Amit Dhiman

Amit Dhiman
Academic Group: Human Resource Management
Phone No.: +91-33-2467-8300
Email ID.: amitdhiman
Contact Details:
K-404, New Academic Block, IIMC
Academic Background:
Phd/Fellow Programme in Management (P& IR) IIM Ahmedabad
MBA (P&IR) University Business School Panjab University, Chandigarh
BE (Mechanical) Karnataka University Dharwad
Courses Taught:
Human Resource Management (MBA, MBAEX, PGDBA);
Human Resource Management and Labour Laws (PGPEXVLMP);
Strategic Human Resource Management in Services (MBA Elective);
Research Methods in HRM/IR (Compulsory Phd course in HRM area, teaching 1/3 rd of the full course doing the quantitative methods);
Manpower Planning (MBA HR, IIM Ranchi, in 2015)
Seminar courses on Research in HRM (Phd course in HRM area)
Seminar course on HRM in services - Advanced course (Phd course in HRM area)
Human Resource Management (MBA, IIM Ahmedabad, in 2013)
Online Executive Education:
Executive Programme in Human Resource Management (EPHRM) 1 Year Online Long Duration Programme for working executives with min 2 yrs experience (14 th batch running, Programme Co- Director for 13 batches)
Executive Programme in SHRM (EPSHRM) 1 Year Online Long Duration Programme for working executives with min 7 yrs experience (5th batch running, Programme Co- Director)
Co- Directed and taught in many Online Programmes since 2008 for corporates including Nestle, Genpact, Accenture, Deloitte and open enrolment general management programmes
Executive Training:
Co-Director of Human Resource Analytics programme, an open enrolment 5 days on campus training programme.
Co - Director of Business leadership Programme (BLP) for Senior Executives, an open enrolment 3 module, 15 days on campus General Management programme.
Co- Directed open enrolment programmes titled - Developing your Team for Higher Performance; Managing Stress; Talent Management and Employee Engagement.
Co- Directed in - company programmes for corporates such as Tata Projects, Akzo Nobel, NTPC, Corporation Bank, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Maruti Suzuki Ltd, ONGC (including overseas learning component).
Co- Directed programmes on Leadership in Schools for School Principals.
Taught in both in-company and open enrolment programmes for corporates on varied topics including, Performance Management , Developing Performance Feedback skills, Coaching/ Mentoring, Strategic HRM, Industrial Relations, HR policy making, Effective HR processes, Team building, Transactional analysis, Balanced Score card, Motivating employees for higher performance and so on.
Taught Japanese Managers in a programme conducted by Kyoto University, Tokyo center on General Management topics .
Consulting Interests:
HRM policy making, High performance work systems, Strategic HRM, Performance management, Compensation Management, Manpower Planning and Work studies.
Projects completed:
Comprehensive Review and Revision of the HRM Policies of LIC Housing Finance Ltd.
Executive Manpower Review for Pipeline Division of OIL India Ltd.
Analysis and Review of the Normalization process in PMS at OIL India ltd.
Reviewing and Restructuring the Compensation of Additional Directors at CINI (Child In Need Institute).
Review and Redesign of the existing Performance Management System for Teachers of Calcutta International School.
Helped Senior Management Team of Amalgamated Tea Plantations make Business Plan for 2013-18 (Tata Group).
Review of promotion policy of executives of OIL India Ltd.
Restructuring of West Bengal Tourism Development Corporation (Dealt with the HRM part in the multifunctional team from IIMC).
Consultative reports submitted to Calcutta High Court on HRM processes for judges as part of NCMS project initiated by Supreme court of India. Facilitated and
Supported Calcutta High Court in Hiring of Court Managers for the State of West Bengal.
Past Projects:
Thesis Guidance Chair/ Joint Chair Thesis Advisory Committee (Thesis completed) all HRM area
Avantika Tomar (2013). Influence of human resources fit and flexibility on IT project performance: A study in Indian IT services industry.
Shreyashi Chakraborty (2018). Antecedents and Outcomes of Gender Diversity Management : An Exploratory Study in the Indian IT/ITeS Industry.
Ravi Komu (2020) Academic Careers In An Indian Context (A qualitative study of academic careers of faculty at IIMs).
Chair/ Joint Chair Thesis Advisory Committee (Thesis ongoing)
Anindya Ganguly (HRM area) Understanding Justice perceptions of GIG workers in the context of GIG economy in India
Anamitra Khan (HRM area) Commitment in an interorganizational employment system: An empirical investigation of the organizational and Occupational commitment of professional theatre actors in West Bengal.
Ravi Krishna (HRM area) An empirical investigation of Justice and appraisal politics perceptions: Role of LMX and Perceived Control in hybrid work
Swati Suravi (HRM area) The role of Agile HR in project team agility and ambidexterity: A case study of management consulting projects in professional services firms
Work Experience:
Professor (HRM area) IIMC from Dec 2020 onwards
Associate Professor (HRM area) IIMC, 2012- 2020
Assistant Professor (HRM area) IIMC, 2008-2012
Industry Experience of 7 years before Phd
Assistant Manager (HR)/ Head (HR) in Musashi Auto Gurgaon; Deputy Manager (Corporate HR) at Triveni Engineering New Delhi; Executive (HR) at JCT Electronics Ltd Mohali; Management Trainee (Corporate HR) at Steel Strips Ltd Chandigarh; Maintenance Engineer at Deepak Spinners Ltd Baddi (HP)
Academic Administration
Chairperson MBAEx, IIMC, 2018-20 (1 year full time residential programme for experienced executives with min 5 yrs work experience).
Chairperson Career Development and Placements, IIMC, 2010-2012.
Journal Publications:
- Dhiman,A. (2023). Managerial Accountability in Decision Making. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 58(4):543-559.- Lead article
- Dhiman, A. (2021). Unique nature of Appraisal Politics as a work stress: test of stress-strain model from appraisee's perspective. Personnel Review, 50(1):64-89.
- Shalini & Dhiman, A. (2020). Organizational Politics. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations 55(4): 668-680.
- Kumar, R., Sarkar, S., & Dhiman, A. (2019). Determinants of Managerial Compensation: An empirical exploration. IIMB Management Review, 31(2):105-115.
- Dhiman, A., Sen, A., & Bhardwaj, P. (2018). Effect of Self- Accountability on Self -Regulatory Behavior: A quasi Experiment. Journal of Business Ethics, 148(1):78-97.
- Dhiman, A. (2017). Effect of employee's upward influence tactics on managerial decision making. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 53(1):152-166.
- Dhiman, A., & Maheshwari, S. (2013). Performance appraisal politics from appraisee perspective: A study of antecedents in Indian context. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(6):1202-1235.
- Tomar, A. & Dhiman, A. (2013). Exploring the role of human resource management in service delivery in healthcare organizations: A study in an Indian hospital. Vikalpa, 38(2):21-38.
- Tomar, A. & Dhiman, A. (2012). Customer Oriented Bureaucracy and flexibility: Their interactions and implications in the services industry context. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 48(1):43-58.
- Dhiman, A. (2012) Book review of edited book (3rd ed) by Harzing. Anne-Wil and Pinnington, Ashly H., International Human Resource Management, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2011, in Vision – The Journal of Business Perspective.
- Dhiman, A., & Singh, M. (2007). Appraisal Politics: Revisiting from Assessors’ perspective. Vikalpa, 32 (1):75-87.
- Dhiman, A. (2006). Book review of “The Necessary Nature of Future Firms” by George P. Huber. Journal of Entrepreneurship, 15 (2): 232-238.
- Suravi, A and Dhiman, A. (2024). The Application of Agile HR practices in Knowledge- based Organizations. Presented by first author at Academy of Management conference 2024, Chicago.
- Chathayam, V.K., and Dhiman, A. (2024). Advancing the Ability-Motivation-Opportunity framework: Empowering community health workers through contextualized HRM practices. Accepted for presentation at 9th INDAM national conference at Goa Institute of Management, January 11-13, 2024.
- Ganguly, A. , and Dhiman, A. (2023). Distributive Justice at work: Understanding the Experiences and Perceptions of Distributive Justice in the workplace for On-Demand Platform based GIG workers. Accepted for presentation at 8th Regulating for Decent Work Conference, International Labour Organization (ILO) HQ, Geneva 10-12, July, 2023.
- Khan, A., and Dhiman A. (2022). HRM PRACTICES IN INDIAN FIRMS DURING COVID-19 , Accepted for presentation at 4th Annual Aston Indian Center for applied research conference, Aston University U.K.
- Dhiman, A. (2011). Interactive Effects of Formal Voice and Informal Influence Tactics on Appraisee’s Perceptions of Appraisal Politics. India Academy of Management Conference, 2011, Bangalore. –(Submitted to international journal)
- Tomar, A. & Dhiman, A. (2010). Exploring the role of human resource management in service delivery in healthcare organizations: A study in an Indian hospital. Accepted at 10th Hawaii International Conference on Business.
- Dhiman, A., & Maheshwari, S. (2009). Performance Appraisal Politics from Appraisee perspective: Exploration in Indian Context. Presented at Academy of Management conference 2009, Chicago .
- Maheshwari, S.K., Bhat, R., Dhiman, A., & Soumen, S. (2007). Effect of Human Resource Practices on Organizational and Professional Commitment of medical officers engaged in public health system in India. Presented at Academy of Management conference 2007, Philadelphia.
- Maheshwari, S.K., Dhiman, A., Pande, A., & Khokle, P. (2006). Effect of Human Resource Practices on Employees’ Organizational Commitment in Indian organizations. Paper accepted at Academy of Management Conference 2006, Atlanta.
- Krishnan, S. & Dhiman, A. (2004). Innovation & Human Resource Management practices. Presented at Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, IIT Mumbai.
Research Interests:
- Performance appraisals- Role of politics, due processes, voice, justice ; Strategic HRM- role of HR alignment and HR flexibility and IT software project management; HRM in services- healthcare, IT services ; Accountability in decision making; Evolving challenges in management education.
Books/Book Chapters:
- Dhiman, A., Goel, A., and Sharma, M. (2024). Evolving Landscape of Management Education and Employability: Challenges and Contradictions in R.R., Babu and M. Thakur (Eds.), Managing India: The idea of IIMs and its changing contexts., Routledge publishing, London and New York, pp: 136-158.
- Dhiman, A. (2021). Managing the performance of key talent in Mohapatra, M. and Dhir, S (eds.), Talent Management: a contemporary perspective. Sage Texts India, pp: 80-104.
- Komu, R.V. & Dhiman, A. (2020). The changing nature of Academic Careers in Management Education in India, in Premarajan, R.K., Aneleen,F., & Arthur, M.B (Eds), Career Dynamics in Global World: Indian and Western perspectives, Edward Elgar publishing, Cheltanham UK, pp:150-161.
- Dhiman, A. (2023). Performance Management and Incentives at Housing Finance ltd HFL (B). IIMC Case Research Center.
- Dhiman, A. (2023). Strategic Change and HRM at Housing Finance limited (A). IIMC Case Research Center.
- Kumar, R.; Dasgupta, P. & Dhiman A. (2021) Worker Unrest at Wistron InfoComm Manufacturing (India) Private Limited, Case Centre,
- Dhiman, A. (2015). Time for a new strategy. Mumbai Mirror (Times of India).
Working Papers - Tomar, A., and Dhiman, A.(2020). Influence of fit and flexible human resources on IT project performance. IIMC WP series, WP 844.
- Dhiman, A. and Sharma, M. (2019). Recruiters’ perceptions about MBA graduates and management education at top tier management institutes in Indian context. IIMC WP series, WP 820.
- Dhiman, A. (2017). Accountability in Decision Making. IIMC WP series, WP 793.