Ramendra Singh

Ramendra Singh
Professor of Marketing
Academic Group: Marketing
Phone No.: 91-33-71212110
Email ID.: ramendra@iimcal.ac.in
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details:
I conduct training programmes and executive education in various domains including Sales & Distribution management issues, Branding challenges, Marketing at the Base of the Pyramid; Market Development Challenges, among others.
Academic Background:
PhD[Marketing] -Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India;
MBA(Marketing)- XLRI Jamshedpur, India;
Bachelor of Technology[ Mechanical Engg.] -IIT-BHU, Varanasi India.
Courses Taught:
Sales & Distribution Management, Marketing to Bottom-of-Pyramid, Marketing Management, B2B marketing, Rural Marketing
Awarded 3rd Prize in BASANT KUMAR BIRLA DISTINGUISHED RESEARCH SCHOLAR AWARD 2019 AIMS International Outstanding Management Researcher Award, 2017. Visiting Research Scholar at Department of Marketing, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA [May 2017]. Outstanding Reviewer Award, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 2013. AIM Visiting International Fellowship at the Management School, University of Lancaster, UK [May-June 2011]. AIMS International Young Management Researcher Award 2010. Doctoral Travel Fellowship, Houston Conference in Selling and Sales Management, 2009. Doctoral Fellow, AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium, University of Missouri, 2008. Doctoral Travel Fellowship from MSI, 2nd Biennial Conference on Enhancing Sales Force Productivity, Kiel, Germany, May 2008. Travel Grant, ISBM PhD Students Research Camp on B2B markets, Aug 2007, Georgetown University, USA.
Consulting Interests:
Sales Management Issues Channel Management Issues Bottom of Pyramid Marketing Social Enterprises CSR
Work Experience:
INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE [1996-2000; 2003-05]
- ICICI Bank Ltd -Manager-Business Development (SME Group).
- SRF Limited-Manager- New Products & Business Development (C.F. Business).
- SBI Capital Markets- Associate.
- INDAL Hydro Extrusions Ltd.-Executive-Market Development
- Esso Petroleum (I) Pvt Ltd(Affiliate of Exxon Mobil)-Sales Executive (Lubricants).
- Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (Marketing Division)-Operations Officer.
Journal Publications:
- Yupal Shukla, Ramendra Singh, Prabhat Dwivedi, and Ravi Chatterjee (2023), "Wellbeing Implications of BoP Marketing: A Service Ecosystem Approach," accepted in Journal of Services Marketing.
- Kirti Sharma, Sangeeta Trott, Sunil Sahadev, and Ramendra Singh (2023), "Emotions and Consumer Behavior: A Review and Research Agenda," accepted in International Journal of Consumer Studies.
- Srabanti Mukherjee, Biplab Datta, and Ramendra Singh (2023), “ Voting Decision-making of Low-income Consumers: Literature Review and Research Agenda,” accepted in International Journal of Consumer Studies.
- Dale Eesley, Yukti Sharma, Ramendra Singh, and Birud Sindhav (2023), “Customer Development-Product Development Dilemmas in Startup Firms: A Qualitative Investigation into Founder's Involvement,” accepted in Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship.
- Yukti Sharma, Prakrit Silal, Jitender Kumar, and Ramendra Singh(2022), "From Pandemic to Prada: Examining Online Luxury-Brand Self-Narratives," Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 40(4), 527-541.
- Avinash Kumar, Rajeev Kumra, and Ramendra Singh (2022),"Drivers, Barriers, and Facilitators of Entrepreneurship at BoP: Review, Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda" Journal of Macromarketing, 42(3), 321-413.
- Ramendra Singh, Rakesh Singh, and Keerti Shukla (2022), “Salesperson’s spiritual response to job burnout: The Role of Karma, and the moderating impact of thought self-leadership,” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 37(12), 2442-2452.
- Avinash Kumar, Rajeev Kumra, and Ramendra Singh (2022), “Base of the Pyramid Producers’ Constraints: An Integrated Review and Research Agenda,” Journal of Business Research, 140, 115-129.
- Ramendra Singh, Tahir Wani, Wajid Saiyed, and Apoorv Khare (2021), “Conflict-induced Entrepreneurial Resilience, Self-Efficacy and the New Social Compact: A Study of BoP Micro-Entrepreneurs in Conflict Zones,” Decision, 48(3), 309-326.
- Mohd Sadiq, Mohd Adil, Kumkum Bharti, and Ramendra Singh (2021), “Why do consumers buy green apparel? The role of dispositional traits, environmental orientation, environmental knowledge, and monetary incentive,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol 62.
- Ridhi Agarwala, Prashant Mishra, and Ramendra Singh (2021), “Evaluating the impact of religious icons and symbols on consumer’s brand evaluation: Context of Hindu religion,” Journal of Advertising, 50(4), 372-390.
- Ria Mishra, Ramendra Singh, and Saravana Jaikumar (2021), “Executive Functions of BoP Consumers: Research Propositions, Conceptual Framework and Implications for Marketing Strategies for BoP Markets,” Journal of Global Marketing, Special Issue on Marketing to the poor, disadvantaged and marginalized consumers: A global perspective, 34(4), 249-269.
- Ramendra Pratap Singh, Ramendra Singh and Prashant Mishra (2021), “Does Managing Customer Accounts Receivable Impact Customer Relationships, and Sales Performance? An Empirical Investigation,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60(May).
- Rakesh Ranjan, Rupanwita Dash, Sudeep Rohit and Ramendra Singh, “Thinking, Feeling and Coping by BoP Healthcare Consumers: Policy-Based Intervention in an Emerging Market,” Journal of Marketing Management (Special Issue: Digitally enabled value co-creation at the bottom of the pyramid), 37(9- 10), 914-961.
- Singh, Ramendra, Yukti Sharma and Jitender Kumar, “A road less traveled in nostalgia marketing: Impact of spiritual wellbeing on effects of nostalgic advertisements,” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 29(3), 289-307.
- Maity, Moutusy, and Ramendra Singh (2021), “Market Development and Value Creation for Low Socioeconomic Segments in Emerging Markets: An Integrated Perspective Using the 4A Framework,” Journal of Macromarketing, 41(2), 373-390.
- Sanyal, Shamindra Nath, Rabin Mazumder, Ramendra Singh and Yukti Sharma (2020), “Uncertainty and affluent teenagers’ luxury buying-decision: The role of avoidance-related indecisiveness,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 58(January).
- Garg, Ruchi., Ritu Chhikara, Ramendra Singh, Gautam Agarwal, Vishal Talwar, and Vedant Mehra, (2020), "A qualitative study to understand the factors affecting the adoption of glass fiber-reinforced gypsum (GFRG) as a sustainable building technology: insights from Indian construction industry", Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management.
- Berger, Ron, Bradley R. Barnes, Ziko Konwar, and Ramendra Singh (2020), “Doing Business in India: The Role of Jaan-Pehchaan,” Industrial Marketing Management, 89,326-339. [ABDC A*-listed journal] Diptiman
- Banerji, Ramendra Singh, and Prashant Mishra (2019), “Friendships in Marketing: A Taxonomy-Based Framework and Future Research Directions,” AMS Review.
- Singh, Ramendra and Sangeeta Trott(2019), “Non-deceptive deliberate purchase of brand lookalikes: A BOP Customer Value Perspective,” accepted in Decision.
- Singh, Ramendra (2018), “Money, Religiosity, and Spiritual Well-Being: Does it impact Consumers’ Ethical Beliefs? Evidence from India,” Decision, 45(3), 259-269.
- Agarwala, Ridhi, Ramendra Singh, and Prashant Mishra (2019), “Impact of Religiosity in the Personal and Consumption Domains,” Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 16(1), 32-54.
- Singh, Ramendra, Rakesh Singh, and Diptiman Banerji (2018), “Emotion Regulation - Natural Reward Strategy Linkage and its Impact on Sales Performance: The Mediating Impact of Salesmanship Skills,” Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 33(3), 353-364.
- Jaikumar, Saravana, Singh, Ramendra, and Ankur Sarin (2018), "'I show off, so I am well off': Subjective economic well-being and conspicuous consumption in an emerging economy" Journal of Business Research, Special Issue on Challenges and Opportunities for Marketers in the Emerging Markets, 86(May), 386-393.
- Singh, Ramendra, and Apoorva Bharadwaj (2017), “BOP Research meets Macromarketing: Content Analysis of BOP related Research in the Journal of Macromarketing,” Decision, 44(1), 69-82.
- Mason, Katy, Ronika Chakrabarti, and Ramendra Singh (2017), ‘Markets and Marketing at the Bottom of the Pyramid’ (Editorial), Marketing Theory Special Issue on Markets and Marketing at the BoP, 17(3), 261-270.
- Sy Changco, Joseph A., Singh, Ramendra, Gregorio, Rizalito L., Lu, Pierre-Xiao, and Shin, Geon-Cheol (2016), "Impact of Sales Call Adaptiveness, and Customer Willingness on Sales Call Length: A Cross-country study of India, China, Korea, and Philippines," Journal of Global Marketing, 29(3), 128-138.[ABDC C-listed journal]
- Mishra, Prashant, Bakshi, Madhupa, and Singh, Ramendra (2015) “Impact of Consumption Emotions on WOM in Movie Consumption: Empirical Evidence from Emerging Markets,” Australasian Marketing Journal. [ABDC B-listed journal]
- Singh, Ramendra (2015), “Poor markets: perspectives from the base of the pyramid,” Decision, 42(4), 463-466.
- Singh, Ramendra, Sharad Agarwal, and Pratik Modi (2015), “Market Separations for BOP Producers: Case Study on Market Development for Chanderi Cluster Weavers in India,” International Journal of Rural Management, 11(2), 1-19.
- Hean Tat Keh, Wenbo Ji, Xia Wang, and Joseph Sy-Changco, and Ramendra Singh (2015), “The Effects of Online Ratings on Movie Consumption: A Cross-Cultural, Emerging Markets Perspective,” International Marketing Review (special issue on Cross-Cultural and Cross-National Consumer Research: Psychology, Behavior, and Beyond), 32(3/4), 366-388. [ABDC A-listed journal]
- Singh, Ramendra, Madhupa Bakshi, and Prashant Mishra (2015), “Corporate Social Responsibility: Linking Bottom of the Pyramid to Market Development?” Journal of Business Ethics, 131(2), 361-373. [ABDC A-listed journal]
- Vlachos, Pavlos A., Panagopoulos, Nikolaos G., Theotokis, Aristeidis, Singh Ramendra, and Singh Rakesh (2015), “How and When Do Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives Impact on Customer-Facing Employees? Evidence from India and the Netherlands,” International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(22), 3086-3112. [ABDC A-listed journal]
- Mason, Katy, Ronika Chakrabarti, and Ramendra Singh (2013), “What are bottom of the pyramid markets and why do they matter?” Marketing Theory, 13(3), 401-4. [ABDC A-listed journal]
- Tarafdar, Monideepa, Ramendra Singh, and Prashanth Anekal (2013), “Impact of ICT–Enabled Product and Process Innovations at The Bottom of the Pyramid: A Market Separations Perspective,” Journal of Information Technology (special issue on ICT Innovations in Emerging Economies), 28(4), 279-295. [ABDC A*-listed journal]
- Singh, Ramendra, and Gopal Das (2013), “The Impact of Job Satisfaction, Adaptive Selling Behaviors, and Customer Orientation on Salesperson’s Performance: Exploring the Moderating Role of Selling Experience in Insurance Industry,” Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 28(7), 554-564. [ABDC A-listed journal]
- Singh, Ramendra, and Sharad Agarwal (2013), “Does CSR Orientation Reflect Stakeholder Relationship Marketing Orientation? An Empirical Examination of Indian Banks,” Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 31(4), 405-420. [ABDC A-listed journal]
- Tarafdar, Monideepa, Prashanth Anekal, and Ramendra Singh (2012), "Market Development at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Examining the Role of Information and Communication Technologies,” Information Technology for Development, 18(4), 311-331.
- Singh, Ramendra, and Rakesh Singh (2012), “Karma Orientation in Boundary Spanning Sales Employees: A Conceptual Framework and Research Propositions” (with Rakesh Singh), Journal of Indian Business Research, 4(3), 140-157. (Lead Article). [ABDC C-listed journal]
- Singh, Ramendra, Vaibhav Gupta, and Akash Mondal (2012) “Jugaad-From ‘Making Do’ and ‘Quick Fix’ to an Innovative Sustainable and Low-Cost Survival Strategy at the Bottom of the Pyramid,” International Journal of Rural Management (published by Sage)- special issue on "Rural Marketing: Marketing to Rural, Poor, or Disadvantaged Consumers", 8(1&2), 87-105.
- Singh, Ramendra, and DVR Seshadri (2012), Guest Editorial: “Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright! Will India’s Tiger Economy Stimulate Its Business Marketing Space?” Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (Special Issue on B2B Marketing in India), 27(3), 155-159. [ABDC A-listed journal]
- Agnihotri, Raj, Prabakar Kothandaraman, Rajiv Kashyap, and Ramendra Singh (2012), “Bringing ‘Social’ Into Sales: The Impact of Salesperson’s Social Media Use on Value Oriented Behaviors and Value Creation” Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management (special issue on “The Role of Social Media in Personal Selling and Sales Management”), 32(3), 335-350. [ABDC B-listed journal]
- Singh, Ramendra, and Pramod Paliwal (2012), “Customers’ value expectations and suppliers’ value propositions in developing new services and relationships: Case study from natural gas industry,” International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 6(2), 255-272.
- Matthew, Tingchi Liu, James L. Brock, Ramendra Singh, Rongwei Chu, and Joseph A. Sy-Changco (2012), “What Drives Indian Consumer Credit Card Loyalty? The perspective of Involvement in Reward Programmes,” The International Review of Retail, Distribution, and Consumer Research, 22(4), 365-383.
- Singh, Ramendra, and Abraham Koshy (2012), “A New Conceptualization of Salesperson’s Customer Orientation: Propositions and Implications,” Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 30(1), 69-82. [ABDC A-listed journal]
- Singh, Ramendra, and Abraham Koshy (2011), "SALCUSTOR: A multi-dimensional scale for salesperson’s customer orientation, and implications for customer-oriented selling: Empirical Evidence from India,” Journal of Global Marketing, 24(3), 201-215. (Lead Article). [ABDC C-listed journal]
- Singh, Ramendra (2011), “An exploratory investigation into the hierarchical linkages between salespersons' sales call activities and customers' psychosocial benefits and terminal values,” Journal of Indian Business Research, 3(2), 103-116. [ABDC C-listed journal]
- Singh, Ramendra, and Abraham Koshy (2011), “Does Salesperson’s Customer Orientation Create Value in B2B Relationships? Empirical Evidence from India”, Industrial Marketing Management (special issue on BRIC countries), 40(1), 78-85. [ABDC A*-listed journal]
- Sy-Changco, A., Joseph, Chanthika Pornpitakpan, Ramendra Singh, and Celia Bonillia (2011), “Managerial Insights on Sachet Marketing Strategies and Popularity: Case Studies of Multinational Consumer Goods Companies in the Philippines, and China,” Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 23(5), 755-772. [ABDC B-listed journal]
• A review article based on the above article has been published as, “Selling small can be big business: Putting a price on piecemeal purchases", Strategic Direction, 28(5), 6 – 8. Singh, Ramendra, and Abraham Koshy (2010), “Determinants of B2B Salesperson’s Performance: A Review and Synthesis of Literature”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 25(7), 535-546. [ABDC A-listed journal]
- Singh, Ramendra (2008), “Relational Embeddedness, TIO, and Relationship Quality in Emerging Markets,” Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 20(4), 479-492. [ABDC B-listed journal]
- "Unearthing Dignity in Management Domain: A Systematic Review of Literature and Establishing Future Research Agenda,"(with Sarthak Mohapatra) accepted for oral presentation at the EMAC Regional Conference 2023 in Greece, September 27-29, 2023.
- “How do BoP firms shape markets? Market shaping in resource-constrained environments,” (with Sandeep Rawat), 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference, February 10-11, 2022.
- “Value Co-Creation at the BoP: Beneficiary Roles in Policy-Based Healthcare Service Delivery,” (with Kumar Rakesh Ranjan, Sudeep Rohit, Rupanwita Dash), selected best paper in the Emerging Markets track at 2020 AMA Summer Academic Conference, August 21-23, San Francisco, 2020.
- “Impact of Executive Functions of the Base of Pyramid Consumers on their Customer Journey" (with Ria Mishra), 2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference Proceedings, February 14-16, 2020.
- “Value Co-creation and Co-destruction in Buyer-Seller Relationships in BOP Service Ecosystems” (with Yupal Shukla) presented at the 6th Naples Forum on Service at Ischia, Italy, June 4-7, 2019. “Developing business relationships in the Indian context: how does jaan-pehchaan matter?” (with Ziko Konwar, Ron Berger, and Elizabeth Rose), presented at EIBA 2017 Milan Conference.
- “Social transformation of Bottom of Pyramid community in service ecosystem,” (with Yupal Shukla, Ravi Chatterjee, and Prabhat Dwivedi), presented at 8th IRSSM 2017 conference, Seoul, Korea [Received the Highly Commended Award sponsored by Journal of Services Marketing].
- “Salesperson's Self Leadership and Performance: The Role of Salesmanship Skills,” (co-authored with Rakesh Singh, and Diptiman Banerjee), Global Sales Science Institute Conference, Mauritius, June 6-9, 2017.
- “Developing Access to Markets and People: An Empirical Investigation of 4A Framework in Five Asian BOP Markets,” (co-authored with Moutisi Maity), EMAC 2017 Conference, Netherlands, May 23-26, 2017.
- “The Mediation Impact of Selling Skills on Emotional Regulation- Sales Performance Linkages,” (co-authored with Rakesh Singh, and Diptiman Banerjee), EMAC 2016 Conference, Oslo, Norway, May 24-27, 2016.
- "The Shopping Stress and the BOP consumer: An Emergent Perspective" (co-authored with Srabanti Mukherjee) presented and published in the ANZMAC 2015 Conference Proceedings, Sydney, Australia, November 28-29, 2015.
- “Market Separations for BOP Producers: Case Study on Market Development for Chanderi Cluster Weavers in India” (with Pratik Modi, and Sharad Agarwal) in Emerging Markets Conference Board, Dubai, UAE, January 20 -22, 2015.
- “Market Development at Bottom of the Pyramid Using Corporate Social Responsibility? An Empirical Investigation of Indian Firms” (with Madhupa Bakshi), Second Pan-IIM World Management Conference, Kozhikode, November 5-8, 2014.
- "CSR in Emerging Markets: Engagement and Local Communities in India" (with Sharad Agarwal), 2nd Biennial Africa Academy of Management (AFAM) Conference, January 8-11, 2014, Botswana.
- "Drivers of Salesperson’s Customer Orientation – A Work Value Perspective" (with Rakesh Singh) presented at International Conference on Research in Marketing, Dec 21-22, 2013, New Delhi.
- “Redefining Corporate Social Responsibility to Extend Firm’s Boundaries? Corporate India’s Engagement with Local Communities,” (with Sharad Agarwal), First Pan-IIM World Management Conference, Goa, May 30– June 1, 2013.
- "Stakeholder Theory: A Deliberative Perspective," (with Ulf Henning Richter, and Kevin Dow), Academy of Management Meeting, USA, August 9-13, 2013.
- “Importance of Money, Religiosity, and Spiritual Well-Being of Young Consumers, and Its Impact on their Ethical Beliefs,” 5th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, January 9-11, 2013.
- “Jugaad-From ‘Making Do’ and ‘Quick Fix’ to an Innovative Sustainable and Low-Cost Survival Strategy at the Bottom of the Pyramid” (with Vaibhav Gupta, and Akash Mondal), Academy of Marketing Conference, University of Southampton, UK, 3-6 July 2012.
- “Does Salesperson’s Customer Orientation Create Value in B2B Relationships? Empirical Evidence from India,” (with Abraham Koshy), Research Impacting Practice - Bringing Technology to Market Conference, Berlin, April 27-28, 2012.
- "Does CSR Orientation Reflect Stakeholder Relationship Marketing Orientation? An Empirical Examination of Indian Banks" (with Sharad Agarwal), IIM Lucknow Marketing Conference, January 13-14, 2012.
- “The moderating role of selling experience on the relationship between job satisfaction, adaptive selling behaviors, customer orientation, and salesperson's performance,” (with Gopal Das), ANZMAC 2011, Australia, November 28-30, 2011.
- “An Empirical Investigation of the Strategic Use of CSR in Top 200 Indian Corporations,” (with Sharad Agarwal), ANZMAC 2011, Australia, November 28-30, 2011. [Session Chair]
- “How Customer Involvement Influences Credit Card Loyalty Reward Programs in India?” (with Matthew, Tingchi Liu, James L. Brock, and Joseph A. Sy-Changco), 48th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, May 11-14, 2011, Boston, USA.
- “SALCUSTOR: A multi-dimensional scale for salesperson’s customer orientation and implications for customer-oriented selling,” (with Abraham Koshy), AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Austin, USA, 18-20 February, 2011.
- “The Moderating Role of Job Satisfaction Facets on Salespeople’s Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from India, and the Netherlands,” (with Pavlos Vlachos, Nikolaos Panagopoulos, Rakesh Singh, and Aristeidis Theotokis), AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Austin, USA, 18-20 February 2011.
- “Does Life Happiness and Attachment with Service Usage Impact Attitude? An Exploratory Study of Young People’s Use of Text Messaging,” (with Joseph A. Sy-Changco, Xie Yi, and Suwichit Chaidaroon), Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, September 9-12, 2010.
- “The Empirical Study of Indian Consumers’ Involvement and Redemption Behavior of Credit Card Reward Programs” (with Matthew Tingchi Liu, James L. Brock, and Joseph A. Sy-Changco), Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, September 9-12, 2010.
- “Salesperson’s Karma Orientation: A Conceptual Framework and Research Propositions,” (with Rakesh Singh), AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, New Orleans, USA, February 19-22, 2010.
- "Mini-sizing consumption or whetting the appetite? Managerial insights on sachet marketing strategies of consumer goods companies" (with Joseph A. Sy-Changco, and Chanthika Pornpitakpan), ANZMAC Annual Conference, Australia, 30 Nov-2 Dec, 2009.
- “Salesperson’s Customer Orientation: Does it differ across B2B and B2C Contexts?” (with Abraham Koshy), AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Chicago, USA, August 7-10, 2009.
- “Why does Salesperson's Customer Orientation differ across B2B and B2C Contexts?" (with Abraham Koshy, and Prathap Oburai), Academy of Marketing Conference, Leeds, UK, July 7-9, 2009.
- “Exploring The Salesperson’s Sales Call Activities-Selling Effectiveness Linkages from Customers’ Perspective Using Means-End Chain Theory Approach”, (with Joseph A. Sy-Changco), 38th EMAC Conference, Nantes, France, May 26-29, 2009.
- “Does Life Happiness And Attachment With Service Usage Impact Attitude? An Exploratory Study of Young People’s Use of Text Messaging,” (with Yi Xie, and Joseph A. Sy-Changco), 38th EMAC Conference (Poster), Nantes, France, May 26-29, 2009.
- “Utilitarian Benefits as Driver of Perceived Value in Mobile Text Messaging Usage among Young Students in Korea: An Exploratory Study,” (with Joseph A. Sy-Changco, Xie Yie, and Jeong Ho Choi), KAMS Spring International Conference and Fashion Marketing Symposium (jointly held by Korean Academy of Marketing Science and Seoul Metropolitan Government), Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, May 16, 2009.
- “Salesperson’s Customer Orientation: Conceptualization, Measurement and Impact in Selling Situations,” (with Abraham Koshy), Houston Conference in Selling and Sales Management, Houston, USA, April 2-4, 2009.
- “Salesperson's Customer Orientation as a Multi-dimensional Construct: A Review and Reconceptualization”, 24th National Conference in Sales Management, Norfolk, USA, March 25-28, 2009.
- “Revisiting Salespersons’ Customer Orientation: What It Actually Means and When It Is Important,” (with Abraham Koshy), AMA Winter Educators Conference Proceedings, Tampa, USA, February 20-23, 2009.
- “Salesperson’s Sales Call Activities and Selling Performance: A Means-End Chain Theory Approach,” 3rd IIMA Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies, IIM Ahmedabad, India, January 7-9, 2009.
- “HK Disneyland vs. Ocean Park: A Case Study on Chinese Tourists’ Behavior and Disneyland’s Internationalization Strategy using I-R Framework", (with Joseph A. Sy-Changco), 9th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 14-16, 2008.
- "What Determines Salespersons' Effectiveness: A Study of Salespersons' Sales Call Length and Sales Call Frequency on Salespersons' Effectiveness,"(with Abraham Koshy, Prathap Oburai and Biju Varkkey), 21st EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Brighton, UK, May 25-27, 2008.
- “Embeddedness of Pharma Company-Physician Dyad and Physician Prescription Behavior: A Conceptual Model and Empirical Assessment,” Second Biennial Conference on Enhancing Sales Force Productivity (co-sponsored by Marketing Science Institute in collaboration with International Journal of Research in Marketing), Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel, Germany, May 23-25, 2008.
Research Interests:
- Customer orientation,
- salesperson’s performance,
- buyer-seller relationships,
- marketing to bottom-of-pyramid,
- Karma and its role for boundary spanning employees.
Books/Book Chapters:
- Edited Book(co-edited with Tahir Wani), Marketing to the Poor: Creating Value, Routledge India, 2022.
- Edited Book, Bottom of Pyramid Marketing: Making, Shaping and Developing BOP Markets, Emerald Publishing, 2019.
- Sales and Distribution Management, Vikas Publishing House, 2015.
- Cases in Business Marketing (co-edited with Pramod Paliwal, and Sudhir Yadav), Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, 2013.
- Edited Book, Case Studies in Marketing Management, Pearson Education, 2012.
- Ramendra Singh, and Sharad Agarwal, “Demystifying CSR and corporate sustainability, and its impact on the bottom of the pyramid,” to be published in Essays on Sustainability and Management: Emerging Perspectives. Editors: Runa Sarkar and Annapurna Shaw. Springer Publications, 2017.
- Sharad Agarwal, and Ramendra Singh, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility practices in Indian food industry: A content analysis,’ A Stakeholder Approach to Managing Food: Local, National, and Global Issues, Food and Agriculture Marketing. Editors: Adam Lindgreen, Martin K. Hingley, Robert J. Angell, Juliet Memery, Joëlle Vanhamme. Gower Publishing, 2016.
- Singh, Ramendra, and Singh, Rakesh(2015), “Drivers of Salesperson’s Customer Orientation- a Work-Value Perspective” in Boundary Spanning Elements and the Marketing Function in Organizations - Concepts and Empirical Studies to be published by Springer International, Switzerland.
- "Corporate Social Responsibility in emerging markets: Corporate India’s Engagement with Local Communities" (with Sharad Agarwal) in Corporate Social Responsibility and Local Community in Asia, (Editor: Kyoko Fukukawa), Routledge International Business in Asia Series, 2014.
- “Management Education 2.0: Why India’s Management Institutes Should Now Grow Vertically!” in Sustaining Management Education in India in 21st Century: Issues & Strategies (Editor In Chief- RK Trivedi), Wisdom Publications, New Delhi', 2013.
- “Socio-cultural dynamics, entrepreneurial values and client-provider partnerships in the outsourcing industry,” (with Joseph A. Sy-Changco, and Chito F. Agapito), a chapter in the fourth volume in the Edward Edgar’s McGill International Entrepreneurship Series: Internationalization of SMEs from Fifteen Southern Hemisphere and Emerging Economies: The Process of Internationalization in Emerging SMEs and Emerging Economies, 2013.
- “Knowledge Management for an Effective Sales and Marketing Function” (with Amit Karna, and Sanjay Verma), Knowledge Management Strategies for Business Development, Edited by Meir Russ, IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), 2010.
- “Dokra Arts-Marketing a Dying Art at the BOP” (with Siddhartha Paul, and Siuli Mondal), registered with IIM Calcutta Case Research Center.
- “Consumer Behavior During a Pandemic: A Rural versus Urban Comparison”(with Gopal Das and Tanisha Jain), registered with IIM Calcutta Case Research Center.
- “Reliance Nippon Life Insurance- Marketing Strategy for Turnaround in Regulated Market” (with Siddhartha Paul), registered with IIM Calcutta Case Research Center.
- “IITIIMShaadi.com: Can positioning support market expansion?” (with Siddhartha Paul, Poonam Gupta, and Amit Kumar), registered with IIM Calcutta Case Research Center.
- “Switch On: Water Entrepreneurship Initiatives” (with Saravana Jaikumar and Menaka Rao) registered with IIM Calcutta Case Research Center.
- “Calcutta 64: An Entrepreneur’s journey to Success,” (with Menaka Rao) registered with IIM Calcutta Case Research Center.
- “Buchchuk: Discovering the Future of Automatic Cooking” (with Menaka Rao) registered with IIM Calcutta Case Research Center.
- “NCoRe Ventures Pvt. Ltd.: Architecting the Virtual Factory Approach” (with Rishikesan Parthiban, and Somprakash Bandyopadhyay) registered with IIM Calcutta Case Research Center.
- “Agroy: Creating Value through Smart Farming” (with Jitender Kumar and Avilash Nayak) under review with Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies.
- “SwitchON- O’Nergy: Social Innovation Challenges at the Bottom of the Pyramid” (with Menaka Rao) registered with IIM Calcutta Case Research Center [Won 2017 EFMD Case Writing Competition, in the "Sustainable Business Model” category].
- “Ek No Bharose ka: A Helpline for Grievance Redressal for non-emergency Police Intervention (with Prabhat Dwivedi and Menaka Rao) registered with IIM Calcutta Case Research Center.
- “Lifetron: In search of a right service strategy at BOP” (with Prabhat Dwivedi, and Menaka Rao), registered with IIM Calcutta Case Research Center.
- “Kutchina: In search of a marketing strategy” (with D.P. Ghosh, and Siddhartha Paul), registered with IIM Calcutta Case Research Center.
- “Apple’s iphone 5C in the Indian Market-A Product Positioning Failure” (with Srabanti Mukherjee, and Gopal Das), registered with IIM Calcutta Case Research Center.
- “Motorola’s re-entry into the Indian Market: Fine-tuning the Marketing Strategy” (with Indranil Bose), registered with IIM Calcutta Case Research Center.
- “Flipkart.com: Marketing Strategy of India’s Most Successful E-tailer” (co-authored with Anurag Beniwal) accepted in Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage (3rd Edition). Eds. Doug West, John Ford, and Essam Ibrahim, Oxford University Press, 2014.
- “Digital Empowerment Foundation’s Chanderiyaan Project: Linking the Poor Producers with the Market Using ICT,” (with Pratik Modi, Vaibhav Gupta, and Arindam Sur), published in Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 8(2), 2018.
- “Marketing the $ 35 Aakash Tablet” (with Sanjit Kumar Roy), Marketing Cases from Emerging Markets, Dilip Mutum, Eva Kipnis, and Sanjit Kumar Roy (Eds.), Springer, 2014.
Singh, Ramendra, Amer Jyothi, Ashish Sinha, Babita Agarwal, and Arun Patro(2013), “COSMOS Service Centre- Service Recovery using Distribution Channels,” Asian Case Research Journal, 17(2),267-87.
- “Prabhar Oil Company, and Distributional Challenges in the Indian Automotive Lubricants Industry," a case study (with Pramod Paliwal, and Sanjay Sakaria) published in Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 2011.
- Singh, Ramendra, Akhil Sharma, and Alok Sinha (2011), “To Blow One’s Trumpet or Not? A Case Study of AI Coaching Institute in the Educational Services Industry,” The Marketing Review, 11(1), 83-100.
- “HK Disneyland: Chinese Tourists’ Behavior and Disneyland’s Internationalization Strategy” (A case study in chapter 4; with Joseph A. Sy-Changco), Global Marketing, 1st edition, Edited by Ilan Alon and Eugene Jaffe, McGraw-Hill, 2011.
- Singh, Ramendra (2009), “H & R Johnson (India) Limited in Gujarat”, Asian Case Research Journal, 13(2), 1-27.