Tanika Chakraborty

Tanika Chakraborty
Associate Professor
Academic Group: Economics
Phone No.: +91-33-2467 8300 Extension: 2032
Email ID.: tanika@iimcal.ac.in
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details:
Areas of Interest: Labor Economics, Development Economics, Economics of Education, Entrepreneurship
Academic Background:
PhD Economics, Washington University, St Louis, 2009
M. A. Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, 2002
B. Sc. Economics, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India, 2000
Courses Taught:
Econometrics using STATA/R (IIMC, IITK), India and the World Economy (IIMC), Public Economics (IIMC, IITK), Microeconomics (IITK)
IITK Class of 1984 Faculty Research Fellowship, 2015-2018 Institute Fellowship, IIT Kanpur, 2011-2014 Weidenbaum Center Research Fellowship, Washington University, 2006-2007 Ford Foundation Scholarship, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2000-2002
Consulting Interests:
A study on Child Labor in Uttar Pradesh (Consulting) - sponsored by Ministry of Labor, UP, 2015 Protective environment in schools (Consulting) - sponsored by UNICEF & Ministry of Labor, UP, 2012-2013
Current Projects:
Courts, Networks and Start-Ups: Institutions matter for small enterprise development in South Asia (PI) - sponsored by IDRC, Canada, 2015-2018 A study on the interaction between the formal and informal institutions and its effect on entrepreneurship (PI) – sponsored by ICSSR, 2014 – 2015 Decisions made under uncertainties and limited information by IIT Kanpur undergraduate students (Co-PI) - sponsored by IIT Kanpur, 2012 –2015 Gender And Employment In Central Asia (Researcher) - sponsored by DFID & IZA, 2012–2015
Work Experience:
Assistant Professor, IIT Kanpur, August 2011 – present
Research Fellow, IZA Bonn, August 2009-present
Research Affiliate, DIW Berlin September 2011 - September 2012
Research Associate, DIW Berlin, August 2009 – August 2011
Journal Publications: