Rashmi Kumari

Rashmi Kumari
Assistant Professor
Academic Group: Marketing
Phone No.: Extension: #2059. Ext. Phone: +91-33-7121 2059
Email ID.: rashmik@iimcal.ac.in
Curriculum Vitae
Contact Details:
Office Address: C-206, First Floor, Block C, Old Academic Block, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Joka, Kolkata – 700104
Academic Background:
- Ph.D. (Marketing) - Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (2021)
- B.Tech. (Production and Industrial Engineering) - National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur (2014)
Courses Taught:
Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta:
- Consumer Behavior (Doctoral)
- Marketing Management I (MBA Core)
- Marketing Management II (MBA core)
Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar:
- Business Research Methods (BRM)
- Best Paper Award (Second Prize), International Conference on Management of MSMEs (ICMM), Online (IIM Amritsar, India), January 2022
- Raj Sethuraman NASMEI Research Grant Award 2020
- World Economic History Congress Travel Grant Award 2018
Work Experience:
- Assistant Professor, Marketing, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (May 2022-present)
- Assistant Professor, Marketing, Indian Institute of Management Amritsar (Oct, 2021-May, 2022)
- Lecturer, Marketing, Indian Institute of Management Amritsar (Sep, 2021-Oct, 2021)
Journal Publications:
- Kumari, Rashmi, Aruna Tatavarthy, and Arvind Sahay, “Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth? Number of Promotional Gifts and Impact on Consumers Choice,” published at Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services (ABDC-A). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2022.103083
- Kumari, Rashmi, Aruna Tatavarthy, and Arvind Sahay, "Cashbacks “In the nick of time”: consumers’ sensitivity to promotion delays and impact on promotion judgments," published at Journal of Consumer Marketing (ABDC-A). https://doi.org/10.1108/JCM-10-2021-4968
- Jaikumar, Saravana, and Rashmi Kumari* (2022), “Uncovering small family businesses ‘success’ or ‘failure’ in an emerging economy: the unsuspected role of social capital,” Paper Presented at Chicago Booth-India Quantitative Marketing Conference, IIM Udaipur, December 2022
- Kumari, Rashmi, Aruna Tatavarthy, and Arvind Sahay (2022), “Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth? Number of Promotional Gifts and Impact on Consumers Choice,” Accepted for presentation at European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 2022
- Kumari, Rashmi*, Aruna Tatavarthy, and Arvind Sahay (2022), “Cashbacks ‘In the nick of time’: Consumers’ Sensitivity to Promotion Delays and Impact on Price-Promotion,” Paper Presented at International Conference on Management of MSMEs (ICMM), Online (IIM Amritsar, India), January 2022
- Jaikumar, Saravana, and Rashmi Kumari* (2022), “Uncovering the secrets of small family businesses in a developing economy: the unsuspected role of social capital and household income interactions,” Paper Presented at International Conference on Management of MSMEs (ICMM), Online (IIM Amritsar, India), January 2022
- Kumari, Rashmi*, Aruna Tatavarthy, and Arvind Sahay (2022), “Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth? Number of Promotional Gifts and Impact on Consumers Choice,” Paper Presented at International Conference on Management of MSMEs (ICMM), Online (IIM Amritsar, India), January 2022
- Kumari, Rashmi*, Aruna Tatavarthy, and Arvind Sahay (2021), “Cashbacks ‘In the nick of time’: Consumers’ Sensitivity to Promotion Delays and Impact on Price-Promotion,” Paper Presented at North American Society of Marketing Education in India (NASMEI) International Marketing Conference, Online (Great Lakes, India), December 2021
- Jaikumar, Saravana, and Rashmi Kumari* (2021), “Uncovering the secrets of small family businesses in a developing economy: the unsuspected role of social capital and household income interactions,” Paper Presented at International Society for Markets & Development (ISMD), Online (IIM Trichy, India), December 2021
- Kumari, Rashmi*, Aruna Tatavarthy, and Arvind Sahay (2021), “Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth? Number of Promotional Gifts and Impact on Consumers Choice,” Paper Presented at International Society for Markets & Development (ISMD), Online (IIM Trichy, India), December 2021
- Kumari, Rashmi*, Aruna Tatavarthy, and Arvind Sahay (2021), “Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth? Number of Promotional Gifts and Impact on Consumers Choice,” Paper Presented at European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Doctoral Colloquium, Online (Madrid, Spain), May 2021
- Kumari, Rashmi*, Aruna Tatavarthy, and Arvind Sahay (2020), “Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth? Number of Promotional Gifts and Impact on Consumers Choice,” Paper Presented at North American Society of Marketing Education in India (NASMEI) International Marketing Conference, Online (Great Lakes, India), December 2020
- Kumari, Rashmi*, and Saravana Jaikumar (2019), “Relative Economic Position, Income Inequality, and Conspicuous Consumption in an Emerging Economy,” Poster presented at Asia Pacific Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, IIM Ahmedabad, India, January 2019
- Jaikumar, Saravana, and Rashmi Kumari* (2019), “Effect of Social Capital on Business Income and Failure in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from India,” Paper presented at Asia Pacific Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Doctoral Consortium, IIM Ahmedabad, India, January 2019
- Jaikumar, Saravana, and Rashmi Kumari* (2019), “Effect of Social Capital Dimensions on Business Performance: Evidence from an Emerging Economy,” Paper presented at Emerging Markets Conference Board (EMCB), IMT Ghaziabad, India, January 2019
- Kumari, Rashmi*, Chinmay Tumbe, and Shashank Velpucharla (2018), “The Advertising Business of India, 1918-1960,” Paper presented at World Economic History Congress (WEHC), Boston, USA, August 2018
Research Interests:
- Retail Promotions
- Public Policy and Emerging Economies
- Advertising