Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar
Assistant Professor Grade I
Academic Group: Management Information Systems
Phone No.: +91-33-24678300 Extn. No. 2069
Email ID.: rahulk@iimcal.ac.in
Academic Background:
Fellow Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ranchi.
B.E. Birla Institute of Technology (BIT) Mesra
Consulting Interests:
Analytics and AI based Consulting; Steering Digital Transformation; Managing Disruptive Technologies
Current Projects:
Knowledge Partner and Strategic Advisor for Fluidata Analytics Inc. and Elderfly Healthtech Pvt. Ltd.
Advisory Board Member for Parabolic Systems and Reluhash.ai.
Past Projects:
BI Roadmap for a Global Logistics company.
Routine Process Automation for Invoice and Quote Automation
Work Experience:
Assistant Professor- Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Calcutta [JUly'2024 - Ongoing]
Assistant Professor- Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Sambalpur [June'2019-July'2024]
Assistant Professor- Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar (XIMB) [May'2017-June'2019]
Analytics Consultant- Infosys Consulting [Feb'2017 - May'2017]
Manager- Tata Steel Utilities and Infrastructure Services Ltd (TSUIL), erstwhile JUSCO [July'2009 - May'2013]
Journal Publications:
- Rahul Kumar , Shubhadeep Mukherjee and Indranil Bose (Ahead of Print, 2024). Metaverse Advertising and Promotional Effects: The Route from Immersion to Joy. Decision Support Systems (DSS), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2024.114386, Elsevier [A*-ABDC]
- Rahul Kumar , Soumya Guha Deb and Shubhadeep Mukherjee (Accepted and Forthcoming, 2024). An AI-Assisted Method Artefact for Investing Decision: Automatic identification of Winning Stocks within a Value portfolio. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (IJPPM),Emerald [B-ABDC]
- Rahul Kumar and Rahul Thakurta (2024). Classifying DSS Research-A theoretical Framework. Information Systems Frontiers (ISF), Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print, Springer [A-ABDC] https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-024-10553-3
- Rahul Kumar, Varsha Jain, Jacqueline Eastman and Anupama Ambika (2024). The Components of Perceived Quality and Their Influence on Online Re-Purchase Intention. Journal of Consumer Marketing (JCM),Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JCM-04-2024-6798 Emerald [A-ABDC]
- Rahul Kumar and Rahul Thakurta (2024). Digital Transformation: An Enterprise Transformation Perspective. Australasian Journal of Information Systems (AJIS), Vol 28, September 2024. [A-ABDC] https://journal.acs.org.au/index.php/ajis/article/view/4259/1489
- Rahul Kumar, Shubhadeep Mukherjee and Nripendra Rana (2023). Exploring Latent Characteristics of Fake Reviews and Their Intermediary Role in Persuading Buying Decisions. Information Systems Frontiers (ISF). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-023-10401-w, Springer [A - ABDC]
- Rahul Kumar, Shubhadeep Mukherjee, Tsan Ming Choi, Lalitha Damotharan, (2022). Mining Voices from Self-expressed Messages on Social-Media: Diagnostics of Mental Distress during COVID-19, Decision Support Systems (DSS), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2022.113792, Elsevier, [A*-ABDC]
- Kumar, Rahul, Deb, S. G., & Mukherjee, S (2022). “Deciphering the Corporate Mind: Capturing Early Warning Signals in Non-Numeric Communication Channels Using Computational Intelligence.” Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, Vol 27 (A-ABDC).
- Choudhary, D., & Kumar, Rahul, (2021). "Risk investigation in circular economy: a hierarchical decision model approach". International Journal of Logistics Research & Applications, https://doi.org/10.1080/13675567.2021.2014430(B-ABDC)
- Rahul Kumar, Soumya Guha Deb and Shubhadeep Mukherjee (2020), "Do words reveal the latent truth? Identifying communication patterns of corporate losers", Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Available online 26 February 2020, 100291, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbef.2020.100291- (A-ABDC)
- Kumar, Rahul, and Rahul Thakurta. "Exfoliating decision support system: a synthesis of themes using text mining." Information Systems and e-Business Management (2021): 1-33. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10257-020-00490-4 [B-ABDC]
- Rahul Kumar (2021). Managing Business in the Digital Era-The use of IT and Analytics for Process Transformation, Journal of Decision Systems, DOI: 10.1080/12460125.2021.1925397 [‘B‘ ABDC]
- Shubhadeep Mukherjee, Rahul Kumar & Pradip Kumar Bala (2021). Managing a natural disaster: actionable insights from microblog data, Journal of Decision Systems, DOI: 10.1080/12460125.2021.1918045 [‘B‘ ABDC]
- Ray, Arghya, Pradip Kumar Bala, and Rahul Kumar. "An NLP-SEM approach to examine the gratifications affecting user’s choice of different e-learning providers from user tweets." Journal of Decision Systems (2020): 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/12460125.2020.1847406 Category 'B' [ABDC]
- Latha Ravindran and Rahul Kumar, "Development induced displacement: a data mining approach towards vulnerability and impoverishment risks", , International Journal of Development and Conflict 9(2019) 249–290. Category 'B' [ABDC]
- R. Kumar and P. K. Bala. “Recommendation Engine based on derived wisdom for more similar item neighbors”, Information Systems and e-Business Management, Springer Publication, August 2017, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp 661–687. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10257-016-0322-y [ABDC – ‘B’ category]
- S. Snehvrat, A. Kumar, R. Kumar and S. Dutta, “The State of Ambidexterity Research: A Data Mining Approach”, International Journal of Organizational Analysis @ Emerald Publishers (accepted for publication) [ABDC listed – ‘B’ category]
- Kumar, Rahul, Mukherjee, S., Kumar, B. and Bala, P.K. (2020), "Deriving wisdom from virtual investing communities: an alternative strategy to stock recommendations", Journal of Modelling in Management, ['C' Category]. https://doi.org/10.1108/JM2-09-2019-0229
- R. Kumar and P. K. Bala. “Identifying meaningful neighbors for an improved recommender system”, Journal of Modelling in Management. Emerald Publishing House (Vol: 12 Iss: 2). [ABDC – ‘C’ category]
- A. Kumar, R. Kumar, S. Dutta, R. Kumar and A. Mukherjee. “Reconceptualizing co-opetition using text mining: inductive derivation of a consensual definition of the field (1996-2015)”. International Journal of Business Environment. Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2017.[ ABDC – ‘C’ category]
Research Interests:
Artificial Intelligence, Analytics Consulting, Emerging Technologies