Parthapratim Pal
Parthapratim Pal
Academic Group: Economics
Phone No.: +91-33-24678300 (Extn 133)
Email ID.: parthapal
Contact Details:
Present Address: Room A208, Faculty Block Indian Institute of Management Joka, Kolkata: 700104
Academic Background:
PhD in Economics from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
MPhil in Economics from JNU, New Delhi
Masters in Economics from JNU New Delhi
Courses Taught:
India and the World Economy (PGP Compulsory); Economics of Development (FP Course); International Economics (PGP Elective); International Economics (PGPEX);
Ranjan Roy Memorial Prize for obtaining highest grade in Masters in Economics, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, JNU.
Consulting Interests:
International trade and capital flows WTO issues Development Economics including agricultural economics Special Economic Zones
Work Experience:
Associate Professor and Assistant Professor at IIM Calcutta
Fellow at ICRIER, New Delhi
Senior Economist at Economic Research Foundation, New Delhi
Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi
Journal Publications:
- Harnessing Indian Agriculture to Global Value Chain: Prospects and Challenges with Niladri Saha‚ Tanu M. Goyal and Saubhik Deb. Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2015
- ‘India and International Trade’ under the Oxford India Short Introduction Series (OISI). This book is published by Oxford University Press, India in June 2014.
- 'Food Supply Chain in India: Analysing the Potential for International Business' with Arpita Mukherjee, Tanu M. Goyal and Saubhik Deb. Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2014.
- ‘Enhancing Trade, Investment and Cooperation between India and Taiwan’ co-edited with Arpita Mukherjee and Kristy Tsun Tzu. This book is published by ICRIER, CIER and Academic Foundation, New Delhi in 2013.
- ‘Facilitating Trade and Global Competitiveness: Express Delivery Services in India’ co-authored with Arpita Mukherjee, This book has been published by Oxford University Press, New Delhi in 2012.
- ‘Facilitating Trade and Improving Competitiveness through Improved Road Network: Issues and Way Forward’ has been published in Foreign Trade Review, Volume 48 Number 2 May 2013, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Sage Publishers, New Delhi.
- “Politics Overpowering Welfare Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act 2008” with (Tina Dutta) has been published in Economic & Political Weekly, February 18, 2012 vol xlviI no 7, 2012.
- ‘India and RTAs: Getting tangled in the Noodle Bowl’ has been published in Economic & Political Weekly, Vol 46 No. 15 April 09 - April 15, 2011.
- ‘The New Indian Postal Bill: Issues and Way Forward’ by Parthapratim Pal, Arpita Mukherjee and Subrata Mitra has been published in Economic & Political Weekly, December 4 2010.
- ‘Exploring Relationships between Key Success Factors and Performance Metrics for Indian Express Delivery Service Providers’, (with Subrata Mitra, Arpita Mukherjee, and Souvik Dutta) has been published in the journal Supply Chain Forum, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 72–84 , 2010.
- “ASEAN-India FTA: An Assessment” has been published in the Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 44 No. 38, September 19, 2009.
- Published a review of the book ‘Termites in the Trading System: How Preferential Agreements Undermine Free Trade’ by Jagdish Bhagwati. This was published in the Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 44 No 29, July 18, 2009.”
- “Regional Trade Agreements and Improved Market Access in Developed Countries: The Evidence” has been published in the Economic and Political Weekly, Volume 43 No. 48 November 29 - December 05, 2008.
- “Does signing the Indo-ASEAN FTA make sense for India?” has been published in the Economic and Political Weekly, Volume 43, No. 46, November 15-21, 2008.
- “Special and Differential Treatment in the Doha Round of Trade Talks” has been published in ‘Focus WTO’ (July-August 2007), Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi
- “International Commodity Price Volatility and Special Safeguard Mechanisms in the Doha Round of Negotiations: A Proposed Price-trigger-based Safeguard Mechanism” has been published in the Economic and Political Weekly, 3-7 February, 2007.
- A paper (with C. P. Chandrasekhar) titled “Financial Liberalization in India: An Assessment of its Nature and Outcomes” has been published in the in the Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLI, No 11, March 18-24 2006.
- A paper (with Deepika Wadhwa) titled “Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration and Export Competition in Agriculture: Implications for Global Agricultural Trade” has been published in ‘Focus WTO’ (January-February 2006), Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi
- Published an article (with Shravani Prakash) titled “WTO Ministerial Meet: Doomed to failure?” in the Economic and Political Weekly, September 24-30, 2005.
- Published a paper titled “Regional Trade Agreements in a Multilateral Trade Regime: A Survey of Recent Issues” in the ‘Foreign Trade Review’, April-June 2005, Vol. XL, No 1, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi.
- Published a paper titled “Volatility in the Stock Market in India and Foreign Institutional Investors: A Study of the Post-election Crash” in the Economic and Political Weekly, February 19, 2005.
- Co-authored (with Mitali Das Gupta) an article titled “Subsides and Countervailing Measures in WTO: A View from India” will be published in ‘Focus WTO’, Vol. VI. No. 4. (November-December 2004), Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi Co-authored (with B. Bhattacharyya) a paper titled “Trade Creating or Trade Diverting: The Mercosur Experience” published in ‘Focus WTO’ Vol.3 No.5 (January-February, 2002), Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi.
- Published an article titled “Foreign Portfolio Investment in Indian Equity Market: Has the Economy Benefited?” in the Economic and Political Weekly, March 14-20, 1998.
Chapters in Edited Books:
The Management and Impact of Cross-border Capital Flows in India” in India and International Economy, edited by Jayati Ghosh and published by Oxford University Press, India and ICSSR, New Delhi, 2015.
- “Global Ramifications of Reoriented US Policies towards Employment Generation” by Parthapratim Pal and Atulan Guha in Market, Regulations and Finance: Global Meltdown and the Indian Economy edited by Ratan Khasnabis and Indrani Chakraborty, Springer, India, Private Ltd (New Delhi - India), 2014.
- “The World Trade Organization and Its Impact on India” in Sudipta Bhattacharyya edited Two Decades of Market Reform in India: Some Dissenting Views, Anthem Press, London, UK July 2013.
- “The Asymmetry of North-South Regional Trade Agreements” in South-South Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Development, edited by Syed Mansoob Murshed, Pedro Goulart and Leonardo A. Serino. This book has been published by Routlege, New York in 2011.
- “Surge in Indian outbound FDI to Africa : an emerging pattern in globalization” in Globalization Foreign Capital and Development, Edited by Sutanu Bhattacharya, Byasdeb Dasgupta, Bishakha Ghosh and Archita Ghosh, Regal Publications, 2011
- “The Surge in Indian Outbound Foreign Direct Investment to Africa: A New Form of South-South Cooperation?” in The Rise of Indian Multinationals: Perspectives on India’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment, edited by KP Sauvant and JP Pradhan. This book has been published by Palgrave Macmillan, New York in 2010.
- ‘Foreign Portfolio Investment, Stock Market and Economic Development: A Case Study in India’, in Capital without Borders: Challenges to Development edited by Ashwini Deshpande, Anthem Press, London, UK, 2010.
- “International Commodity Price Volatility and a Proposed Price-trigger-based Safeguard Mechanism” published in Effects of Futures Market on Agricultural Commodities, edited by Madhoo Pavaskar, Takshashila Academia of Economic Research, Mumbai 2009.
- A paper titled ‘Stock Market Development and Financing of the Corporate Sector in India: Some Recent Evidence’ has been published in a book edited by Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Gary A. Dymski titled ‘Capture and Exclude: Developing Economies and the Poor in Global Finance’. This book is being published by Tulika Books, New Delhi in September 2007.
- A paper titled ‘Accountancy Sector in India’ has been published in India’s Trade in Services: Opportunities and Challenges edited by Rupa Chanda, published by Centre for Trade and Development (CENTAD) and Wiley India in December 2006.
- A paper (co-authored with Jayati Ghosh) titled “Inequality in India: A Survey of Recent Trends” has been published in Flat World, Big Gaps: Economic Liberalization, Globalization, Poverty and Inequality, Edited by Jomo K. S. with Jacques Baudot, by United Nations Publications, New York (with Zed Books, London) in 2006.
- Co-authored (with B. Bhattacharyya) a paper titled “Implementation Issues in Agreement on Agriculture and its Implications for Developing Countries” published in R.K. Dixit and C. Jayaraj edited Dynamics of International Law in the New Millennium, Manak Publishing, New Delhi, 2004.
- Co-authored (with B. Bhattacharyya) a paper titled “Food Security in India in the Context of Agreement on Agriculture” – in B. Bhattacharyya edited Seattle and Beyond: The Unfinished Agenda, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, January 2000.
- Co-authored (with B. Bhattacharyya) a paper titled “Identification of Product Sub-Sectors for Negotiations on Increased Market Access in Agricultural Commodities” – in B. Bhattacharyya edited Seattle and Beyond: The Unfinished Agenda, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, January 2000.
- Co-authored (with S. Mukhopadhayay) a paper titled “New Accessions to WTO: Implications for India” – in B. Bhattacharyya edited Seattle and Beyond: The Unfinished Agenda, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, January 2000.