Workshop on
Financial reform - What has the last decade taught us?
Sponsored by British Council
As Part of UK-India Education and Research Initiative Trilateral
Partnership Program
Hosted by Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Joka Campus
Venue: Conference Hall (East): Tata Hall
22-23rd November
22nd November
Inauguration- 9:15-9:30: Prof Saibal Chattopadhyay, Director IIMC.
9:30-10:30: Keynote Speaker: Prof Dilip Nachane (Professor Emeritus and Former Director, IGIDR, Chancellor, University of Manipur (Since 2011) Member, PM's EAC (Since 2013)).
Topic: Financial Sector & The Post-Crisis Macroeconomy: Theoretical Re-assessment & Practical Implications.
10:30-10:45: Tea-Coffee
10:45-11:30: Speaker: K U B Rao (Adviser, Department of Economic and Policy Research, Reserve Bank of India).
Topic: Issues in Exchange Rate Volatility and the Central Bank’s Role.
11:30-12:15: Speaker: Arnab Bhattacharya (Fellow, IIMC).
Topic: 'Recent Reforms in the Indian IPO Market Regulations: A Brief Overview.
12:15-1:30: Panel Discussion on
"Issues Related to Exchange Rate Volatility and The Central Bank’s Role": Chaired By Prof Ali Kutan, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Others members are Prof Amitava Bose, Prof Soumyen Sikdar, K.U.B Rao.
1:30-2:30: Lunch Break
2:30-3:15: Speaker: Dr Pallavi Chavan, Assistant Adviser (Banking Research Division Department of Economic and Policy Research, Reserve Bank of India).
Topic: Banking Sector Reforms – Rationale and Outlook.
3:15-3:30: Tea-Coffee
3:30-4:15: Speaker: Manisha Chakrabarty (Economics Group, IIMC) & Ekta Selerka (Madras School of Economics).
Topic: Impact of Compositional Change in Board On Corporate Governance Using Propensity Score Method.
4:15-5: Speaker: Prof Saurav Roychoudhury (Finance & Economics, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Currently Visiting Research Scientist, Economic Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata).
Topic: "Sovereign Credit ratings, Economic Freedom and Financial Stability".
23rd November
9-9:30: A Speech by Prof Anindya Sen (Academic Dean) on Issues related with Foreign Research Collaboration and Capacity Building: IIMC Perspective.
9:30-10: A Speech by Prof Ashok Banerjee, Dean (New Initiative and External relations) on Possibilities of Exchange Programs with Foreign Partners.
10-10:15: Tea-Coffee
10:15-11:15: Keynote Speaker: Prof Abhirup Sarkar ( ERU, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta).
Topic: Financial Intermediation and Economic Development.
11:15-12: Speaker: Prof Ali Kutan (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville).
Topic: Public Information Arrival and Investor Reaction during a Period of Institutional Change: An Episode of Early Years of a Newly Independent Central Bank.
12-12:45: Speaker: Prof Rajendra Vaidya (IGIDR).
Topic: "The Process of Banking Sector Reforms in India".
12:45-1:45: Lunch.
1:45-2:30: Speaker: Prof Kaustav Sen ( Pace University, New York, USA).
Topic: Effects of Auditor Reputation on Client Firm Returns: External and Internal Monitoring Effects.
2:30-3:15: Speaker: Prof Rama Seth (Finance and Control Group, IIMC).
Topic: Financial Reform: Using Our toolkit more effectively.
3:15-3:30: Tea-Coffee
3:15-4:15: Interaction with Ph.D Students on “Recent Trend in Research in Financial Economics & Econometrics”. Interaction with Prof Sumon Bhaumik (Aston University, UK), Prof Ali Kutan (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA) and Prof Saurav Roychoudhury (Finance & Economics, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio, USA).
4:15-5:15: Interactive Session with students on “How to Publish”: Speaker: Prof Ali Kutan (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville).
5:15-5:30: Conclusion & Vote of Thanks.
Contact us
Programme Chair: Prof Manisha Chakrabarty, Associate Professor in Economics Group, IIM Calcutta mchakrabarty@iimcal.ac.in.
Who Can Participate: This is specifically aimed for the young researchers who finished their Ph.D or Pursuing their Ph.D in Economics and Finance. The workshop model of interaction between speakers and participants provides nice opportunity for dialogue between experienced, prolific researchers and aspiring to be well-known in this field.