Randhir Kumar

Randhir Kumar
Assistant Professor
Academic Group: Human Resource Management
Phone No.: Office Ext: 2055
Email ID.: randhirkumar@iimcal.ac.in
Contact Details:
C-209, Old Academic Block, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Academic Background:
PhD, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, AISSR, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (2011-2016)
MA Globalisation and Labour from TISS Mumbai (2008-2010)
Courses Taught:
HR 101 for MBA first year, Strategic Planning and Human Resource Management for MBA second year students
NWO-WOTRO (Netherlands Science Foundation) full scholarship for PhD (2011-2016) Certificate of Excellence Award, All India Management Association - India Case Research Centre (AIMA ICRC) Case Writing Conference and Competition, 2021
Current Projects:
Digitally Mediated Labour Process – Work and Employment Experiences of ‘On-Demand’ Cab Drivers, Category-1 Research Grant by IIM Calcutta, work order number RP:DMLP-WEEO-DCD/3759/2017-18
Past Projects:
Understanding the current wave in globalisation: the segmented outcomes of offshore service development in Mumbai and Manila at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), Netherlands (Duration: 01/02/2011 to 31/05/2016)
Work Experience:
Research Associate (2010-2011), Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (PM & IR Area)
Journal Publications:
- Kumar, R. & Beerepoot, N. (2021) 'Matching global service standards—the role of intermediaries in economic upgrading of support-service firms in global production networks', Journal of Economic Geography, https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbaa039
- Kumar, R. & Beerepoot, N. (2019) 'Multipolar governance and social upgrading in the international services value chains: the case of support-service workers in Mumbai', Geoforum, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.04.023
- Beerepoot, N. & Kumar, R. (2015) ‘Upgrading of service delivery and employment conditions through indirect insertion in global value chains’, Competition and Change, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 374-389, https://doi.org/10.1177/1024529415593244
- Varkkey, B. & Kumar, R. (2013) ‘Keeping the sparkle on: Workforce retention in Indian diamond cutting and polishing firms during economic recession’, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol. 21 Issue: 3, pp. 454 – 470, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOA-04-2013-0657
- ‘Tackling the Issue of Occupational Stress and Employee Burnout in the Work From Home Context during COVID-19’ The CIPD Applied Research Conference (ARC) January 2021, United Kingdom (online)
- ‘Workplace Spirituality and Organisational Justice in Community Based Organisation - Case of Mumbai Dabbawala Organisation’, 80th Academy of Management (AoM) 2020, Vancouver (online), August 2020
- 'Cab Aggregator vs. Driver Partner: Conceptualising Labour Agency of digital platform workers in Mumbai, India' , Development Studies Association (DSA) 2019 Conference, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, 19-21 June 2019
- ‘IT-BPO and service-driven growth: capturing the indirect development gains’ The IT-BPO industry stakeholders conference, Asian Institute of Management, Makati City, The Philippines, 2016
- The IT-BPO as catalyst for sustainable and inclusive service-driven growth: illusion or opportunity? Academic seminar, School of Labour and Industrial Relations, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, The Philippines, 2016
- ‘The indirect regional developmental impact of offshore service sector firms-The case of local security services industry of Mumbai’, 11th Development Dialogue – “Bridging Voices”, ISS Hague, Netherlands, 2014
- ‘Role of structures and agents in shaping job terms of support workers in offshore service firms in Mumbai’, The International Sociological Association (RC19), CEU, Budapest, Hungary, 2013
- ‘Role of structures and agents in shaping job terms of support workers in offshore service firms in Mumbai’, Creating and capturing value in the next wave of globalization, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, 2013
- 'Workforce retention in diamond industry of Surat: A case study’, TISS platinum jubilee conference on ‘Globalisation and Social Transformation, the Indian Experience’, TISS, Mumbai, India, 2012
Research Interests:
- Employment relations, Labour market, Global Production Networks, Digital economy, Service industry (IT-BPO sector), Community based business organisations
Books/Book Chapters:
- Kumar, R., & Beerepoot, N. (2017) Altering the social fabric of the working poor? Work and employment issues of support workers catering to international ICT-ITES firms in Mumbai. In P. D’Cruz & E. Noronha (Eds.), Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment in Globalizing India. Singapore: Springer.
- Kumar, R. (2016) Globalisation of Services Production: Economic and Social Upgrading in Support-Service Industry Catering to International ICT-ITES firms in Mumbai, Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam (ISBN: 978-90-78862-28-4)
- Kumar, R. (2015) Corporatisation and upgrading of security services catering to the offshore service firms in Mumbai (Chapter XI) in Lambregts, B.; Beerepoot, N. & Kloosterman, R. (eds.) ‘The local outcomes of the latest wave of globalisation in South and Southeast Asia’, London & New York: Routledge, pp. 153-166
- Kumar, R.; Choudhary, P.K.; Pasha S.M.F & Husain Z. (2011) 'Potential and Efficacy of MIS in implementation of MGNREGA Act.’ In Paul, Bino and Pasha SMF (eds.) Role of ICT in Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Act , Mumbai: Computer Society of India, pp. 66-80
- Kumar, R.; Dasgupta, P. & Dhiman A. (2021) Worker Unrest at Wistron InfoComm Manufacturing (India) Private Limited, Case Centre, https://casecent.re/p/178921
- P. Dasgupta & Kumar, R. (2021) Retrenchment in Covid-19 world and beyond: Strategic or Knee-Jerk Reaction?, Economic Times HR World, Published on 24 August 2021, https://hr.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/hrtech/organization-development/retrenchment-in-covid-19-world-and-beyond-strategic-or-knee-jerk-reaction/85582832
- Kumar, R. & Dasgupta, P. (2021) Can Algorithms & Digital Reputation Recruit The Right Candidate?, Outlook Money, Published on 22 February 2021, https://www.outlookindia.com/outlookmoney/education/can-algorithms-digital-reputation-recruit-the-right-candidate-6236
- Kumar, R. (2019) Tackling the issue of ‘Burnout’ in organizations, People Matters. https://www.peoplematters.in/article/life-at-work/tackling-the-issue-of-burnout-in-organizations-23004
- Kumar, R. (2019) 'Train and Upgrade Your Human Assets;, Thriller - Journal of Indian Association of Amusement Park and Industries (IAAPI), Issue 87 (Jan-Mar), Mumbai, pp. 28-32
- Kumar, R. (2011) ‘The Regularization of Street Vending in Bhubaneshwar, India: A Policy Model’, Women in Informal Sector Globalizing and Organizing, WEIGO Policy Brief, No. 7.