Ramya Tarakad Venkateswaran

Ramya Tarakad Venkateswaran
Associate Professor
Academic Group: Strategic Management
Phone No.: +91-33-24678300 extn 2128
Email ID.: ramyatv
Personal Details:
I am not considering summer internships presently.
Academic Background:
2008-2012: Fellow Program in Management (equivalent to PhD), Area: Corporate Strategy and Policy Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India
2000-2003: Post Graduate Diploma in Software Enterprise Management (equivalent to MBA), Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India.
1993-1997: Bachelor of Technology (Hons.), Computer Science and Engineering, Regional Engineering College Calicut, India.
Courses Taught:
1. Strategic Management 2. Strategy Execution (includes Balanced Scorecard simulation game) 3. Strategic Decision Making in International Business (includes participation in the X-culture project) 4. Management Games
Best Paper Award at the Indian Academy of Management 2020 conference held at Tiruchirapalli, India sponsored by South Asian Journal of Business Studies Best Instructor Award in the 2018-2 round of the international X-Culture competition, chosen as one among 30 of 150 instructors teaching at 148 universities in 37 countries Selected for the Academy of International Business Area Scholar Fellowship Award at the 2016 AIB Annual Conference in New Orleans USA, June 27-30, 2016. Multiple Year Outstanding Reviewer, 2012, International Management Division, Academy of Management, Boston, USA. Best Reviewer Award, 2012, International Management Division, Academy of Management, Boston, USA. Best Reviewer Award, 2011, International Management Division, Academy of Management, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Best Reviewer Award, 2010, International Management Division, Academy of Management, Montreal Canada Best Reviewer Award, 2013, Academy of International Business, India, Annual Conference on International Business: The Emerging Economies Context. Awarded jointly with Prof. Rejie George, IIM Bangalore April 15-17, 2013. Woman Leaders in India, 2011, Runner up in the Young Achiever Category, IIBI Global, Mumbai, INDIA. Nominated for the award by Sasken Communication Technologies Limited. Proficiency Award for Excellence in academic performance and social conduct in final year B.Tech 1996-97, awarded by the Regional Engineering College, Calicut. Best and Outstanding Student in CBSE XII for the highest marks in the Ernakulam Educational District, Kerala, awarded by the Greater Cochin Citizen’s Protection Council, 1993.
Consulting Interests:
Strategic Thinking and Business Acumen Multinational Entry Mode Decision Making Cross Cultural Perspectives in Strategic Decision Making
Current Projects:
Work Experience:
September 2020-present: Associate Professor, Strategic Management Group, IIM Calcutta;
August 2014-September 2020: Assistant Professor, Strategic Management Group, IIM Calcutta;
April 2016-current: Group Coordinator, Strategic Management Group, IIM Calcutta;
Feb 2011-August 2014: Senior Executive Assistant to the Governing Council of Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
Dec 2002- June 2008: Project Manager with Sasken Communication Technologies Limited.
Mar 2000-Nov 2002: Software Professional with Cisco Systems India Pvt. Ltd.
July 1997-Mar 2000: Senior Software Engineer at Wipro Infotech Global R&D
Journal Publications:
- Ojha, A. K., & Venkateswaran, R. T., 2023. HRM Knowledge and Practices in South Asia: It Is Time to Move Beyond US Centricity. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, . https://doi.org/10.1177/23220937231202890
- Venkateswaran, R., 2023. Accepted 24 July 2023, Published 14 September 2023. Indigenous Indian management. Decision (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40622-023-00353-0
- Ojha, A.K., & Venkateswaran, R.T. 2022. Accepted 26 May 2022, Available online 2 June 2022. Understanding the colonial roots of Indian management thought: An agenda to decolonise and theorise for Indian contexts. Journal of Business Research Volume 149, October 2022, Pages 700-712. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.05.067
- Venkateswaran, R.T. 2022.Accepted 17 February 2022; Published 26 March 2022: Is there an illusion of symmetry in cultural distance from Asia–pacific Emnes? the role of business groups in navigating cultural distance through ambidextrous learning. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10490-022-09811-2
- Ramya T. Venkateswaran, Vadivelu Selvaraj, & Krishnan Swaminathan, (Accepted on Feb 23 ,2021). Long-term-orientation of South Asian leadership and organizational competitiveness and survival of Sasken Technologies Limited, South Asian Journal of Business Studies
- Ramya T. Venkateswaran, (Accepted on March 3 ,2021). BOOK REVIEW: International Trade and Investment Behaviour of Firms. Murali Patibandla: Oxford University Press, 2020. 241 pages, Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers
- Ramya T. Venkateswaran and Rejie P. George, 2020. When Does Culture Matter? A Multilevel Study on The Role of Situational Moderators , Journal of Business Research, 116: 99-122
- Ramya T. Venkateswaran and Abhoy K. Ojha. 2019. Abandon Hofstede-based research? Not yet! A perspective from the philosophy of the social sciences, Asia Pacific Business Review , 25:3, 413-434, DOI: 10.1080/13602381.2019.1584487
- Ramya Venkateswaran and Abhoy K. Ojha, 2017. "Strategic Management Research on Emerging Economies: Cultural Imperialism in Universalizing Research Paradigms", Critical Perspectives on International Business , 13(3), 204-225. Winner of the 2018 Emerald Literati Outstanding Paper Award.
- Ramya, T.V. 2005. "Normalisation of performance ratings and its practice in Indian software organizations". Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Management Review, 17(4): 105-114
- Learning from International Acquisition Experience: Narratives from an EMNC. ACCEPTED for presentation in a COMPETITIVE session in the 2020 Academy of International Business, July 3-6, Miami, USA.
- Learning from international acquisition experience: Narratives from an Indian EMNC . ACCEPTED for presentation in a COMPETITIVE session in the 2020 Indian Academy of Management, Tiruchirapalli, India. Winner of the Best Paper Award sponsored by South Asian Journal of Business Studies.
- The Role of BG Affiliation in Bridging Cultural Barriers in EMNE’s International Acquisitions . ACCEPTED for presentation in a COMPETITIVE session in the 2018 Academy of Management Annual Conference, August 10-14, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- When Does Culture Matter? A Multilevel Study on the Impact of Situational-Moderators and Influence of National Culture When Seeking Cross-Border Ownership Equity. ACCEPTED for presentation in a COMPETITIVE session in the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, June 27-30, New Orleans, USA.
- Invited to be a session chair at the 2016 Academy of International Business, Track: 14, Global Leadership and International Human Resources, “Cultural Variation and Friction” (Session# 161408).<
- “Cultural Friction in Foreign Entry through the Lens of Acculturation: A Multi-Level Study of Dimension Interactions”. ACCEPTED for presentation in a COMPETITIVE session at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, June 27-30, New Orleans, USA.
- Teaching IB (Special Track) - Townhall Session “Best Practices of Incorporating the X-Culture Project in International Business Curriculum” co-authored with Assouad, A. et al. ACCEPTED at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, New Orleans.
- Venkateswaran, R.T., 2016. Indian Classical Arts and Strategic Management Research. The Sixth Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion and Philosophy, held at Art Center of Kobe, Kobe, Japan from Mar 31, 2016 to Apr 3, 2016.
- Venkateswaran, R.T., 2012. Gaining international acquisition experience. Paper presented at the Conference on Global Strategies for an Emergent India, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, Dec 27-28, 2012.
- Venkateswaran, R.T., & Ojha, A. 2011. Cultural imperialism in the expansion of universalizing management research paradigms: a critical study of strategy research in emerging economies. Paper presented at the second Indian Academy of Management (IAM) Conference held at IIM Bangalore campus, 18-20 December 2011.
- Venkateswaran, R.T., 2011. Cross-cultural interaction in the entry mode decision as cultural friction: a macro-level study. Paper presented at the International Management Division, Academy of Management Conference 2011.
- Venkateswaran, R.T., 2011. The contingent effects of national culture: a study of control sought in cross border transactions. Paper presented at the International Management Division, Academy of Management Conference 2011.
- Venkateswaran, R.T., 2010. Unravelling cultural distance afresh: fundamental host country effects on the entry mode of Indian firms. Paper presented at the International Management Division, Academy of Management Conference 2010.
- Prabhu, G., &Venkateswaran, R.T., 2010. Taking stock of research methods in strategy-as-practice, European Conference on Research Methodology, 24-25 June 2010, IE Business School in Madrid, Conference proceedings. A later version of the same was accepted in the online journal below and later as the aforementioned book chapter.
- Prabhu, G., &Venkateswaran, R.T., 2010. Taking Stock of Research Methods in Strategy-as-Practice published in the Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods (EJBRM), in Dec 2010 Volume 8 Issue 2.
- Venkateswaran, R.T.,2009. Indian classical arts and strategic management research. Paper presented at the inaugural Indian Academy of Management Conference, XLRI Jamshedpur.
- Venkateswaran, R.T.,2009. Is methodology really a challenge for strategy-as-practice studies? A critical review of Maitlis and Lawrence. Paper presented at the inaugural Indian Academy of Management Conference, XLRI Jamshedpur.
- Venkateswaran, R.T. 2009. Strategy as practice: Heralding a new era in strategic management research. Paper presented at the inaugural Indian Academy of Management Conference, XLRI Jamshedpur.
- Arora, A., Ashwin, A.S., Venkateswaran, R.T., Sharma, D. and Vijay, D. 2009. Strategy Process Research: A Review. Paper presented at the Inaugural Indian Academy of Management Conference, XLRI Jamshedpur.
- Ashwin, A.S. Venkateswaran, R.T., 2009. Using databases for literature search. Invited presentation at the Workshop on Strategic Management Research and Case Writing for Management Teachers at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.
Research Interests:
- Influence of culture on strategic decision making in international business; I adopt eclectic methods ranging from multilevel analysis of quantitative data to critical, philosophical and decolonial perspectives.
Books/Book Chapters:
- Venkateswaran, R.T. (Accepted) Forthcoming. Institutional arrangement and inter-organizational governance in service companies in A. Adhikari (Ed.), Service Marketing Issues in Emerging Markets to be published by Springer
- Venkateswaran, R.T., & Prabhu, G. 2011. Taking stock of research methods in strategy-as-practice in A. Bryant (Ed.) in Leading Issues in Business Research Methods: 180-191. Reading, UK: Academic Publishing International.
Working papers:
- Kumar, K., Venkateswaran, R.T., Vijay, D., Sharma, D., Keshavamurthy, S., & Tumbe, C. 2011. Research on business and entrepreneurship history of india – reflections on the state of the art and future directions (http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2122705)