Tender for “Supply & Installation of Chimneys in the Kitchen of Ramanujan, Tagore and New Hostel in IIMC.”. Sealed item rate tenders in two bid system are invited by Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (i.e. IIMC) for the works “Supply & Installation of Chimneys in the Kitchen of Ramanujan, Tagore and New Hostel in IIMC.” The two bid system of tender shall consist of Techno-commercial part (Envelope-I) duly sealed and superscribed with the words “Techno-commercial Part” and “Price Bid” (Envelope-II) superscribed with the words “Price-Bid”. Both the envelopes shall be kept in third envelope duly superscribed with the words “Supply & Installation of Chimneys in the Kitchen of Ramanujan, Tagore and New Hostel in IIMC.”.
Tenders (Archived)
Supply & Installation of Chimneys in the Kitchen of Ramanujan, Tagore and New Hostel in IIMC
Publication of Advertisement in the Newspapers, Websites and Online Journals in Connection With Recruitment for the Post of Director
Procurement of 140 Nos Jute Folders for the use of IIMC
Selection of Vendor for Construction of Dinner Pandal on "Turn Key Basis" Along With Allied Services for Annual Convocation – 2024 at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Publication of Advertisement in the Newspapers, Websites and Online Journals in Connection With Recruitment for the Post of Director
SITC of electrical works for 21 Nos Ac’s for NTB Building in IIMC Campus
Sealed Percentage (%) rate tender in two bid system is invited by Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (i.e. IIMC) for the works "SITC of electrical works for 21 Nos Ac’s for NTB Building in IIMC Campus."
The two bid system of tender shall consist of Techno-commercial part (Envelope-I) duly sealed and superscribed with the words “Techno-commercial Part” and “Price Bid” (Envelope-II) superscribed with the words “Price-Bid”. Both the envelopes shall be kept in third envelope duly superscribed with the words "SITC of electrical works for 21 Nos Ac’s for NTB Building in IIMC Campus."
SITC of 21 no's Split AC (1.0Tr. x 20 nos. & 2 Tr. x 1 no.) for NTB building in IIMC Campus
Sealed Percentage (%) rate tender in two bid system is invited by Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (i.e. IIMC) for the works "SITC of 21 no's Split AC (1.0Tr. x 20 nos. & 2 Tr. x 1 no.) for NTB building in IIMC Campus."
Sealed Percentage (%) rate tender in two bid system is invited by Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (i.e. IIMC) for the works "SITC of 21 no's Split AC (1.0Tr. x 20 nos. & 2 Tr. x 1 no.) for NTB building in IIMC Campus."
Overhauling of 02 Nos X 500 KVA DG Set at 33KV Sub‐Station at IIMC, Joka Campus
Sealed Percentage (%) rate tender in two bid system is invited by Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (i.e. IIMC) for the works "Overhauling of 02 Nos X 500 KVA DG Set at 33KV Sub-Station at IIMC, Joka Campus."
Sealed Percentage (%) rate tender in two bid system is invited by Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (i.e. IIMC) for the works "Overhauling of 02 Nos X 500 KVA DG Set at 33KV Sub-Station at IIMC, Joka Campus."
Procurement of new AC system at TATA hall conference room (East & west) along with allied electrical works (Part‐B) at IIMC Campus.
Sealed Percentage (%) rate tender in two bid system is invited by Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (i.e. IIMC) for the works "Procurement of new AC system at TATA hall conference room (East & west) along with allied electrical works (Part-B) at IIMC Campus."
The two bid system of tender shall consist of Techno-commercial part (Envelope-I) duly sealed and superscribed with the words “Techno-commercial Part” and “Price Bid” (Envelope-II) superscribed with the words “Price-Bid”. Both the envelopes shall be kept in third envelope duly superscribed with the words "Procurement of new AC system at TATA hall conference room (East & west) along with allied electrical works (Part‐B) at IIMC Campus."
Procurement of new AC system at TATA hall conference room (East & west) along with allied electrical works (Part‐A) at IIMC Campus.
Sealed Percentage (%) rate tender in two bid system is invited by Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (i.e. IIMC) for the works "Procurement of new AC system at TATA hall conference room (East & west) along with allied electrical works (Part-A) at IIMC Campus."
The two bid system of tender shall consist of Techno-commercial part (Envelope-I) duly sealed and superscribed with the words “Techno-commercial Part” and “Price Bid” (Envelope-II) superscribed with the words “Price-Bid”. Both the envelopes shall be kept in third envelope duly superscribed with the words "Procurement of new AC system at TATA hall conference room (East & west) along with allied electrical works (Part‐A) at IIMC Campus."
Annual maintenance of Water mains, Roads, Drains, Foot Bridges, Boundary wall & Water Reservoir(O.H. & U.G.),Engineering Division Building, Main Gate, Security Offices, Post Office, IIMC Co-operative Store & Coffee Corner in IIMC campus
Annual maintenance of Lake View Hostel & Dining Complex and Management Development centre, Boat House, 33 kv substation, Squash court building & Swimming Pool in IIMC campus
Annual maintenance of Ramanujan Hostel, Library, Old Power House, Staff Canteen, CAM Centre, Administrative Building, Tata Hall & SBI Building in IIMC campus
Annual maintenance of Annex Hostel & Tagore Hostel, New Teaching Block, Auditorium, VLMP Students Hostel & Gymnasium in IIMC campus
Annual maintenance of New Academic Building, Amphitheatre, Instructional Building, NF-I, NF-II & NF-III, B,C quarter Buildings, PGPEX Mess and flats in Genexx Valley in IIMC campus
Annual maintenance of all D, E & F type quarter, Police Camp, New Hostel, MCHV Building
Hiring Services for Videography Web Casting and LED Wall Display for at IIMC
Procurement of various types of padlocks and iron chains for IIMC
Publication of Advertisement in the Newspapers (Toi & The Economic Times (Combined Edition) for Annual Convocation ‐ 2024
SITC of 32 Nos Window ACs (1.5 Tr – 20 Nos & 1 Tr – 12 Nos) for MBAEx Family Hostel and MBAEx Mess at IIMC Campus
Sealed Item rate tender in two bid system is invited by Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (i.e. IIMC) for the works “SITC of 32 Nos Window ACs (1.5 Tr – 20 Nos & 1 Tr – 12 Nos) for MBAEx Family Hostel and MBAEx Mess at IIMC Campus.”
The two bid system of tender shall consist of Techno-commercial part (Envelope-I) duly sealed and superscribed with the words “Techno-commercial Part” and “Price Bid” (Envelope-II) superscribed with the words “Price-Bid”. Both the envelopes shall be kept in third envelope duly superscribed with the words “SITC of 32 Nos Window ACs (1.5 Tr – 20 Nos & 1 Tr – 12 Nos) for MBAEx Family Hostel and MBAEx Mess at IIMC Campus.”