Nisigandha Bhuyan

Nisigandha Bhuyan
Academic Group: Business Ethics & Communication Group
Phone No.: +91-33- 2467 8300 Extn. 2018
Email ID.: nisigandha
Personal Details:
Academic Background:
Ph.D, IIT Kanpur
Courses Taught:
Business Ethics, Managerial Excellence: Insights from Indian Philosophy, Ethics and Values in International Business, Perspectives and Practices in Corporate Social Responsibility, Professional Ethics,
Consulting Interests:
Building Ethical Organization, Ethical Innovations
Work Experience:
Associate Professor, Business Ethics and Communication Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta April 2016 - September 2023
Assistant Professor, Business Ethics and Communication Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta May 2011 - April 2016
Adjunct Faculty, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, 2008 -2011
Faculty, Humanities & Management Group, BITS Pilani – GOA campus , 2005 -2008
Journal Publications:
- Bhuyan, N., & Chakraborty, A. (2023). The Problem of Autonomy: An Alternative Notion of Excellence in Business Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics.
- Bhuyan, N., & Chakraborty, A. (2023). The Problem of Efficiency: Redefining the Relation Between Success & Excellence in Business Ethics. Philosophy of Management, 1-23.
- Ghosh, A. and Bhuyan, N. 2023. Do professional management accountants in business understand their professional code of ethics? Evidence from the Indian context. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Chakraborty, A. and Bhuyan, N. 2023. Can artificial intelligence be a Kantian moral agent? On moral autonomy of AI system. AI and Ethics,
- Bhuyan, N. & Chakraborty A. 2022 “Hartman's quandary: Reconciling pluralism and realism for virtue ethics in business” Business Ethics, The Environment & Responsibility,
- Bhuyan, N. & Chakraborty A. 2020 “Overcoming the Fact-Value Dichotomy: Rethinking Business Ethics as a Mediating Discourse” Teaching Ethics 20(1):113-125.
- Bhuyan, N. 2017 “Sustainable development and the Agenda of Global Social Justice” In (Eds) Shaw, A and Sarkar R. Essays on Sustainability and Management, Springer.
- Bhuyan, N. 2015 "Virtue Development and Role of Character in Decision Making", Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management, Part of the Series International Handbooks in Business Ethics, Springer, Print ISBN 978-94-007-6509-2, Online ISBN 978-94-007-6510-8
- Senapaty S. & Bhuyan, N. 2014 “Evaluating the Profession and Professionalism of Business Managers: Control Embedded in Character” Decision, Vol 41, Issue 3.
- Bharadwaj, A. & Bhuyan, N. 2013 “Understanding the Character of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea within the Framework of Aristotelian Virtue Ethics and its Contemporary Relevance in Ethical Management” Decision, Volume 40, Number 3.
- Bhuyan, N. 2013 “Meaning of Work in Life: A Comprehensive Perspective from Ancient Indian Spiritual Tradition” Proceedings of International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences 15-17 March, ISBN 978-986-87417-9-9, pp. 436-443.
- Bhuyan, N. 2013 “Public Policies of Controlling Tobacco Marketing: The Process of Evolution of a Social Contract” Proceedings of 3rd Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 25 - 26 February, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-19-1.
- Bhuyan, N. 2010. “Character of the Leader and Organizational Integrity”, 3D… IBA Journal of Management and Leadership (ISSN: 223-7524), Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 57-62.
- Bhuyan, Nisigandha. 2007. “ The Role of Character in Ethical Decision-Making” The Journal of Value Inquiry Volume 41, Number 1, pp. 45-57.
- Bhuyan, N., 2002 “Nature of Applied Ethics” published in The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol.VIII, No.3-4.
- Bhuyan, N. “Meaning of Work in Life: A Comprehensive Perspective from Ancient Indian Spiritual Tradition”, presented at 2013 International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBSS 2013), March 15-17, Tokyo, Japan.
- Bhuyan, N. “Public Policies of Controlling Tobacco Marketing: The Process of Evolution of a Social Contract”, presented at Third Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference, February 25-26, 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Bhuyan, N. “Role of Integrative Thinking in Human Innovation and enterprising: Lessons from Ancient Indian Philosophy”, presented in International conference on Practical Wisdom from Indian Religious Traditions at IIM Kozhikode held during January 12-13, 2012.
- Bhuyan, N. “An Agenda for Corporate Social Responsibilities of MSMEs in India”, presented in National Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility at XIM Campus, Bhubaneswar from February 9-11, 2012.
- Senapaty, S., & Bhuyan, N. 2009. Analyzing Macro Level HRD Issues within a Sustainable Framework for CSR. In Spirituality, Ethics and Leadership: Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Spirituality, Ethics and Leadership, Pondicheri: FMS, Delhi University, Regent University, USA and Pondicheri University.
- Bhuyan, N., 2001. Stakeholder Approach: Some Problems. In the Conference Proceedings of the 13th Conference of All Orissa Philosophical Association, Bhubaneswar: Xavier Institute of Management.
Research Interests:
- Virtue Ethics, Indian Philosophy, Sustainability
Books/Book Chapters:
- Bhuyan, N. 2017 “Sustainable development and the Agenda of Global Social Justice” In (Eds) Shaw, A and Sarkar R. Essays on Sustainability and Management, Springer.
- Bhuyan, N. 2015 "Virtue Development and Role of Character in Decision Making", Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management, Part of the Series International Handbooks in Business Ethics, Springer, Print ISBN 978-94-007-6509-2, Online ISBN 978-94-007-6510-8
- Bhuyan, N. & Senapaty, S. 2004 “What is at Stake in Corporate Social Responsibility?” in Business Social Partnership: an International Perspective Ed. S. S. Sengupta, Jaipur: Aalekh Publisher, pp. 159-79
- The curious case of mandatory CSR in India: instance of a paradigm shifts or an Ineffectual imposition? with Arunima Chakraborty – IIMCCRC (May 2022)
- Facebook Free Basics: Bridging the digital divide or destroying net neutrality? with Arunima Chakraborty – IIMCCRC (March 2019)
- When the Boss is the Barrier- A , B
- Soft Issues in Software Industries with Prof. Ranjini Swamy
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