Abhishek Goel

Abhishek Goel
Associate Professor
Academic Group: Organizational Behavior
Phone No.: +91-33-24678300 to 06 (Ext-751)
Email ID.: agoel
Personal Details:
Joined IIMC in April 2008. Keen observer and student of organizations and people. Enjoys life and work. Occasionally fails to differentiate between work and life. Life member - International Society for Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV) Chair - Scientific Committee - ISSWOV 2016 (to be held in Bello Horoizonte, Brazil) Guest Editor - Intl Jl of Manpower
Contact Details:
A-309 Indian Institute of Management Calcutta DH Road, Joka, Kolkata – 700104.
Academic Background:
PhD in Management - FELLOW (IIM Ahmedabad)
MBA – International Business, FMSR, AMU
Courses Taught:
Micro Organizational Behavior (Group processes and teamwork, Leadership) Managing in cross cultural context/Cross Cultural Management Macro Organizational Behavior/Organization structure and design Change Management/Organization Development
(Includes special training nomination) Research fellowship under Research Excellence Program (PEIN), University de Santiago de Compostela, Spain (Feb. 2013). Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Training Program, Tokyo, Japan (Feb. 2012). Full Scholarship at the Young Scientist Program, XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP) Conference, Berlin Invited visitor at University of Konstanz (Jul. 2008). Chaudhary-Padmanabhan-Pant Award for best thesis proposal (2007-2008) at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA), India. Best Paper Award at the 17th National Academy of Psychology Conference, IIT Kanpur, India (Dec. 2007).
Consulting Interests:
Leadership Development Leadership and Organizational Culture Sensemaking / Systems View
Past Projects:
Cynicism against Organizational Change and organizational politics: Importance of Interactional Justice Organization restructuring - Reorganization and development of potential of an autonomous research institution Competency framework development and derivation (India and Asia Pacific) - Japanese corporation Leadership Development - Japanese corporation subsidiary (Client names available on request) PAST PROJECTS Validation and integration of Asian and Indian competency frameworks (Client Engagement, Japanese corporation) Invited Expert for screening organization (East & North East India) for the 2010 Citibank Micro Entrepreneurship Awards Competency framework derivation and 360‐ degree assessment to create a leadership talent pool at a Japanese corporation Development of a web based system to collect 360-degree feedback (conceptualization and overseeing implementation, Project Management) Organizational alignment to improve market orientation and responsiveness of a large pig-iron manufacturer Research design and operationalization of a study to suggest structural improvements in the health services department of a large Indian state Competency derivation, mapping, and designing 360 ‐ degree appraisal for senior executives of a large British oil exploration firm Cultural analysis and leadership style assessment in a super speciality hospital for improving talent management at a super specialty hospital
Work Experience:
Associate Professor - Organizational Behavior / Behavioural Sciences (April 2015 - )
Assistant Professor - Organizational behavior / Behavioural Sciences - IIM Calcutta (April 2008 - March 2015)
Journal Publications:
- Tiwari, S. Telles, S., Goel, A., and Verma, A. (2014). Beliefs of yoga practitioners about yoga as a science: A survey in Mumbai. Yoga Mīmāṃsā, 46 (1&2): 15-19
- Goel, A. (2013). The unamanageable star performer. Harvard Business Review. 91(5), 141-145.
- Gupta, M. A., and Goel, A. (2011). Retrenchment at Tolani Tyres - Managing communication post retrenchment – A Case Study. International Journal of Professional Management, Vol 2 (4). DOI http://ipma.co.uk/?p=1316
- Gupta, M. A., and Goel, A. (2011). Retrenchment at Tolani Tyres – Strategizing the separation process. International Journal of Professional Management. Vol 2 (1). DOI http://ipma.co.uk/?p=1316
- Goel, A., and Soni, N. (2011). Process change at Bharat Hospital and Medical Research Center. International Journal of Global Business Management. Vol 1.
- Goel, A., and Vohra N. (2008). Superstar leaders. Asian Case Research Journal , 12: 161-186.
- Goel, A., Vohra N., and Zhang L. (2007). Research on venture evaluation of the Chinese and
- Indian entrepreneurs and career choices of young people. Modern Finance and Economics, 27: 54-59. [In Chinese]
- Panel Discussant - Building Synergy in Business and Social Development (Theme: Creating economic environment for the poor: Strategic partnerships) in AIPA Dialogue on Leadership Insights: Building Better Life for the Vulnerable. New Delhi – India (October 13, 2014)
- Session Chair and Presenter - Goel, A., Gupta, A., and Bande-Vilela, B. (2014). Organizational cynicism: Role of politics, empowerment and interpersonal treatment in embracing change at the 14th biennial conference of the ISSWOV at Riga, Latvia (29th June to 1st July, 2014)
- Co-Track Chair – Organization Studies Track, 3rd Indian Academy of Management Confernece at IIM Ahmedabad (December 12 to 14, 2013). “Cynicism against organizational change: Influence of empowerment and interpersonal treatment” at European Business School, Frankfurt (13th Mar. 2013) (INVITED SEMINAR).
- “Impact of Management Practices on Employee Attitudes in Indian IT Service Industry: Differences between Managers and Frontline Staff” co-authored paper presented at the 13th biennial ISSWOV conference at International Center Goa. (24th – 27th Jun. 2012).
- “Leadership Influence on Organizational Culture”: Workshop and talk delivered to Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (29th Oct. 2011) (INVITED SEMINAR)
- “Work together in groups” presented at the Gaedu College of Business Studies, Gedu, BHUTAN. (9th Sep. 2010) (INVITED SEMINAR)
- “Is positive, does positive: A conclusion or a question” presented at the 12th biennial ISSWOV conference at Estoril Congress Center, Portugal. (27th-30th Jun. 2010). (Paper published in peer- reviewed proceedings)
- “We are here because we want to be: A case study in building a positive organization” presented at the 12th biennial ISSWOV conference at Estoril Congress Center, Portugal. (27th-30th Jun. 2010).
- “Case study in management education” for the Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) program on Management Research at Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Kolkata, India. (18th Feb. 2010) (INVITED RESEARCH SEMINAR)
- Influence of positive characteristics on organizational commitment. Co-authored paper presented at the Inaugural conference of the Indian Academy of Management at XLRI, Jamshedpur. (28th-30th Dec. 2009). (Paper published in peer reviewed proceedings)
- “Leadership influence on organizational culture” at Institute of Management and Information Sciences, Bhubaneswar, India. (26th Dec. 2008) (INVITED SEMINAR)
- Influence of positive characteristics on positive behaviours. Co-authored paper presented at the 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin (25th-29th Jul. 2008). (INVITED by ICP to CO- CHAIR the session on OCB - PERSONAL AND SITUATION FACTORS, 23rd Jul, 2008). (Paper published in peer reviewed proceedings)
- “Influence of positive characteristics on organizational attitudes and behaviours: A tale of two studies” at the Work and Organizational Psychology group at University of Konstanz, Germany. (15th Jul. 2008) (INVITED RESEARCH SEMINAR)
- “Positive psychology’s role in improving organizational commitment” to the core group of scientists and doctoral students at the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India. (Feb. 2008) (INVITED RESEARCH SEMINAR)
- Positive characteristics do matter for organizational commitment: A study of Indian middle managers. Co-authored paper presented at the 17th conference of National Academy of Psychology (NAoP) at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. (17th-19th Dec. 2007) (WON THE BEST PAPER AWARD IN THE CONFERENCE)
- Exploring influence of positive characteristics on engagement in organizational citizenship behaviors. Paper selected and presented at 7th Consortium of Management Researchers (COSMAR) at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore (12th-13th Dec. 2007).
- Organization’s culture and its performance: The influence of organization’s size. Paper presented at the 12thconference of Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organizational Studies (APROS) at MDI Gurgaon (9th-12th Dec. 2007).
- Organization Networks: Logic of Seven Organizational Theory Paradigms. Paper presented at the 12th conference of Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organizational Studies (APROS) at MDI Gurgaon (9th-12th Dec. 2007).
- Goel, A., Gupta, A., and Bande-Vilela, B. (2014). It’s all in interpersonal interactions: Empowerment, organizational cynicism, and perception of organizational politics, In Jorge F. S. Gomes and Joaquim P. Coelho (Eds.), Values in Shock: The role of contrasting management, economic, and religious paradigms in the workplace (pp. 419-428). Shreveport, LA: ISSWOV.
- Vohra, N., and Goel A. (2014). Are Indian youth more positive towards entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship than Chinese youth? In Neelu Rohmetra and Anil Gupta (Eds.) Cross Cultural Management: Practice and Research. (pp: 33-54) Delhi: Primus.
- Kumar, R., Goel, A., and Jha, V. (2011). Medium Matters: Experiences of Teaching Online in India. In Charles Wankel and J. Sibley Law (Eds.) Streaming Media Delivery in Higher Education: Methods and Outcomes (pp. 387-403). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Kumar, R., Goel, A., and Jha, V. (2011). Online education in India: A case study. In Charles Wankel and J. Sibley Law (Eds.) Streaming Media Delivery in Higher Education: Methods and Outcomes (pp. 404-420). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Goel, A., Vohra, N., Zhang, L., and Arora, B. (2008). Attitudes of youth in India and China towards entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. In Amar K J R Nayak and M G Jomon (Eds.), India in the Emerging Global Order (pp. 337-353). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.
- Goel, A., (2014). Embedding sustainability in organization and its leadership. In Gopi Ghosh (Ed.) Leadership Insights: Building better life for the vulnerable: A focused dialogue. (pp: 29-31). For Asian Institute of Poverty Alleviation, New Delhi
- Goel, A., and Soni, N. (2010). Process Change at Bharat hospital and Medical Research Center. IIMC Working Paper Series No. 669/December 2010.
- Goel, A., and Vohra, N. (2010). Being positive and behaving positively. IIMC Working Paper Series No. 651/March 2010.
- Goel, A. (2009). Case diagnosis for Surviving recession: Venus Jewel – A case study from the Indian diamond industry, Vikalpa. 34 (3): 104-106.
- Vohra, N., and Goel, A. (2009). Influence of positive characteristics on organizational commitment and job satisfaction of Indian middle managers. IIMC Working Paper Series No. 635/March 2009.
- Goel, A., and Vohra, N. (2007). Dr. Shekhawat. Registered with Research & Publications Unit, IIMA [IIMA/OB200]. (This case highlights the issue of narcissistic leadership or larger than life leaders in organizations. Target audience is middle, senior or top level executives.)
- Goel, A., and Vohra, N. (2007). Teaching Note for Dr. Shekhawat. Registered with Research & Publications Unit, IIMA [IIMA/OB200TN].
- Goel, A., Vohra, N., Zhang, L., and Arora, B. (2007). Attitudes of the Youth towards Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of India and China. IIMA Working Paper No. 2007-01-06.
- Goel, A. (2003). Strategic Alliances in the Global Airline Industry. IIMA Working Paper No. 2003-01-02.
- Review of [Humanising Management: Transformation through human values by G. P. Rao, New Delhi, Ane Books]. Journal of Human Values, 16 (Dec. 2010).
- Aleksandrovich, M., Alonso-Arbiol, I, Goel, A., and Hasking, P. (2009). Experiences at Young Scientists Program and XXIX International Congress of Psychology 2008. IAAP Newsletter Division 15. 5(1): 5-13. (equal contribution)
- Review of [Organizational Culture in Action: A Cultural Analysis Workbook by Gerald W. Driskill and Angela L. Benton, London, Sage]. Vikalpa, 30 (Apr.-June 2005), 153-154.
- Review of [Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Its Nature, Antecedents, and Consequences by Dennis W. Organ, Philip M. Podsakoff and Scott B. Mackenzie, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage]. Vikalpa, 32 (Jan.-Mar. 2007) [Co-authored].
Research Interests:
Leadership and Organizational Culture
Making Japanese organizations work in India (Ongoing)
Ageing in Workplace - Maintaining Inter-generational continuity (Ongoing)
Books/Book Chapters: