Corporate Communication

ISBN-10: 938751174X; ISBN-13: 978-9387511743
ISBN-10: 938751174X; ISBN-13: 978-9387511743
About the Book
This book is an important intervention in the debate between economic and social development. It makes the case for understanding development in economic terms as well as in terms of well-being, empowerment and participation.
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The book presents a critical reading of Radhakamal Mukerjee's oeuvre. Yet, in its attempt to situate Mukerjee in the history of the discipline, it explores a larger set of questions that go beyond the life and times of a pioneer.
This book looks at the impact of the global crisis on fiscal positions, and fiscal implications of the measures undertaken to deal with the situation. The authors explore cross-country experiences with special focus on the euro area economies and India.
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Operations Research is a bouquet of mathematical techniques that have evolved over the last six decades to improve the process of business decision making.
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