Manju Jaiswall

Manju Jaiswall
Academic Group: Finance and Control
Phone No.: +91-33-2467-8301
Email ID.: manju
Contact Details:
C 305, IIM Calcutta,D. H. Road, Joka, Kolkata 700104, West Bengal, INDIA
Academic Background:
Fellow of IIM Bangalore in 2006 (Finance & Accounting) (PhD),
MPhil in Commerce in 1998 (University of Calcutta),
M.Com (Accounting) in 1996 (University of Calcutta),
B. Com (Honors in Accounting, Shri Shikshayatan College) in 1994 (University of Calcutta)
Courses Taught:
1. Corporate Financial Reporting, 2. Cost Management, 3. Empirical Accounting Research, 4. Financial Statement Analysis, 5. Corporate Governance
First rank in M Phil in Commerce from University of Calcutta, Third rank in M. Com from University of Calcutta
Work Experience:
Professor in Finance & Control Group at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta from April 2023 onwards.
Associate Professor in Finance & Control Group at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta from 2015 -2023.
Assistant professor in Finance & Control Group at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta from 2006.
Journal Publications:
- Relative Performance Evaluation in CEO Compensation: Evidence from India (with Bhattacharyya A. K. & Jaiswall S. K., Indian Accounting Review, Indian Accounting Association Research Foundation, Vol. 19, No. 1, June 2015.
- CEO pay, firm performance, and corporate governance in India’s listed firms (with Firth M.), International Journal of Corporate Governance, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2009.
- Role & Functioning of Remuneration Committee in improving Corporate Governance (with Narasimhan M.S.), The ICFAI Journal of Corporate Governance, Vol VI, No. 3, 2008.
- Do Industry Leading Auditors earn Fee Premia? (Dec 16, 2016). (With Doogar, R., & Sivadasan, P. ) Dec 2016. Available at SSRN: or
- Does Societal Trust affect corporate capital structure? (With Chauhan, Y. & Goyal, V.) 2022, Emerging market Review, Volume 51 Part A.
- Economic policy uncertainty and incentive to smooth earnings (With Chauhan, Y.) 2023, International Review of Economics & Finance, Volume 85 May 2023.
- Economic Geography of the US Public Company Audit Market and its Impact on Audit Pricing, Annual Meeting of American Accounting Association in Atlanta 2014.
- Relative Performance Evaluation in CEO Compensation: Evidence from India, Annual Meeting of American Accounting Association in Anaheim 2013.
- Response to IFRS of Asian countries, 13th Annual conference of the Asian Academic Accounting Association in Kyoto Japan 2013.
- Journal of Accounting, Auditing, & Finance Symposium, Ahmedabad, India.
- IAARF International Accounting Conference, Kolkata, India.
- Journal of Accounting, Auditing, & Finance Symposium, ISB Hyderabad, India.
- 12th Accounting Research Conference at ISB Hyderabad.
- Presented the paper “National Culture and choice of payment in mergers and acquisitions” at the 42nd Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association in May 2019 in Paphos.
- Presented the paper “Does Societal Trust influence Corporate Capital Structure” in 9th India Finance Conference in December 2019 at IIM Ahmedabad. The paper won the Emerald best paper award with a tie between the second and third position. This paper was also accepted for presentation at the 2019 Annual meeting of the American Accounting Association to be held in San Francisco.
- Presented the paper “Economic Policy Uncertainty and Incentive to smooth Earnings: Evidence from India” at the IIM Calcutta-NYU Stern India Research Conference in October 2020 on Zoom. The paper was one of the four papers selected in the conference, normally held in NYU Stern with all expenses paid for the presenters.
Research Interests:
- Audit pricing, Financial Statement Analysis, Mergers & Acquisitions, Debt Financing, Corporate Governance, Earnings Management.
Books/Book Chapters:
- Corporate Governance norms in State owned Enterprises, in Corporate Governance in India- Change and Continuity, Oxford university Press 2016.
- Exploring the relation between Earnings Management and Corporate Governance characteristics in the Indian context (with Banerjee A.), Corporate Governance in India - From Policies to realities, joint research project with IICA, 2012.
- Inventory Valuation: Creative Accounting necessitating improved Corporate Governance, in Creative Accounting concepts and Cases, The ICFAI University Press, 2008.
- Aravind Eye Care System: Revisiting the Business Model, (with Banerjee A.), case registered with IIMC Case Research Centre (Ref; IIMC-CRC-2014-07).
- Teaching Note, Aravind Eye Care System; Revisiting the Business Model, registered with IIMC Case research Centre (Ref: IIMC-CRC-2014-07-TN).
- Ayman Bose – Accounting of Property, Plant, and Equipment under IND AS (with Sudhir S. jaiswall), IIMC Case Research Center (Case Reference # IIMC-CRC-2018-03)
- Richie Advisors Private Ltd (with Jaiswall SSK. & Ghosh A.), IIMC Case Research Center (Case Reference # IIMC-CRC-2021-10), (Teaching Note Reference # IIMC-CRC-2021-10-TN).