The Art of Leading in a Borderless World 1<sup>st</sup> Edition

Written By
Prof. Pragyan Rath , C Panduranga Bhatta
Published On
ISBN: 9789389867213 ISBN: 9789389867190
ISBN: 9789389867213 ISBN: 9789389867190
The book presents a critical reading of Radhakamal Mukerjee's oeuvre. Yet, in its attempt to situate Mukerjee in the history of the discipline, it explores a larger set of questions that go beyond the life and times of a pioneer.
This book presents a psycho-biographic analysis of Ernest Hemingway's works so as to map the complex mindscape of the author in order to unearth those thought processes that culminated in the character architecture of his protagonists inaugurating a tradition of a narcissistic self-fictionalizati
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