Anirvan Pant

Anirvan Pant
Academic Group: Strategic Management
Phone No.: +91-33-24678300 to 06 (Extn. 781)
Email ID.: anirvan
Academic Background:
Fellow (IIM Bangalore) ~ Ph.D. [Corporate Strategy & Policy]
M.A. (Economics), University of Lucknow.
Courses Taught:
Ph.D. Seminars: Strategy Process Research, International Business: Theories & Themes
MBA: Strategic Management, Strategic Leadership (elective), Strategic Thinking (elective)
MBAEx: International Business Management, Strategic Leadership (elective)
2011. Finalist, Gunnar Hedlund Award 2010 / 2011 for best dissertation in the field of International Business, Stockholm School of Economics. 2011. Fundação Dom Cabral Best Paper in Strategy / IB Theory Award, Academy of Management annual meeting, San Antonio. 2009. Outstanding Reviewer Award 2005-2009, International Management Division, Academy of Management annual meeting, Chicago. 2006. Infosys Fellowship for doctoral research.
Work Experience:
2001-2004. Tata Motors
2010-2012. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Journal Publications:
- 2017. Pant, A. & Ramachandran, J. Navigating Identity Duality in Multinational Subsidiaries: A Paradox Lens on Identity Claims at Hindustan Unilever 1959 - 2015. Journal of International Business Studies, 48(6): 664-692.
- 2017. Pant, A., & Ojha, A.K. Managerial Values and Organizational Identities in the Developing World. Journal of Human Values, 23(1).
- 2013. Ramachandran, J., Manikandan, K.S., & Pant, A. Why Conglomerates Thrive (Outside the U.S.). Harvard Business Review, December issue.
This article was cited in The Economist at: - 2012. Pant, A., & Ramachandran J. Legitimacy Beyond Borders: Indian Software Services Firms in the United States 1984 – 2004. Global Strategy Journal, special issue on Developing Country MNCs, 2 (3): 224-243.
- 2012. Ramachandran, J., Pant, A., & Pani, S.K. Building the BoP Producer ecosystem: The evolving engagement of Fabindia with Indian handloom artisans. Journal of Product Innovation Management, special issue on making products for and with the Base of the Pyramid, 29 (1): 33-51.
- 2011. Pant, A., & Ramachandran J. How do subsidiaries confront institutional duality? Identity claims at Hindustan Lever 1961-2009. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- 2010. Ramachandran, J. & Pant, A. The liabilities of origin: An emerging economy perspective on the costs of doing business abroad. In Devinney, TM, Pedersen, T & L Tihanyi (ed.), Advances in International Management: The Past, Present and Future of International Business and Management, Volume 23, New York, NY: Emerald.
- 2008. Pant, A., Gunta, S. & Ramachandran, J. Research in emerging economies: Reading small type in dim light in a speeding train? Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Research Interests:
- Multinationality and the processes of categorization, identity evolution, and legitimation;
- Business history in developing and emerging economies
- Strategic leadership
- 2007. Pant, A. & Ramachandran J. Bajaj Auto Limited: Inspiring Confidence. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.
- 2006. Ramachandran, J. & Pant, A. Redefining the rules - profitably: In conversation with Bhaskar Bhat. IIMB Management Review, 18(2).