Chayanika Bhayana

Chayanika Bhayana


Assistant Professor Grade-II
Academic Group: Organizational Behavior


Phone No.: Office Extension: 2024
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Academic Background:

  • Ph.D., Organizational Behaviour, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad 
  • M.A. in Psychology (specialization in Organizational Psychology), Department of Psychology, University of Delhi, North Campus 
  • B.A. (Hons.) in Psychology, Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi 

Courses Taught:

  • Organizational Behavior - I (MBA core)
  • Managing Teams in Organizations (MBA elective)
  • Interpersonal Skills and Leadership (PGPEx-VLM core)
  • Executive education (Long Duration Programmes at IIMC): Sessions on Leading and Managing Teams, Conflict and Negotiation


  1. Finalist (top three) for the Careers Division Best Overall Paper Award at the Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM) 2022, paper entitled "Organizations at Crossroads: The Case of Multiple Job Holding Arrangements", co-authored with Prof. Neharika Vohra.
  2. Paper titled “Organizations at Crossroads: The Case of Multiple Job Holding Arrangements”, co-authored with Prof. Neharika Vohra, designated as a “Best Paper” for Careers Division at the Academy of Management (AOM) Conference 2022
  3. Recipient of the 'Best Paper Award' at Indian Academy of Management (INDAM) Conference 2020, for presenting the paper titled "I Am What I Do: Exploring the Experiences of Freelancers in India", co-authored with Prof. Neharika Vohra
  4. Awarded the 'Best Paper of the Track Award' in the track of ‘Humanistic Management’ at Indian Academy of Management (INDAM) Conference 2020, for the paper titled "I Am What I Do: Exploring the Experiences of Freelancers in India", co-authored with Prof. Neharika Vohra


Work Experience:

Teaching Experience

Assistant Professor, Organizational Behavior, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC), Kolkata, May 2023 - present

Visiting Faculty, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmedabad, Sept 2022 – Oct 2022

Industry Experience

Assistant Research Manager (Market Research), Vox Populi Research Pvt. Ltd., Gurugram, June 2015 - Dec 2016


Journal Publications:

  • Bhayana, C., Arora, H., Sud, K., & Vohra, N. (2024). Implementing high performance work systems: Dynamics of professionalisation in a promoter-driven organisation. International Journal of Organizational Analysis,
  • Vohra, N., Sud, K., & Bhayana, C. (2024). Gender diversity and inclusion on Indian Boards: Post the introduction of the mandate in 2015 and 2019. Business Perspectives and Research, 22785337241249557.
  • Bhayana, C., Gopakumar, K. V., & Vohra, N. (2024). Embedding the individual within the career ecosystem: A systematic review of multi-level antecedents of multiple job holding. Human Resource Management Review, 34(3) 101028.
  • Bhayana, C., Gupta, V., & Sharda, K. (2021). The Role of Shared Leadership in Managing Conflicts in Multigenerational Teams: A Research Framework. Business Perspectives and Research, 9(2), 252-268.


International Conferences

  1. Bhayana, C., Gopakumar, K. V., & Vohra, N. (2023, August). Building Sustainable Careers: The Case of Multiple Job Holders [Paper Presentation]. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.
  2. Bhayana, C., & Vohra, N. (2022, August). Organizations at crossroads: The case of multiple job holding arrangements [Paper Presentation]. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, USA.
    • 6-page abridged version published in the Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. 
  3. Bhayana, C., & Vohra, N. (2022, July). Organizational responses to contemporary careers: Examining multiple job holding arrangements [Paper Presentation]. 38th EGOS Colloquium, WU Vienna, Austria. (Virtual delivery)
  4. Bhayana, C., Gopakumar, K.V., & Vohra, N. (2021, August). Why side hustle? Multi-level antecedents of multiple job holding [Paper presentation]. 81st Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Briarcliff Manor, New York. (Virtual delivery).
  5. Bhayana, C., Sud, K., & Gupta, A.K. (2021, July). Taxonomy of dissent: Selected cases of social disruption, resistance, and movements from India [Paper Presentation]. 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (Virtual delivery)

Domestic Conferences

  1. Vohra, N., Bhayana, C., & Sud, K. (2023, January). Women on boards in India: Examining the extent of gender diversity and inclusion on Indian boards [Paper presentation]. INDAM 2023, SBM-NMIMS Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
    • Invited for publication in Business Perspectives and Research journal (ABDC-C)
  2. Bhayana, C., & Vohra, N. (2020, January). I Am What I Do: Exploring the Experiences of Freelancers in India [Paper presentation]. INDAM 2020, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.
    • Received the overall "Best Paper Award" of the INDAM2020 conference
  3. Bhayana, C., Gupta, V., & Sharda, K. (2020, January). Exploring Dynamics Within Multigenerational Teams with Millennials: A Research Framework [Paper presentation]. INDAM 2020, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.
    • Invited for publication in Business Perspectives and Research journal (ABDC-C)
  4. Bhayana, C., Arora, H. K., Sud, K., & Vohra, N. (2019, December). Exploring the Dynamics of a High-Performance Work System (HPWS): A Case Study of a Pharmaceutical Company in India [Paper presentation]. Transcendence 2019, 3rd International OD conference, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
  5. Bhayana, C., & Singh, M. (2018, December). Flexible Workforce Model for Emerging Labour Markets [Paper presentation]. 60th Labour Economics Conference by The Indian Society of Labour Economics, IGIDR, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.


  1. "Putting freelance workers front and center" at Academy of Management conference 2023,


  1. Session Chair in Paper Development Workshop (PDW) on 'Multiple Jobholding Research and Perspectives for Organizations' at AOM2024, sponsored by INDAM and OB Divisions
  2. Professional Development Workshop (PDW) at AOM2022 (Virtual), in the Careers Division
  3. Professional Development Workshop (PDW) at AOM2021 (Virtual), in the Careers Division

Research Interests:

Non-standard work arrangements, contemporary careers, multiple job holding/moonlighting, independent work/freelance work, generational issues at workplace, team dynamics


Published Case Studies with Teaching Note
Vohra, N., Bhayana, C., Arora, H. K., & Sud, K. (2021). Medplus Ltd. (A), (B), (C). Harvard Business Publishing Education.

Media Publications

  1. “Making a Case for Side Hustling.” – Chayanika Bhayana & Neharika Vohra, The Hindu, 11 Jan 2022,
  2. "Teaching entrepreneurship in government schools" - Chayanika Bhayana & Neharika Vohra, India Development Review, 11 October 2023,