Manisha Chakrabarty

Manisha Chakrabarty
Academic Group: Economics
Phone No.: +91-33-24678300/01/02/03
Email ID.: mchakrabarty
Contact Details:
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Joka, D.H Road Kolkata-700106
Academic Background:
Ph.D. Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India. 1999
Master of Science University of Calcutta, India, with Specialization in Statistics And Econometrics.
Bachelor of Science University of Calcutta, India
Courses Taught:
Macroeconomics; Econometric Methods (PGP, PGPEX, PGDBA); Applied Macroeconometrics; Financial Econometrics (PGP), Managerial Economics (PGPEX-VLMP), Micro Economics (PGPEX), Advanced Predictive Modelling (PGDBA) Quantitative Research Methods (FP course) ;Topics in Advanced Econometrics (FP course); Applied Economics (FP)
Best Research paper award 2011 in the International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis and Its Application to Management; Centrum catolica, LIma, Peru-14-16th September, 2011
Consulting Interests:
Gender Issues, Inclusive Growth particulalrly for target groups of population, Program Evaluation, Education , Poverty Analysis.
Current Projects:
Research Projects: UK-India Education and Research Initiative by British Council on " Financial Development and Corporate Governance – in India" Food Price Movements and Living Standards of Rural Households: An Analysis Based on Farm-Household Model
Work Experience:
Joined Indian Institute of Management Calcutta in 2007
Visiting Faculty, Statistics Department, University of Bonn, November, 2013.
Visiting Scientist, Statistics Department, University of Bonn, April-May, 2008.
March, 2006- August, 2006 Visiting Scientist, Economic Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute.
January, 2004- January, 2007 Lecturer (Assistant professor) , Economics Department, Keele University, UK.
November, 2000- December, 2003 Post-Doc Fellow, Economics Department, University of Bonn, Germany.
March, 2000 - October, 2000 Visiting Research Associate, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai.
September, 1999 - February, 2000 Lecturer in Economics, BKC College, Calcutta.
May, 1999- August, 1999 Research Associate, Center for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta.
March, 1998 - July, 1998 Visiting Post-doc Fellow, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi.
Journal Publications:
From 2000 Onwards
- ‘Financial Inclusion and Household Welfare: An Entropy Based Consumption Diversification Approach’, European Journal of Development Research, (with Subhankar Mukherjee), online- July, 2021 [ ].
- ‘A pandemic and economic slowdown: the case of India’, Applied Economics (With Subhankar Mukherjee) , DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2021.1985077, 2021.
- ‘Demonetization and digital payments in India: perception and reality’, Applied Economic Letters, (with Asutosh Jha and Partha Ray), Vol. 28, Issue 4, 319-323, 2021.
- ‘Changes of Base-Year and Indian GDP Growth: An Agnostic Look’, Indian Growth and Development Review, (with Partha Ray), DOI 10.1108/IGDR-08-2020-0124, 2021.
- ‘How effective are stock market reforms in emerging market economies? Evidence from a panel VAR model of the Indian stock market’, Forthcoming, Journal of Quantitative Economics (with Sumon Bhaumik, Ali Kutan and Ekta Selerka), 2021 .
- A Framework for the Simultaneous Measurement of Spatial Variation and Temporal Movement in Prices in a Heterogeneous Country: the Dynamic Household Regional Product Dummy Model’, Review of Income and Wealth, (with Amita majumder and Ranjan Ray), Vol- 64, Issue 3, 703-730, 2018.
- How should Engel's law be Formulated [ Jointly with Werner Hildenbrand]. European Journal of History of Economic Thought (October , 2015).
- Preferences , Spatial Prices and Inequality [Jointly with Amita Majumder and Ranjan Ray], : Journal of development Studies (August, 2015)
- Household Budget Share Distribution and Welfare Implications: An Application of Multivariate Distributional Statistics [ Jointly with Amita Majumder and Jeff Racine] (Journal of Applied Statistics, May, 2015)
- Educational Attainment in India: What Drives Transition? with SUMON KUMAR BHAUMIK , Money and Finance, February, 2013.
- Absolute Convergence under Cross-sectional Dependence: Theory and Evidence [with Samarjit Das and Ajoy Pal] : Journal of Economics and Econometrics Vol. 55, No.3, 2012 pp. 46-77
- Whither human capital? The woeful tale of transition to tertiary education in India [Jointly with Sumon kumar Bhaumik], Applied Economics Letters, Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 19(9), pages 835-838, June, 2012.
- “Engel’s Law Reconsidered” (Jointly with Werner Hildenbrand, University of Bonn, Germany), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2011.
- Earning Differences Between Chinese and Indian Wage Earners, 1987-2004 (Jointly with Olivier Bargain, Sumon Bhaumik, Zhong Zhao), Review of Income and Wealth, series 55, special issue 1, July, 2009.
- Is Education the Panacea for Economic Deprivation of Muslims? Evidence from Wage Earners in India, 1987-2005 “ (Jointly with Sumon Bhaumik); “Journal of Asian Economics”, 20(2): 137-149, 2009
- “Does move to market have an impact on earnings gap across gender? Some evidence from India"" (with Sumon Bhaumic), Applied Economic Letters 15(8): 601-605, 2008.
- “On the distributional Effects of Income in an Aggregate Consumption Relation"" (with Anke Schmalenbach and Jeff Racine), Canadian Journal of Economic, November-2006, Vol 39, No:4.
- “The relative cost of children: The case of rural Maharashtra, India"" (with Amita Majumder) , Journal of Policy Modelling, (2003) 25: 61-76.
- “The effect of current income on aggregate consumption"" (with Anke Schmalenbach), The Economic and Social Review, (2002) 33(3): 297-317.
- ‘Gender-Bias in Children in Rural Maharashtra -An Equivalence Scale Approach’, Journal of Quantative Economics, Vol-16, No-1, 51-65, 2000.
- Coincident Test and Convergence Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence in the Proceeding of the ICCS-X, Tenth Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Science, Vol2, Volume name: Statistics for Development and Good Governance. Edited by Z. Amin and A.S. Hadi., Page-324-363, 2011.
Research Interests:
- Broad Area of Research Interest
- Applied Econometrics, Development Economics, Applied Finance.
- Specific Area of Research Interest
- Demand Analysis, Aggregation in Consumption, Economics of Household, Inequality and Gender Bias, Income distribution, Economics of Education and Human Labour,
- Nonparametric and Semiparametric Regression Methods.
Books/Book Chapters:
- “An Analysis of the Determinants of Fertility Behaviour in South India at the Village level"" (with Guilmoto, C.Z.) , The Winds of Demographic Change in South India, Edited by Guilmoto, C.Z. and Rajan, S.I., Saga Publications, New Delhi (2005): 324-356.
- Testing for Absolute Convergence: A Panel Data Approach (with Samarjit Das, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta), in Econophysics & Economics of Games, Social Choices and Quantitative Techniques Edited by Banasri Basu, Bikas K. Chakrabarti, Satya R. Chakravarty, Kausik Gangopadhyay, Springer, 2009.
- Estimating Equivalence Scales Through Engel Curve Analysis (with Amita Majumder, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta), in Econophysics & Economics of Games, Social Choices and Quantitative Techniques Edited by Banasri Basu, Bikas K. Chakrabarti, Satya R. Chakravarty, Kausik Gangopadhyay, Springer, 2009.
- Earnings Inequality in India: Has the Rise of Caste and Religion Based Politics in India Had an Impact?” (Jointly with Sumon Bhaumik) in the Handbook of Muslims in India, Edited by R Basant and A Shariff, OUP, New Delhi, India, 2009.
- Earning Capacity, Efficiency, and Poverty: A Study on Rural West Bengal and Orissa'. In V. Charles & M. Kumar (Eds.), Data Envelopment Analysis and Its Applications to Management.Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10): 1-4438-4132-3, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-4132-0,87-105, 2012.
- 10. ‘Entropy-based Consumption Diversity – The Case of India’, in Opportunities and Challenges in Development, (with Jayanta Mandi), edited by Bandyopadhyay, Simanti & Dutta, Mousumi, Springer, ISBN 978-981-13-9981-7, 2019.27.
- ‘Data as Guide to Policy: Bills of Mortality of 17th Century and Covid-19 of 2020’, in The Impact of COVID-19 on India and the Global Order - A multidisciplinary approach (with Anirban Banerjee & Subhankar Mukherjee), edited by Mousumi Dutta, Prof. Zakir Husain, Anup Kumar Sinha, Springer, forthcoming, 2021.