Biju Paul Abraham

Biju Paul Abraham
Academic Group: Public Policy and Management
Phone No.: +91-33-71212002 (Off), +91-33-24533138 (Res), Mob: +91-9231686066
Email ID.: abraham
Contact Details:
Academic Background:
Ph.D.from Kings’ College, University of London, United Kingdom, 1995
M.Phil. in International Studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 1990
MA in Political Science from University of Kerala, India, 1988
BA in Political Science from University of Kerala, India, 1986
Courses Taught:
I offer two elective courses on 'Country Risk Analysis' and 'Global Political Economy of the 21st Century' (with Professor Partha Ray of the Economics Group) in the two-year MBA Programme at IIM Calcutta. I also teach the compulsory 'Theories of Public Policy I' course in the Doctoral Programme at IIM Calcutta
Placed on the Honor Roll of the bi-national Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute in June 2018 in recognition of 'outstanding contributions and achievement towards fulfilling the vision and mission' of the Institute Nehru Centenary Fellow (awarded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Government of the United Kingdom) at King’s College London from1991 to 1995. University Grants Commission (Government of India) Junior Research Fellow at the School of International Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University, New India from1989 to 1991.
Consulting Interests:
My primary consulting interests have been in the area of public systems, primarily in strategic reviews of organizations and reviews of programme implementaion. I have been part of an IIM Calcutta team which prepared a future road-map for Media Lab Asia, an organization that funds research projects in use of IT in rural areas of India. The organization is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India. I have also been involved with government funded evaluations of implementation of the MNREGA programme in West Bengal and the North-Eastern states of India.
Work Experience:
Dean (Academic) of the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, April 2015 – March 2018.
President (June 2014 - May 2015) and Vice-President/President-Elect (June 2013 - May 2014) of the Shastri Indo-Canadian
Institute, Calgary, Canada / New Delhi, India, a bi-national academic institute funded by the Government of India and
Government of Canada, with major Indian and Canadian universities and research institutes as members, which promotes and
funds bi-national collaborative research projects.
Professor of Public Policy, Public Policy & Management Group, IIIM Calcutta, from 2008 onward.
Associate Professor in the Business Environment Group, IIM Calcutta, 2004-2008.
Assistant Professor in the Business Environment Group, IIM Calcutta, 1996-2004.
Tutorial Assistant in the School of Humanities, King’s College London, University of London, 1994-95
Journal Publications:
- (with Partha Ray). (2023), 'A Failed Economy Saved by Geography: Pakistan and Rentier Geopolitics', Economic & Political Weekly, LVIII (15), April 15. pp.25-28.
- (with Partha Ray). (2022), 'The Sri Lankan Crisis: An Outcome of Populist Macroeconomics and Family-Run Polity?', Economic & Political Weekly, LVII (32), August 6. pp.25-28.
- (with Partha Ray). (2020), 'Trade War and Global Economic Architecture', Economic & Political Weekly, LV (17), April 25. pp.35-41.
- (with Biswajit Nag and Partha Ray). (2020), 'China-bashing and Post-COVID-19 Narrative: A Reality Check', Economic & Political Weekly, LV (39), September 26. pp.14-17.
- (with B.Charabarti, R.Chattopadhyay and S.Nath). (2013). 'MGNREGS in a Prosperous District: A Study of Implementation in Bardhaman, West Bengal' Journal of Rural Development,32(1), pp.19-31.
- (with B.Charabarti, R.Chattopadhyay and S.Nath). (2012). 'MGNREGS and Creation of Environmental Assets in Bardhaman, West Bengal', Indian Journal of Public Administration, 58(4), pp.740-748
- (with Shamama Afreen). (2009). 'Bioprospecting: Promoting and Regulating Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing', Decision. Special Issue on Environmental Governance: Ecology, Economics & Policy, 36(3), December, pp.121-58.
- (with Soumyo D. Moitra). (2005). “Analysis of Internet Patents on Methods of Electronic Business”, in International Journal of Electronic Business, 3 (5), pp.427-46.
- (with Soumyo D. Moitra). (2001). 'Innovation Assessment through Patent Analysis', Technovation (Elsevier Science, Netherlands), 21, pp.245-52.
- ‘Alone of all her Creed: Canada in an age of “New Nationalism”’, Paper Presented at the Peace and Harmony Conference, Centre for Canadian Studies, University of Kerala, February 17, 2017.
- ‘Globalization of Resource Extraction: India, China and Mining Investments in Canada’. Paper presented at the National Conference on Spatial Configurations: Canada and India, November 16 – 17, 2012, organized by UGC Area Study Centre for Canadian Studies, University of Kerala.
- ‘Regulating Access to Genetic Resources and Ensuring Benefit Sharing: The Indian Experience’, Paper presented at Engaging India: A Multidisciplinary Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa Canada, June 17-18, 2011.
- ‘Continuity with Change: The Global Financial Crisis and India’s Role in Multilateral Economic Institutions. Paper to be Presented at the National Seminar on Global Financial Crisis: Implications for India, School of International Relations and Politics, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, January 12-13, 2009.
- 'Free Trade, Fair Trade And Managed Trdae: Political Agendas In WTO Negotiations' Paper Presented at the International Conference on Globalisation: Social and Political Dimensions, Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, November 17-18, 2005.
- ‘The Democratic Deficit in The World Trade Organization and its Implications’, Paper Presented at the National Seminar on Democracy and Development in South Asia, Department of International Relations, Jadavpur University, 1-2 March, 2005.
- (with Shamama Afreen), ‘Evolving a national system for conservation of bio-diversity and protection of traditional knowledge: some alternatives for India’. Paper presented at the Third Biennial Conference of the Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) held at IIM Calcutta from December 18-20, 2003.
- ‘Multilateralism, Globalism and Regionalism: The International Trade Dimension’. Paper presented at the national seminar on Globalisation and New Regionalism: Challenges for Regional Integration in a Globalising World, organised by the School of International Relations and Strategic Studies, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, March 14-15, 2002.
- ‘Regional Trading Arrangements and the Multilateral Trading System. Paper presented at the International Seminar on Material Vitalities and Imagined Authenticities organised by the Centre for European Studies, Jadavpur University, Calcutta on December 14 and 15, 2001.
- ‘An EU-India Partnership in Technology Development: Some emerging opportunities’ Paper presented at the International Seminar on The European Union in a Changing World, 6-7 September, 2001, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
- ‘Emerging Trends in International Technology Transfer: Issues for Indian Foreign Policy. Paper presented at the National Seminar on Indian Foreign Policy: Retrospect and Prospect organised by the DSA Programme, Department of International Relations, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, 14-16 March 2000.
- ‘Indo-EU Cooperation in Technology Development: Emerging Opportunities’. Paper presented at the national seminar on Development Cooperation between the European Union and India at Jadavpur University, Calcutta, January 18-19, 1999.
- ‘Defence Research, Defence Production and Civilian Industries: Indian and Australian Perspectives’. Indo-Australian Workshop on Enterprise Management in the Asia-Pacific Region held in New Delhi from October 29 to 30, 1996.
Research Interests:
- My research interests primarily relate to issues of national and international governance. I was part of a multinational research project on ‘Good Governance in Democratic Societies in Cross-Cultural Perspective’ that was funded by the European Union under the Indo-European Union Economic Cross-Cultural Programme. I have also worked on technology policy related issues, particularly in the area of international and national regulation of intellectual property rights and its impact on firms.
Books/Book Chapters:
Books/Edited Books:
- (with Partha Ray), (Eds.), (2020). BRICS: The Quest for Inclusive Growth, Volume 1 of a 3 Volume series titled The World Scientific Reference on the Economies of BRICS Countries. Editors-in-Chief, Edward Mansfield (University of Pennsylvania) and Nita Rudra, (Georgetown University). World Scientific Publishing: New Jersey, London, Singapore.
- (with Surendra Munshi and Soma Chaudhrui). (2009), The Intelligent Person's Guide to Good Governance. New Delhi: Sage.
- (with Surendra Munshi), (Eds.). 92004), Good Governance, Democratic Societies and Gobalisation. New Delhi: Sage.
Book Chapters:
- Biju Paul Abraham. (2022). ‘Populists, Pragmatists, And Pandemics: Explaining The Variance in Response Of Democracies To Sars-Covid-19’ in Mousumi Dutta, Zakir Husain and Anup Kumar Sinha (Eds.). The Impact of COVID-19 on India and the Global Order: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Springer, pp.241-66.
- Biju Paul Abraham. (2020). ‘BRICS: The Political Economy of Growth’, in Biju Paul Abraham & Partha Ray (Eds.), BRICS: The Quest for Inclusive Growth, in The World Scientific Reference on the Economies of BRICS Countries. Editors-in-Chief, Edward Mansfield (University of Pennsylvania) and Nita Rudra, (Georgetown University). World Scientific Publishing:New Jersey, London, Singapore.
- Biju Paul Abraham, (2014). ‘The Globalization of Resource Extraction: India, China and Mining Investments in Canadin B.Hariharan and P.P. Ajaykumar, Convergence and Configuration of Disciplines: Canada and India. New Delhi: Creative.
- Biju Paul Abraham. (2004). ‘Administrative Reforms in India and Europe: A Comparative Perspective’ in Surendra Munshi and Biju Paul Abraham, (eds), Good Governance, Democratic Societies and Globalisation, New Delhi: Sage.
- Biju Paul Abraham, (2002). ‘An EU-India Partnership in Technology Development: Emerging Opportunities’, in Rajendra K. Jain, The European Union in a Changing World. New Delhi: 2002.
- Biju Paul Abraham, (2001). ‘India’s Quest for Technological Self-Reliance: Does past practice provide lessons for future actions?, in Sanjukta Bhattacharya, ed. India at the End of the Twentieth Century: Essays on Politics, Society and the Economy. New Delhi: Lancer Books.
- Biju Paul Abraham. (2000). ‘The Emerging Patents and Intellectual Property Rights Regime: Implications for Indian Industry’, in Purusottam Bhattacharya and Ajitava Roy Chaudhuri, Globalisation and India: A Multi-Dimensional Perspective. New Delhi: Lancer Books.
- Biju Paul Abraham. (1999). ‘Defence Research, Defence Production and Civilian Industries: Indian and Australian Perspectives’, in S.Neelamegham, David Midgley and Chiranjib Sen, Enterprise Management: New Horizons in Indo-Australian Collaboration. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
- Biju Paul Abraham (1993). ‘West Germany and Japan: The Debate on Industrial Competitiveness’, in K.B.Lall, H.S.Chopra and Thomas Meyer, (eds.), European Union and the Transformation of Europe’s Economy. New Delhi: Radiant.