Arnab Bhattacharya

Arnab Bhattacharya
Associate Professor
Academic Group: Finance and Control
Phone No.: +91 33 2467 8300 (Extn. 2020)
Email ID.: arnab
Personal Details:
I am not offering any summer / winter internship projects under me currently.
Contact Details:
M-309, New Academic Block, IIM Calcutta
Academic Background:
B. Tech. (IIT Kharagpur), MBA (PGDM from IIM Ahmedabad), Ph.D. (Fellow from IIM Calcutta)
Courses Taught:
Corporate Finance, Equity Financing, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Financial Risk Management, Empirical Accounting Research, Financial Econometrics
Current Projects:
- Impact of Audit Failure on Clients of Big 4 Auditors
- Financial Implications of Discretionary Retirement Benefits
- Examination of Intra-day Limit Order Book Characteristics in IPO Aftermarkets
Work Experience:
- Associate Professor, Finance & Control Group, IIM Calcutta (2022 - On-going)
- Assistant Professor, Finance & Control Group, IIM Calcutta (2018 - 2022)
- Assistant Professor, Finance & Accounting Area, IIM Indore (2015 - 2018)
- Associate, Investment Banking Division, UBS Securities India (2007 - 2009)
- Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET), Production and Assembly Operations, Tata-Hitachi Construction Machinery (2004 - 2005)
Journal Publications:
- Innovations in Financing: The Impact of Anchor Investors in Indian IPOs. (2020). European Financial Management. (co-authored)
- An Empirical Analysis of Audit Pricing and Auditor Selection: Evidence from India. (2019). Managerial Auditing Journal. (co-authored)
- Innovations in New Venture Financing: Evidence from Indian SME IPOs. (2017). Global Finance Journal.
- An Examination of Adverse Selection Risk in Indian IPO After-Markets using High Frequency Data. (2014). International Journal of Economic Sciences. (co-authored)
- (2019) An Empirical Analysis of Audit Pricing and Auditor Selection: Evidence from India, presented at Eastern Finance Association (EFA) Conference (Florida, USA).
- (2018) Financial Implications of Discretionary Retirement Benefits, presented in the South Western Finance Association (SWFA) Conference (New Mexico, US).
- (2017) An Empirical Study of Association between Old-Age Employee Benefits and Firm Performance, presented at the International Conference on Financial Markets & Corporate Finance (IIT Kharagpur).
- (2016) Intra-day Liquidity Provision with Limit Orders in IPO Aftermarkets: Evidence from India, presented at the Vietnam Symposium in Banking and Finance (Hanoi, Vietnam)
- (2015) Does Institutional Participation Enhance IPO Performance? Evidence from the Indian Capital Market, presented at IFABS Oxford Conference (Oxford, London and Hangzhou, China).
- (2014) Role of Retail Investor Participation in Developing Secondary Market Liquidity for Indian IPOs, presented at the Eastern Finance Association (EFA) Conference (Pennsylvania, USA).
Research Interests:
- Corporate Finance, Market Microstructure, Empirical Accounting Issues