Biswatosh Saha

Biswatosh Saha
Academic Group: Strategic Management
Phone No.: +91-33-24678300 (ext. 2096)
Email ID.: biswatosh
Contact Details:
E-209, New Teaching Block, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Diamond Harbour Road, Joka, Kolkata 700104
Academic Background:
Ph.D. in Management, Fellow of Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
B. Tech., Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Courses Taught:
Post Graduate courses: Strategic Management International Management Managing Innovation Corporate Social Irresponsibility Strategy as Practice: The social and political in Strategy work Strategy as Practice (doctoral course)
International Conference on Information Systems - ICIS (2017): Nominated for Best Theory Development paper, for Sharma, Divya, Biswatosh Saha (2017): 'Multi-spatiality of Social Media Platforms: The Enactment of Trust in Fluid Space' Academy of Management - AoM 2016: Best Case Award in 'Dark Side Case Competition', Critical Management Studies Division, Academy of Management Meeting, 2016, for 'Compromised Livelihoods in Vapi: What Needs to Be Cleaned Up in the Armpit of India?', coauthored with Jammulamadaka, Nimruji Prasad, Bharat Patel, Manisha Goswami Second Best Case in CEEMAN Emerald Case Competition 2016, for 'Mio Amore: Surviving a brand-name change in a transition economy', coauthored with Jammulamadaka, Nimruji Prasad, Prashant Mishra Dalmia Award in Management case development, 2000, IIT Delhi, for "Emerging Chinese MNCs: Case of Kolkata Group Company Limited P.D.Agarwal-TCI Award for Doctoral Research in Management, 1998 (research grant for doctoral work) AV Birla Scholarship, Aditya Birla Centre at London Business School, 1999 (research grant for doctoral work) 72nd rank holder in West Bengal Board of Higher Secondary Examination, 1990 National Talent Search Scholarship, Government of India, 1988
Current Projects:
Saha, Biswatosh, Nimruji Prasad Jammulamadaka (2016): ‘So That All May See’: An Interrogation of Knowledge Generation in the Postcolony, Working Paper Number 779, IIM Calcutta, available at
Past Projects:
Study of e-commerce as a market device (Externally funded) Practices and devices in retail and distribution in contemporary India Study of futures market in India: Potato and Mentha-oil (Externally funded)
Work Experience:
Doctoral dissertations supervised:
Management Information Systems: Opening the Black Box of Matching facilities for e-business Websites, Divya Sharma
Strategic Management: Strategizing as embodied and materialized: Investigations into shifts in steel distribution
practices in post-liberalization India, Sankalp Pratap
Management Information Systems: Dynamics of niche creation in Sponsored Search Markets, Agam Gupta
Strategic Management: 'An investigation into coping in NGOs in Third World countries', Kamalika Chakrabarty
[Best Student Paper Award, CMS Division, for Chakraborty, Kamalika (2015): "An Investigation into Silent Coping by NGOs
in Third World Countries', in AoM, 2015
Nomination for Best Paper Award for Chakraborty, Kamalika, Biswatosh Saha, Nimruji Prasad Jammulamadaka (2016):
'Re-embedding Phronetic strategising: The significance of ethics and power in phronesis, in EGOS, 2016]
Academic Appointments:
Professor of Strategic Management
IIM Calcutta, 2017 onwards
Associate Professor of Strategic Management
IIM Calcutta, 2011-2017
Assistant Professor of Strategic Management
IIM Calcutta, 2006-2011
Assistant Professor of Strategic Management
XLRI Jamshedpur - 2003-2006
Assistant Professor of Strategic Management
Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur, 2001-03
Journal Publications:
- Gupta, Agam, Biswatosh Saha, Parthasarathi Banerjee (2018): Pricing decisions of car aggregation platforms in sharing economy: a developing economy perspective, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, Springer Nature, Online version available at
- Pratap, Sankalp, Biswatosh Saha (2018): Evolving Efficacy of Managerial Capital, Contesting Managerial Practices and the Process of Strategic Renewal, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 39, Issue 3, 759–793, March, available at Chakraborty, Kamalika, Biswatosh Saha, Nimruji Prasad Jammulamadaka (2017): 'Where Silence Speaks-Insights from Third World NGOs', Critical Perspectives on International Business, Vol. 13 Issue: 1, pp.38-53,
- Gupta, Agam, Biswatosh Saha, Uttam Kumar Sarkar (2016): Emergent Heterogeneity in Keyword Valuation in Sponsored Search Markets: A Closer-to-Practice Perspective, Computational Economics, Vol. 48, No. 4, December, available at
- Gupta, Agam, Biswatosh Saha, Uttam Kumar Sarkar (2016): Systemic Concentration in Sponsored Search Markets: The Role of Time Window in Click-Through-Rate Computation', ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, Volume 7 Issue 2, August, available at
- Varman, Rohit, Biswatosh Saha, and Per Skalen (2011) “Market Subjectivity and Neoliberal Governmentality in Higher Education,” Journal of Marketing Management, Special Issue: On the Marketisation and Marketing of Higher Education, Vol. 27, Issues 11-12, pp.1163-1185, available at
- Varman, Rohit and Biswatosh Saha (2009): ‘Disciplining the Discipline: Understanding Postcolonial Epistemic Ideology in Marketing’, in Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 25, No. 7-8, pp. 811-824, available at
- Kakani, Ram Kumar & Biswatosh Saha (2007): ‘The development elite and institutions of the local poor: Experiences from a development NGO in India’, in The Innovation Journal, Vol 12, No 2, (Special Issue on Innovation by the poor), available at
- Saha, Biswatosh, Saha, Biswatosh, ‘Biomedical Innovation: Institutions and practices’, invited book review of ‘Biomedical Innovation in India: With a comparison to China and others, P. Banerjee, Har Anand, Delhi, 2007 for Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XLII No 12, March 24-30, 2007.
- Saha, Biswatosh, Shubhashis Gangopadhyay, ‘Building a pedagogy around action and emotion: Experiences of Blind Opera of Kolkata’, in AI & Society, Vol. 21, No. 1&2, January, 2007 (Special Issue on actionable knowledge), pp. 57-71, Springer Verlag, London, available through SpringerLink at
- Saha, Biswatosh, Ram Kumar Kakani, ‘Knowledge, power and action: Towards an understanding of implementation failure in a government scheme’, in AI & Society, Vol. 21, No. 1&2, January, 2007 (Special Issue on actionable knowledge), pp. 72-92, Springer Verlag, London, available through SpringerLink at
- Saha, Biswatosh, ‘State support for industrial R&D in developing economies: Telecom equipment industry in India and China, in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.39, No.35, August 28 – September 3, 2004, pp.3915-3925.
- Saha, Biswatosh, ‘Emerging MNCs from China: Case of Konka Group Company Limited’, in Economic and Political Weekly, Volume 35, Number 48, November 25-December 1, 2000
- Pratap, Sankalp, Biswatosh Saha, Rangapriya Kannan-Narasimhan (2018): Pivoting in search of a business model: Negotiated birth and emergence of routines in nascent ventures, Sub-theme: Routines, Stability and Change in Organizations and Beyond, EGOS (forthcoming)
- Gupta, Agam, Biswatosh Saha (2017): 'Understanding Generalist Specialist competition and Resource Partitioning in Digital Markets', JAIS Theory Development Workshop (pre-ICIS 2017), December 10, Seoul
- Sharma, Divya, Biswatosh Saha (2017): 'Social Media Affordances: From Critical Realism to Process Philosophy', OASIS (pre-ICIS 2017 Workshop), December 9, Seoul
- Sharma, Divya, Biswatosh Saha (2017): 'Multi-spatiality of Social Media Platforms: The Enactment of Trust in Fluid Space', International Conference on Infoemation Systems (ICIS), Seoul, (forthcoming in December)
- Pratap, Sankalp, Biswatosh Saha, Suhas Nath Misra (2017): 'Bringing a strategy tool into being: 2*2 matrix and the construction of ‘exclusive retailer’, EGOS, July 6-8, 2017, Copenhegen
- Sharma, Divya, Biswatosh Saha & Uttam K.Sarkar (2016): 'Bridging the Distance: The Agencement of Complex Affordances on Social Media Platforms', International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 11-14, 2016, Dublin
- Sharma, Divya, Biswatosh Saha & Uttam K.Sarkar (2016): 'Affordance Lost, Affordance Regained and Affordance Surrendered: The Becoming of Reachability on Social Media platforms', IFIP Working Group 8.2 Meeting, December 9-10, 2016, Dublin
- Jammulamadaka, Nimruji Prasad, Biswatosh Saha (2016): 'What does ‘critical’ mean in a post-colony elite business school?', Critical Management Studies Division, Academy of Management Meeting
- Pratap, Sankalp, Biswatosh Saha (2016): ' Identifying with Differentiation: When managers facilitate parody to elicit support to firm strategy', presented at 32nd European Group on Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Subtheme: Strategy Practices and Performativity: Understanding Strategy as Performative Practice, Naples, Italy
- Chakraborty, Kamalika, Biswatosh Saha, Nimruji Prasad Jammulamadaka (2016): 'Re-embedding Phronetic strategising: The significance of ethics and power in phronesis', presented at 32nd European Group on Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Subtheme: Invisible/Silent Aspects of Change: The Role of Phronesis in Managing Organizational Change, Naples, Italy
- Gupta, Agam.,Biswatosh Saha, Uttam Kumar Sarkar, 2015, “Towards an Agent Based Model of Sponsored Search Markets”, 21st Computational Economics and Finance (CEF), Taipei
- Saha, Biswatosh (2015): 'Organizing in the colonial difference: Insights from an Indian elite organization', Academy of Management Proceedings, available at
- Saha, Biswatosh (2000): 'Bring the development Bank back in! A critique of the financial sector reforms in India', Third Annual Conference on Money and Finance, IGIDR, Mumbai
- Saha, Biswatosh (2000): 'Effects of foreign financial inflows on the domestic financial sector', Fourth Capital Markets Conference, UTI Institute of Capital Markets, Mumbai, December 21-22
Research Interests:
- Post colonial management studies, critical management studies, Strategy as Practice, digital economy and complexity
Books/Book Chapters:
- Jammulamadaka, N., & Saha, B. (2017): Theorising the state (or its absence?) in anti-corporate protest, in 'Governance, Resistance and the Post-Colonial State: Management and State Building', (eds.), Jonathan Murphy & Nimruji Jammulamadaka, Taylor & Francis
- Sharma, Divya, Biswatosh Saha & Uttam K.Sarkar (forthcoming): 'Affordance Lost, Affordance Regained and Affordance Surrendered, in 'Beyond Interpretivism? New encounters with Technology and Organization', (ed.) Lucas Introna, D.Kavanagh, S.Kelly, W.Orlikowski & Susan Scott, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Series, Springer
- Saha, Biswatosh, Parthasarathi Banerjee and R.K.Kakani (2011): ‘Strategic Thinking: Explorations around Conflict and Cooperation’, Sage, London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi
- Saha, Biswatosh (2010): ‘Institutional innovation and entrepreneurial deployment of technology as device: Case of Financial Technologies group in India’ in ‘Cases on Technology Innovation: Entrepreneurial Successes and Pitfalls’, ed. Ann. S. Becker and Robert Niebuhr, IGI Global.
- Saha, Biswatosh and Parthasarathi Banerjee (2009): ‘Growth of futures market: Acts of disintermediation or reintermediation?’, in ‘Effects of futures markets on agricultural commodities’, ed. Madhoo Pavaskar, Takshashila Academia of Economic Research, Mumbai
- Saha, Biswatosh, Shubhashis Gangopadhyay, ‘Building a pedagogy around action and emotion: Experiences of Blind Opera of Kolkata’, reprinted in ‘Cognition, Communication and Interaction: Trans-disciplinary perspectives on interactive technology’, Human-Computer Interaction Series, (ed.) Satinder P.Gill, Springer, London, 2008, in a compilation of 32 landmark papers on Human-Centred Systems published in AI & Society since its inception
- Saha, Biswatosh, Ram Kumar Kakani, ‘Power, public administration and poverty: An enquiry into the rural employment program in India’, pp.196-220, in ‘The role of public administration in building a harmonious society’, ed. Raza Ahmad, China National School of Administration and ADB, Beijing, 2006
- Jammulamadaka, Nimruji Prasad, Prashant Mishra, Biswatosh Saha: 'Mio Amore: Surviving a brand-name change in a transition economy', Second Best Case in CEEMAN Emerald Case Competition 2016
- Jammulamadaka, Nimruji Prasad, Biswatosh Saha, Bharat Patel, Manisha Goswami (2016): 'Compromised Livelihoods in Vapi: What Needs to Be Cleaned Up in the Armpit of India?', Best Case Award in 'Dark Side Case Competition', Critical Management Studies Division, Academy of Management Meeting, 2016
- Pratap, Sankalp, Biswatosh Saha (2016): 'From chaos of steel cycles to the promise of “Joy of Building”: Tata Tiscon eyeing the next big leap', Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection, 6: 1, pp.1-39 , DOI:
- Saha, B. (2011): ‘An Institutional Reading of the very early history of Chicago Board of Trade: What it means for what we need to study about Indian futures market’, in Commodity Vision, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp. 56-62
- Saha, Biswatosh (2006): 'State support and development of indigenous capability in high-tech industry: Telecom equipment industry in India and China, Asian Business Case Centre, Nanyang Business School, Singapore, available at
- Saha, Biswatosh (2002): 'Emerging Chinese MNCs: Case of Konka Group Company Limited’, Asian Business Case Centre, Nanyang Business School, Singapore, available at