Somdeep Chatterjee

Somdeep Chatterjee
Associate Professor
Academic Group: Economics
Phone No.: +91-33-2467-8300 Extn. 2028
Email ID.:
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details:
Somdeep Chatterjee is an applied microeconomist by training. His research interests are in the fields of empirical issues in development economics with particular focus on the economics of education, labor, health, gender and human capital in general. Other than these, he takes keen interest in topics in political economy of development such as public policy implementation, electoral behavior as well as behavioral economics perspectives on public institution efficacies. He has experience of teaching courses on Indian Economy, Managerial Economics, Behavioral Economics, Applied Econometrics as well as Economics of Human Capital. In 2023, he was the recipient of the Prof. M. J. Manohar Rao Award for Young Economists given out by The Indian Econometric Society. He is a Non-Resident Fellow of the Centre for Development Economics and Sustainability (CDES) at Monash University and a fellow of the Global Labor Organization (GLO). His research has appeared in journals like the Journal of the European Economic Association, Economica, World Development, Journal of Human Capital, Public Choice, Oxford Economic Papers etc.
Contact Details:
M-105, New Academic Block (NAB) Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Diamond Harbour Road Joka, Kolkata 700104 Direct: +91-33-71212028
Academic Background:
PhD in Economics; University of Houston (TX, USA) - 2016
MA in Economics; Jadavpur University - 2011
BA (Hons) in Economics; Jadavpur University - 2009
Courses Taught:
IIM Calcutta
1. India and the World Economy (MBA - core)
2. Behavioral Economics for Managers (MBA - elective)
3. Behavioral Economics for Executives (MBA-Ex elective)
4. Economics of Human Capital (PhD)
5. Political Economy (PhD)
IIM Lucknow
1. Managerial Economics (MBA - core)
2. Indian Economy (MBA - core)
3. Behavioural Economics and Management (MBA - elective)
4. Economics of Labor Markets and Human Capital Investments (MBA - elective)
5. Policy Evaluation Techniques - Theory and Methods (PhD - elective)
6. Empirical Issues in Labor and Education Economics (PhD - elective)
FLAME University
1. Development Economics (UG - Senior Level)
2. Principles of Behavioral Economics (UG - Sophomore level)
University of Houston
1. Intermediate Microeconomics (UG - Junior level)
2. Principles of Microeconomics (UG - Sophomore level)
1. Prof M. J. Manohar Rao Award for Young Economists - The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) - 2023 2. Best Business Environment Elective at IIM Lucknow for the course, "Behavioral Economics & Management" - 2018, 2019, 2020
Consulting Interests:
Interested in the following areas:
1. Impact Assessment
2. Development Policy
3. Behavioral Economics and Nudges
4. Human Capital Issues: Labor, Education and Healthcare
Current Projects:
- Navigating Health Choices Under Cognitive Constraints: Evidence from India - funded by Taiwan Ministry of Education through National Cheng Kung University Taiwan - US$ 9000 (Local PI)
Past Projects:
1. External Investigator on a School of Social Sciences (SOSS) Research Support Grant at the University of Manchester, UK (PI: Prof Katsushi Imai) - GBP 9,000
2. Building Resilient Systems in Education - Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) - US$ 8000 (PI)
Work Experience:
Employment Details:
October 2024 - present: Associate Professor, Economics Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
December 2021 - October 2024: Assistant Professor, Economics Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
December 2016 - August 2016: Assistant Professor, Business Environment Area, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow
Other Appointments
October 2021 - November 2021: Lecturer in Development Economics, University of Manchester
June 2016 - November 2016: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, FLAME University
Journal Publications:
- Who Benefits from Appeals to Vote? Evidence from a Get-out-the-Vote (GOTV) Campaign in India (with Manhar Manchanda), Public Choice, forthcoming
- Nutri-Farming! - Estimating the Impacts of a Nutritional Secuirty Programme on Agricultural Productivity (with Sarthak Agarwal), Review of Development Economics, forthcoming
- Motherhood Penalty Revisited: Impacts of Maternity Leave Mandates on Nature of Employment Contracts (with Saheli Bose), Journal of Development Studies,Vol 60 (9), 2024
- Conditionality Matters - A Samaritan's Dilemma with In-Kind Transfers Targeting Educational Attainment (with Oindrila Dey), IIMB Management Review, forthcoming
- Women's Empowerment and Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from a Multidimensional Policy in India (with Prashant Poddar), Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol 72 (2), January 2024
- (En-) 'lightening' Children: Assessing the Impacts of Access to Electricity on Children's Achievement Levels (with Shiv Hastawala and Jai Kamal), Review of Development Economics, Vol 27 (4), November 2023
- Passing the Buck! - Do Individual Biases affect Measures of Confidence in Public Institutions, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol 75 (3), July 2023
- Does Increased Credibility of Elections Lead to Higher Political Competition? Evidence from India (with Mehreen Mookerjee, Manini Ojha and Sanket Roy), European Journal of Political Economy, Vol 77, March 2023
- How hard did that sting? Estimating the economic costs of locust attacks on agricultural production , Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy , Vol 44 (1), March 2022
- Long-Term Labor Market Consequences of Costly Signalling: Evidence from a Natural Experiment (with Jai Kamal), Journal of Human Capital, Vol 15 (4), Winter 2021
- None of the Above: Protest Voting in the World's Largest Democracy (with Gergely Ujhelyi and Andrea Szabo), Journal of the European Economic Association , Vol 19 (3), 2021 {For a summarized blog on this research, visit the IGC page.}
- From Safe Motherhood to Cognitive Ability: Exploring Intra-Household and Inter-Generational Spillovers (with Prashant Poddar), Economica , Vol 88 (352), 2021 [An Earlier Version appeared as a Discussion Paper: GLO DP 332]
- Voting for the Underdog or Jumping on the Bandwagon? Evidence from India's Exit Poll Ban (with Jai Kamal), Public Choice, Vol 188 (3-4), 2021
- Is there Political Elite Capture in Access to Energy Sources? Evidence from Indian Households (with Debdatta Pal), World Development, Vol 140 (April), 2021
- From Better Schools to Better Nourishment: Evidence from a School Building Program in India, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, Vol 10 (1), 2020
- The Curious Case of Farmer Credit Cards: Higher Output with No Increase in Borrowing, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol 19(1), 2019. {Summarized versions of this research were featured in the Business Standard newspaper and Ideas for India portal in English and Hindi. The Editorial Page of Bengali Newspaper Ananda Bazar Patrika also carried a vernacular summary.}
- Getting Girls to Schools! Assessing the Impacts of a Targeted Program on Enrollment and Academic Performance, The B. E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol 17(1), 2017
- The Role of the Firm in Worker Wage Dispersion: An Analysis of the Ghanaian Manufacturing Sector, IZA Journal of Labor and Development, Vol 5 (16), 2016
- Keynote Address – Research Scholars’ Workshop – Dept of Economics, University of Calcutta (January 2025)
- Annual Conference on Contemporary Issues in Development Economics – Jadavpur University (January 2025)
- Reflections on Development Economics Conference – Presidency University (December 2024)
- EIITF Conference – IIFT Kolkata (December 2024)
- Invited Seminar - IISER Bhopal (2024 - TBA)
- Invited Seminar - ISI Delhi (2024 - TBA)
- EEA-ESEM Congress (August 2024, scheduled)
- Invited Seminar - IIFT Kolkata (August 2024, scheduled)
- Invited Seminar - CMIE - Centre for Monitoring the Indian Economy (April 2023)
- Invited Seminar - Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (March 2023)
- Asian meeting of the Econometric Society - IIT Bombay (January 2023)
- ACEGD Conference - ISI Delhi (December 2022)
- Conference on Contemporary Issues in Indian Economy - Jadavpur University (December 2022)
- National Cheng Kung University - November 2022
- University of Sussex Business School - November 2022
- Inclusion Economics India - August 2022
- AASLE Conference 2021 - December 2021
- Invited Seminar - UNU WIDER - December 2021
- Invited Seminar - ADRI Patna - June 2021
- Invited Seminar - University of Groningen (NL) - May 2021
- Invited Presentation - NIPFP Economic Theory and Policy Conference - Delhi (March 2021)
- Invited Seminar - Centre for Management in Health Services - Indian Institute of Management Ahmed-
- abad (December 2020)
- Seminar in Applied Microeconomics - Virtual Assembly and Discussion (SAMVAAD) - (July 2020)
- Invited Seminar - Department of Economics - The Bhawanipur College, Kolkata (July 2020)
- American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meetings 2020, San Diego, California (January 2020)
- Asian and Australasian Society for Labor Economics (AASLE) Conference, NUS Business School,
- Singapore (December 2019)
- 23. 5th Society of Economic Research (SERI) Conference, IIT Kanpur (July, 2019)
- 24. Invited Seminar, FLAME University, Pune (2019)
- 25. International Conference on Public Finance and Public Policy, CTRPFP Kolkata (2019)
- 26. UGC-DSA Conference, Calcutta University (2018)
- 27. 27th Annual Conference on Contemporary Issues in Development Economics, Jadavpur University,
- Kolkata (2017)
- 8
- 28. Forum of Development Economics Kolkata (FDEK) Conference, Calcutta University (2017)
- 29. Invited Seminar at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology,
- Kanpur (2017 and 2016)
- 30. Invited Seminar at the Economics and Planning Unit, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), New Delhi
- Center (2016)
- 31. Winter School, Center for Development Economics, Delhi School of Economics, New Delhi (2015)
- 32. 11th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), New
- Delhi (2015)
- 33. 25th Annual Conference on Contemporary Issues in Development Economics, Jadavpur University,
- Kolkata (2015)
- 34. Stata Texas Empirical Microeconomics Conference - Poster Session, Federal Reserve Bank, Dallas
- (2015)
- 35. University of Houston Empirical Microeconomics Seminar Series, Houston (2015)
- 36. Invited Seminar at the Economic Research Unit (ERU), Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata
- Center (2015).
- 37. 52nd Annual Conference of the Public Choice Society, San Antonio, TX, USA (2015)
- 38. University Grants Commission { Centre for Advanced Studies (UGC-CAS) National Seminar at Utkal
- University (Bhubaneshwar, 2011)
- 39. National Seminar on Prospects and Challenges for Rural Economic Development (Visva Bharati, Shan-
- tiniketan,2011)
Research Interests:
- Development Economics
- Economics of Education
- Labor Economics
- Political Economy
Books/Book Chapters:
- Confidence in Healthcare during Pandemics: A Developing Country Perspective (with Oindrila Dey) Flattening the Curve: Covid-19 & Grand Challenges for Global Health, Innovation, and Economy- (Chatterjee, C., Chakrabarti, A.S. and Deolalikar, A.B.) Eds, World Scientific, 2023
- "Asymmetric Information, Non-cooperative Games and Impatient Agents: Modeling the Failure of Environmental Awareness Campaigns." (with Asim Karmakar) Analytical Issues in Trade, Development and Finance -(Ghosh, A.N and Karmakar, A.K) eds; Springer India, 2014
- ``Role of Public Capital in Rural India: Identifying the Bottlenecks of Welfare." (with Rituparna Dey Rural Development in India: Challenges and Prospects" - (Ghosh, M and Chattopadhyay A.K) eds; Serials Publications, 2013
Working Papers
State Capacity and the Catch-Up Effect (with Shubham Ojha)
Female Politicians and Corruption in Rural India (with Shiv Hastawala and Elisa Taveras)
Income Shock and Women's Health Spending: Evidence from India (with Shubhangi Agrawal, Sambit Bhattacharyya and Chirantan Chatterjee)
Leveraging Upward Inter-Generational Spillovers for Sustainable Living: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in India (with Debdatta Pal and Shreya Mishra)
Perverse Consequences of Delivering Contraceptives at the Doorstep: Evidence from India (with Prashant Poddar and Shreya Mishra)
Centralized Governance, Household Preferences, and Publicly Provided Education: Evidence from Vietnam (with David Fielding and Manhar Manchanda)
Do 'Women Hold Up Half the Sky' in Fuel Choices? Revisiting the Role of Adolescent Empowerment in a Developing Country Context (with Prashant Poddar)
The Relevant Third: Threat of Coalition and Economic Development (with Sourav Bhattacharya, Pushkar Maitra and Manhar Manchanda)
Labor Market Penalty for Single Mothers (with Ralitza Dimova and Shubham Ojha)
A Violent Win: How Conflict Affects Political Competition in India? (with Manhar Manchanda)
Long Term Labor Market Consequences of Keeping Girls in School: Evidence from a Conditional Cash Transfer in India (with Saheli Bose)
A Wedding Gift from the Government!! - On Marriage Subsidies and Fertility Preferences in India (with Sulagna Bhattacharya and Shubham Ojha)
Nutri-Farming! Estimating the Impacts of a Nutritional Security Program on Agricultural Productivity (with Sarthak Agarwal)
Droughts: Learning Continuity and Recovery (with Neeraj Katewa)
Family Planning in Mission Mode: Evidence from India's Mission Parivar Vikas (MPV) Program (with Sarthak Agarwal and Oindrila Dey)
Does Paternal Exposure to an Industrial Disaster affect Early Life Health Investments of Children? (with Sarthak Agarwal and Shreyasee Das)
Revisiting Gender Inequality in Healthcare: New Evidence from Eye Surgeries in India (with Chirantan Chatterjee, Anthony Vipin Das, Raja Narayanan, Shubhangi Agrawal and Puja Roy)
Cost Learning Effect in the Used Product Market and its Impact on Seller's Choice in the Presence of Multiple Resellers (with Pinakhi Suvadarshini and Indranil Biswas)
Works in Progress (drafts under preparation)
Navigating Health Choices Under Cognitive Constraints: Evidence from India (with Chon-Kit Ao, Chien Yu-Lai and Naveen Sunder)
The Political Economy of Protest Voting (with Sarthak Agarwal and Manhar Manchanda)
Estimating the efficacy of "Art-Integrated Learning" Pedagogy - Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial (with Chon-Kit Ao and Josie Chen), working title
Impact of Linguistic Peers and Cultural Assimilation on Student Outcomes: Evidence from Residential Schools in India (with Tarun Jain and Neeraj Katewa), very preliminary
Simplifying Science to Improve Learnings at Primary Levels: A Study of School-going Students in Uttar Pradesh (with Tarun Jain and Deepak Singhania), very preliminary
Intergenerational English Language Premium: Evidence from India (with Tanika Chakraborty and Shubham Ojha)
Permanent Working Papers
Effect of Leadership and Contract Sequence on Three-echelon Supply Chain Coordination (with Anupam Agrawal, Indranil Biswas and Rohit Gupta)
Marketing Government Policies through Emotional Nudges: Theory and Experimental Evidence (with Prashant Poddar, Indranil Biswas and Fuzail Ahmad)
"The Effects of Political Reservations on Credit Access and Borrowing Composition: New Evidence from India" (with Chon-Kit Ao) GLO Discussion Paper No: 227, Global Labor Organization, Maastricht