Megha Sharma

Megha Sharma
Academic Group: Operations Management
Phone No.: +91-33-2467 8300, +91-33-7121 2107
Email ID.: megha
Personal Details:
Operations Management Group Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Joka, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata 700104, West Bengal, India.
Contact Details:
Joka, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata 700104, West Bengal, India.
Academic Background:
Fellow, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India;
Bachelor of Technology, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India;
Courses Taught:
In Full-Time Residential Programs: At IIM Calcutta - Operations Research - Risk Management - Operations Research in Marketing - Mathematics - Stochastic Optimization - Management Game (the experiential learning simulation) At IIM Ahmedabad - Mathematics for Management (PGP-ABM Preparatory Program) - Quantitative Methods in Decision Making(PGP-PMP, tutor) - Data Analysis (PGP-PMP, tutor) At other IIMs and leading B-Schools - Simulation - Statistics - Optimization - Project Management - Supply Chain Management - Business Research Methods In Executive Training Programs - Data Analytics - Statistics for Analytics - Supply Chain Analytics - Supply Chain Modeling - Project Management - Quantitative Analysis for Decision Making - Operations Management Training Programs Coordinated/offered - Leveraging Digital Disruption for Competitive Advantage and Business Growth - General Management Program for UPSC recruits (IAS/IES) for National Academy for Defense Production - Executive General Management Program for Deloitte - Advanced Program in Supply Chain Management - Executive Program for Young Managers
- Young Achiever's Award (2022) presented by Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur for Academic and Research Excellence - Best Paper Award (First Place) in Theory and Methodologies Category at the XXIII Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management (SOM 2019) for a paper co-authored with Subhasis Mishra and Balram Avittathur - Best Paper Award (Second Place) in Supply Chain Competition at the 9th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Thailand for a paper co-authored with Sumanta Basu and Arnab Adhikari - Industrial Finance Corporation of India Thesis Proposal Award (2009), awarded by the Industrial Finance Corporation of India and the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad for doctoral thesis proposal - Institute Gold Medal (2005), awarded for outstanding academic performance at Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur. - Prof. M.M. Dandekar Memorial Gold Medal (2005) at Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur. - Gargi Puraskar (1998), awarded by the Government of Rajasthan for excellent performance in Secondary Board Examination.
Consulting Interests:
- Process improvement through data analytics - Business decision modeling - Optimization in Marketing Decisions - Marketing Analytics - Supply Chain Analytics
Current Projects:
Rebranding of a highly successful brand: a case study for a market leader based on primary data Healthcare operations management: a service operations case study based on Secondary data Advertisement revenue maximization for Video-Sharing Websites such as Youtube, Hotstar etc. : A quantitative research project
Work Experience:
2023 onwards: Professor, Operations Management Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
2016 - 2023: Associate Professor, Operations Management Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
2013 - 2016: Assistant Professor, Operations Management Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
2010 - 2013: Assistant Professor on Contract, Operations Management Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Journal Publications:
- Advertisement Revenue Management: Determining the Optimal Mix of Skippable and Non-Skippable Ads for Online Video Sharing Platforms (with S. Chakraborty, S. Basu and S. Ray), European Journal of Operational Research, Forthcoming.
- Decision-making under Risk: Evidence from the Hindi Movie Industry (with S.Ghosh, A. Paul and S. Basu). Journal of Operations and Strategic Planning, 1(1), 15-33.
- Efficient preprocessing methods for tabu search: an application on asymmetric travelling salesman problem (with S. Basu and P.S. Ghosh). INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 55(2): 134-158.
- Mathematics of management or management of mathematics: (with S. Basu), In: Management Education in India: Perspectives and Practices, Thakur, M and Babu, R.R. (Eds.) Springer
- Pricing cloud services - The impact of broadband quality (with S. Basu and S. Chakraborty), Omega - The International Journal of Management Science, Vol. 50, 96-114
- Metaheuristic applications on discrete facility location problems: A survey (with S. Basu and P.S. Ghosh), Opsearch, Vol. 52, No. 3, 530-561
- Pricing infrastructure-as-a-Service for online two-sided platform providers (with S. Chakraborty and S. Basu), Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, Vol. 13, 199-223.
- Speeding up the estimation of the expected value of maximum flows through reliable networks (with D. Ghosh), IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 62, No. 1, 105 - 115.
- An empirical investigation into randomly generated Euclidean symmetric traveling salesman problems (with D. Ghosh), Indore Management Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, 59 - 71.
- Estimation methods in evaluation and design of reliable networks: applications and scope, Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin, Vol. 62, No. 245 - 246, 109 - 128.
- XIII Balkan Conference on Operations Research, Belgrade, (Serbia, 2018): Calculating the Optimal Release Time for Movies on Video-on-Demand Websites,
- XIII Balkan Conference on Operations Research, Belgrade, (Serbia, 2018): Models and Solution Methods for Finite Horizon Reliable Facility Location Problem
- Informs 2012 Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, (USA; 2012) Designing pricing policies for cloud service providers
- 25th European Conference on Operational Research (Euro 2012), Vilnius, (Lithuania; 2012): Revenue Management in Sequential Distribution: An Application to the Hindi Movie Industry
- International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2011), University of Zurich, (Zurich, Switzerland; 2011): Computing the probability mass function of the maximum flow through a reliable network
- 43rd Annual Convention of Operational Research Society of India, Thiagrajar College of Engineering (Madurai, India; 2010): Computing the Probability Mass Function of the Maximum Flow in a Reliable Network.
- XIV Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, National Institute of Industrial Engineering (Mumbai, India; 2010): An Investigation into Randomly Generated Euclidean Symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem.
- 24th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, HEC Management School, University of Li´ege, (Li´ege, Belgium 2010): Design of Reliable Networks.
- 3rd IIMA Doctoral Colloquium, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (Ahmedabad, India; 2010):Incorporating Downside Risks in the Design of Reliable Networks. This paper was adjudged one of the best research papers of the colloquium.
- 9th International Consortium of Students in Management Research COSMAR - 2009, Indian Institute of Science (Bangalore, India; 2009): Speeding up the estimation of expected maximum flows through reliable networks.
- XXIII European Conference on Operational Research, Universit¨at Siegen (Bonn, Germany; 2009): Fast estimation of expected maximum flows through reliable networks.
- 2nd IIMA Doctoral Colloquium, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (Ahmedabad, India; 2009): Risk measures in network design.
- XII Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (Kanpur, India; 2008): Risk measures in network design.
Research Interests:
- Optimization for BIG DATA (Large Scale Optimization)
- Stochastic Optimization
- Facility Location Problems
- Network Flow Algorithms;
- Network Design and Performance Evaluation;
- Reliable/Performable Networks;
- Metaheuristics in Combinatorial Optimization;
- Multi–objective Optimization
Books/Book Chapters:
- Managing Customers in Online Two-Sided Platforms: A Case of App-Cabs in an Emerging Economy (with S. Mishra), in Services Marketing Issues in Emerging Economies, Springer Nature (Forthcoming)