl. No. Academic Group Course Name Course Code Course Instructor (s) Course Objectives
1 Strategic Management Managing Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures SM-EX116 Prof. Atanu Ghosh
  • Familiarize students with the business and corporate strategy context and help them understand the relative benefits and risks of alliances and JVs in the context of other means of managing expansion and diversification
  • Learn about creation and management of Strategic Alliances with complementors, suppliers/ customers and competitors.
  • Learn the process of alliance formation and implementation of the structure and control of the Strategic Alliances
2 Strategic Management Behavioural Strategy SM-EX133 Prof. Lakshmi Goyal
  • Given that managers are central to any organizational decision-making processes, it is important to understand how their bounded rationality induces biases in decision-making, which has implications for strategic decisions, firm behavior and performance. This course aspires to provide students a conceptual understanding of behavioral strategy that will help them be more informed decision-makers.
3 Strategic Management Platform Business Models & Strategy SM-EX132 Prof. Ranjan Das
  • Expose students to the rise of the platform as a business and organizational model.
  • Learn how well-managed platform business models have potential to disrupt traditional industries within just a few years of their own launch.
  • Know how concepts and practices of platform business changed the principles that shape economic growth and business competition.
  • Get a broad overview of architecture of platforms and strategic choices that are involved in the platform design stage
  • Understand what type of strategies and business models help attract producers and consumers to a platform simultaneously and discuss the monetization processes.
  • Identify organizational and governance issues that need to be addressed to develop and run a successful platform business.
4 Business Ethics & Communication Problem Solving Techniques in Corporate Communications BC-EX105 Prof. Pragyan Rath
  • Decode communication as referential to 2 alternate forms of market conditions:
  1. Markets governed by Mythic Systems
  2. Markets governed by Bio-Political Softwares
5 Organizational Behaviour Entrepreneurial Leadership OB-EX113 Dr. Srirangan Rajagopal
  • Provide a comprehensive understanding of the critical aspects of entrepreneurial leadership and how it shapes the success of start-ups
  • Explore the fundamental concepts of entrepreneurial leadership, focusing on creating a compelling vision for an entrepreneurial firm and building a strong organizational foundation and will delve into the challenges of building a world-class team in the face of constraints, examine strategies for aligning your team with the vision and fostering a high-performance culture.
  • Gain the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the significance of vision alignment to leadership, navigate the complexities of team building, and work towards creating an organization driven by entrepreneurial leadership.
6 Organizational Behaviour Leading People OB-EX109 Prof. Chetan Joshi
  • Understand different facets of leadership.
  • Highlight the components of transformational leadership
  • Help students understand the challenges in leading a conglomerate and leading a diverse workforce and to develop insights about crisis leadership
7 Human Resource Management Management Consulting HR-EX104 Dr. Avantika Tomar
  • Provides an overview of professional services firms along with their business models and essential people practices.
  • Covers management consultants, the key skills required by them and what makes people thrive in consulting as a profession
  • Aims to consider methods of consultancy project design and management, integrated problem-solving and application of the principles of design thinking
8 Management Information Systems Machine Learning in Action MI-EX270 Prof. Soumyakanti Chakraborty
  • Understand the principles of machine learning and appreciate the process of data preparation
  • Learn to choose, apply and measure performances of machine learning methods to various real-life problems
  • Learn the basics of Neural Nets, and its extensions for computer vision and NLP
9 Management Information Systems Blockchain and Its Implications MI-EX267 Prof. Anik Mukherjee
  • Understand the features of the technology and identify the application areas where the technology can make a difference
  • Appreciate the variations in the technology to suit specific genre of application
  • Track the refinements and changes in the technology in future
10 Operations Management Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing OM-EX118 Prof. Sumanta Basu
  • Understand the basics of revenue management and pricing optimization and develop various revenue optimization models with applications in different industries such as airlines, hotels, software, railways, rentals cars etc.
  • Understand dynamic pricing tactics and contemporary pricing issues in retail industry
  • Gain basic understanding of tools such as Monte Carlo simulation, mathematical programming and excel-based scenario analysis in the context of revenue management and dynamic pricing
11 Operations Management Decision Models & Software OM-EX116 Prof. Bodhibrata Nag
  • Introduces real-world operations research-based decision models commonly used in areas of operations, supply chain and logistics planning
  • Introduces commercial decision modelling software, with their application framework and limitations.
12 Finance & Control Behavioral Finance FI-EX122 Prof. Avijit Bansal
  • Understand the decision-making process of the market participants and its impact on asset prices, risk-return trade-offs, and broad market movements.
  • Develop a nuanced understanding of limits to arbitrage and market efficiency and gains insights into more nuanced aspects of decision making such as anchoring, reference-dependent models - Prospect Theory and its applications.
  • Develop an understanding of biased beliefs such as overconfidence, over-extrapolation, and their impact on financial decision-making and understand stock market anomalies & expose them to both the risk-based & behavioural explanation.
  • Develop an understanding of the influence of investor sentiment on risk-return trade-off and Gain insights into biases in managerial decision making and the subsequent impact on corporate policies.
13 Economics Microeconomics for Banking EC-EX115 Prof. Conan Mukherjee
  • Understand basics of traditional thinking about banks & learn about the intrinsic risk bank runs and credit rationing crises & assess ways to mitigate such risks.
  • Study the game theoretic interactions and informational complications inbuilt in the banking service provision across industry.
  • Learn about the non-price competition among banks and also about banking regulation, and its complexities
14 Marketing Sports Entertainment & Media Marketing MK-EX119 Prof. C D Mitra
  • Present a conceptual framework of Sports, Entertainment & Media Marketing, and a here and now feel of what is happening in these domains on the ground in India, and across the world, today.
  • Acquaint students to the role of marketing importance for the Sports, Media & Entertainment industries.
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media Marketing will thus be looked at from two perspectives – the Marketing of Sports, Entertainment & Media, and Marketing through Sports, Entertainment & Media.
15 Marketing Product Management MK-EX108 Prof. Prashant Mishra
  • The objective of this course is to inculcate amongst students the importance of products and product management to a company.
  • It also aims at exploring both analytical as well as strategic dimensions of product related issues.
  • Aims to introduce students to a range of issues that are of immediate and practical importance to a product manager
Sl. No.Academic GroupCourse NameCourse CodeCourse Instructor(s)Course Objectives
1MarketingMarketing ResearchMK-EX103Dr. Avinash Kumar
  • Equip students with skills to extract and utilize information for making better business decisions.
  • Enable students to define the marketing research problem, formulate the research objectives, prepare an appropriate research design including the methodology, data collection procedure, and identify appropriate analysis to arrive at the solution.
  • Help participants understand, analyze, and interpret the various tools and techniques for data analysis, from basic (such as t-test, ANOVA, etc.) to advanced methods (such as factor analysis, cluster analysis, etc.), to solve a business problem.
2MarketingProduct ManagementMK-EX108Dr. Prashant Mishra
  • Inculcate amongst students the importance of products and product management to a company and introduce them to a range of issues that are of immediate and practical importance to a product manager.
  • Aims at exploring both analytical as well as strategic dimensions of product-related issues.
  • Prepare students to perform well as marketing managers by identifying tasks and by imparting necessary training to develop congruent skills and knowledge necessary to perform such tasks.
  • Help understand the role of products as the company’s internal and external links and their importance within the marketing function.
  • Critically analyse the need and relevance of product portfolios.
  • Determine the strategic contribution that products make to a company’s overall game plan.
  • Learn to apply the concepts of product management.
3MarketingSports, Entertainment & Media MarketingMK-EX119Mr. C.D. Mitra
  • Provide a conceptual framework of Sports, Entertainment & Media Marketing, and of what is happening in these domains on the ground in India, and across the world, today.
  • Understand the psychology of sports, media & entertainment audiences, and engage these audiences through Sports, Media & Entertainment platforms.
  • Leverage the practical knowledge and experience of current examples & practices in these fast-growing industries.
  • Comprehend the role of Marketing in these growing and fast-evolving specialist disciplines with their unique consumer characteristics.
4MarketingServices MarketingMK-EX104Dr. Prashant Mishra
  • Acquaint students with the unique challenges inherent in the marketing of services and the strategies needed to address such challenges.
  • Understand the concept of a Service, Service’s Characteristics and evaluate the different challenges and opportunities posed by the Service Market vis a vis product (tangible goods) markets.
  • Evaluate the complexities of a Service Firms market offer and the need for services management.
  • Evaluate the Service Processes.
  • Examine all aspects of service creation.
  • Appreciate the role of technology in services marketing and management.
5Finance & ControlBehavioral FinanceFI-EX122Dr. Avijit Bansal
  • Understand the decision-making process of the market participants and its impact on asset prices, risk-return tradeoffs, and broad market movements.
  • Develop a nuanced understanding of limits to arbitrage and market efficiency along with the influence of investor sentiment on risk-return tradeoff.
  • Gain insights into more nuanced aspects of decision making such as anchoring, reference-dependent models such as Prospect Theory and its applications.
  • Cultivate an understanding of biased beliefs such as overconfidence, over-extrapolation, and their impact on financial decision-making.
  • Recognize stock market anomalies and expose them to both the risk-based and behavioral explanation of the same.
  • Develop an understanding of the influence of investor sentiment on risk-return tradeoff.
  • Gain insights into biases in managerial decision making and the subsequent impact on corporate policies.
6EconomicsEconomics of Climate Change: Implications for Financial SectorEC-EX117Dr. Runa Sarkar, Dr. Samit Paul, Dr. Avijit Bansal, Dr. Dhruba Purakayastha
  • Provide students with an understanding of the current theoretical and conceptual framework on implications of climate change (climate risks) for the broader economy, and then specifically the Financial sector.
  • Help students apply microeconomic concepts of externalities and public goods to comprehend the failure of the financial sector to provide adequate financial flows for climate change related investments.
  • Expose students to credit markets and the traditional financial risk management framework to understand climate change as a financial risk.
  • Understand what climate finance entails and concepts of public finance, blended finance and institutional mechanisms for financing climate investments.
  • Develop a global perspective that is built upon knowledge of economic, technological, regulatory and political forces that are shaping a new international order in the 21st century.
7EconomicsAuction and Business ApplicationsEC-EX116Dr. Conan Mukherjee
  • Develop an understanding of basic auction theory – both as a participant and as a designer.
  • Comprehend the application of auction theory in operative search engines and allocating telecommunication spectrum.
  • Fathom the complexities of Auction theory when it is used for procurement, that is, buy rather than sell discrete objects.
8Business Ethics & CommunicationProblem Solving Techniques in Corporate CommunicationBC-EX105Dr. Pragyan Rath
  • Trace genesis of and leverage cultural share as the premise of market strategy.
  • Develop as bridge between the transition of culture(s) into markets, and market(s) into culture(s).
  • Analyze data for prediction and consulting – both to firms as well as Gen AI.
  • Evaluate impactful communication in terms of disruptive and innovative communication.
  • Transition art worlds into digital cultures into market share.
9Organisational BehaviourLeading PeopleOB-EX109Dr. Chetan Joshi
  • Understand different facets of leadership (vision, task and relationship orientation, decision making, negotiation, dilemmas).
  • Highlight the components of transformational leadership.
  • Help students appreciate the challenges in leading a conglomerate and leading a diverse workforce.
  • Develop insights about crisis leadership.
10Organisational BehaviourManaging Diversity and Inclusion in OrganizationsOB-EX116Dr. Anupama Kondayya
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of organizational D&I by drawing on theories and insights from disciplines such as psychology, social psychology, sociology and management.
  • Recognize social identities and processes of stigmatization and discrimination; individual, group and organizational dynamics of diversity.
  • Learn to manage D&I-related conflict; glean practical perspectives from cases and practitioners and be an inclusive leader.
  • Understand the importance of adopting an ethic of care to foster D&I and acquire the ability to assess the success of D&I initiatives.
  • Fathom the future of D&I in the era of technology, where AI is increasingly being used in organizational decision-making, to help experienced and future managers proactively identify and address issues before they disadvantage and do disservice to the organization and its people.
  • Equip students through these perspectives, to be more just, ethical and inclusive.
11OperationsStrategic Operations ManagementOM-EX111Dr. Partha Priya Datta
  • Understand the importance of strategic operations management to ensure strategic alignment between a company's competitive environment and operations activities and ability to evaluate operations strategy.
  • Apprehend the key elements and decisions of strategic operations and learn how to configure the operations strategy.
  • Learn to align operations strategy and business strategy and analyze, value and optimize operations at a strategic level.
  • Analyze key drivers/decisions for each element of strategic operations.
  • Evaluate them qualitatively and financially.
  • Develop recommendations and implementation plans to do the same.
12OperationsDecision Models and SoftwareOM-EX116Dr. Bodhibrata Nag
  • Understand the mathematical tools required for solving optimization problems.
  • Comprehend the repertoire of typical problems solved by management science tools.
  • Develop the ability to formulate mathematical models for problem situations.
  • Learn to apply mathematical software to solve the mathematical models and interpret the solutions of the mathematical models for implementation.
  • Acquire skills to apply standard heuristic tools and simulation software for decision making.
13OperationsStatistics for Data Science and Business AnalyticsOM-EX120Dr. Prajamitra Bhuyan; Dr. Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay
  • Understand various applications of Statistical Data Science.
  • Gain basic understanding of tools such as semi-parametric/non-parametric inference, and R programming.
  • Develop Bayesian models to incorporate domain knowledge in decision making.
  • Understand the use of causal models with applications in different industries.
  • Gain knowledge about the entire cycle for solving a business problem through data analysis.
14MISMachine Learning in ActionMI-EX270Dr. Soumyakanti Chakraborty
  • Help students learn not only the theoretical underpinnings of key machine learning techniques but also gain the practical knowledge of applying machine learning techniques to real-life business problems.
  • Understand how effective machine learning algorithms like random forests, logistic regression, artificial neural networks, and deep learning, actually works.
  • Gain perspective on how machine learning techniques are applied to build apps that can detect fraudulent financial transactions, predict the presence of malignant tumors in x-ray images, generate a body of text, etc., through numerous real-life examples and applications from the domain of computer vision, natural language processing, and banking.
15MISBlockchain and Its ImplicationsMI-EX267Dr. Anik Mukherjee
  • Understand the features of the technology, how blockchain can locate the origin of information, track all the changes to it, make the records of change immutable, and hence, can be immensely useful in many situations.
  • Identify the application areas where the technology can make a difference.
  • Appreciate the variations in the technology to suit specific genres of applications.
  • Track the refinements and changes in the technology in future.
16MISResponsible AI and Future Tech StrategiesMI-EX275Dr. Rahul Kumar
  • Sensitize students about the benefits and challenges of immersive technologies, cloud computing, metaverse, and GenAI.
  • Learn about explainable AI/ML models and related best practices.
  • Understand how to make AI more approachable.
  • Gain practical insights about integrating and managing these novel technologies.
17StrategyManaging Strategic Alliances and Joint VenturesSM-EX116Dr. Atanu Ghosh
  • Familiarize students with the business and corporate strategy context.
  • Understand the relative benefits and risks of alliances and joint ventures in the context of other means of managing expansion and diversification.
  • Comprehend the purpose and rationale of strategic alliances, partner selection process and negotiations, types of alliances and joint ventures.
  • Acquire knowledge about the process of alliance formation and implementation of the structure and control of strategic alliances.
18StrategyPlatform Business Models & StrategySM-EX132Dr. Ranjan Das
  • Expose students to one of the most important economic and social developments of our time—the rise of the platform as a business and organizational model.
  • Determine how well-managed platform business models have the potential to disrupt traditional industries within just a few years of their own launch.
  • Know how concepts and practices of platform business changed the principles that shape economic growth and business competition.
  • Develop a broad overview of architecture of platforms and strategic choices that are involved in the platform design stage.
  • Understand what type of strategies and business models help attract producers and consumers to a platform simultaneously and discuss the monetization processes.
  • Identify organizational and governance issues that need to be addressed to develop and run a successful platform business.
19Human Resource ManagementManagement ConsultingHR-EX104Dr. Avantika Tomar
  • Provide an overview of professional services firms along with their business models and essential people practices, client relationships, and the value of building long-term thought partnerships with clients as a key success measure.
  • Apprehend the trends impacting the future of consulting, to give students a complete understanding of the industry. This subject will also take a critical look at the responsibilities and the ethics of management consulting firms, by discussing pivotal incidents in history and more recent scandals and controversies in the area.
  • Study methods of consultancy project design and management, integrated problem-solving and application of the principles of design thinking to find potential solutions to business problems through deep analysis and structuring.