Aditi Bhutoria

Aditi Bhutoria


Assistant Professor
Academic Group: Public Policy and Management


Phone No.: +91-33-2467-8300 (Extn. 2014)
Email ID.: abhutoria


Contact Details:

IIMC Office: NAB K-101



Academic Background:

My research focuses on the economics of education, technology, and public policy. Prior to this, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School (2017-18). I received my DPhil in Education from the University of Cambridge (2017) and an M.Sc. in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Courses Taught:

Indian Economic and Political History; Rethinking Education: Innovations, Policy, and Practice; Global Scenario for Business; Theory of Public Policy; Quantitative Research Skills, among others. I am also the Programme Director for the EdLeap: Education Leaders' Programme at the Institute.


Work Experience:

I have worked with Swiss Re Services Ltd. (London, Zurich) with their Financial Audit team and PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. (PwC India) with their Social Sector Advisory, mainly engaging with state governments across the country. Consulting projects undertaken have ranged from developing vision and growth strategies, advising on education policy, and conducting large scale monitoring and evaluation of policy interventions across the social sector.


Journal Publications:

  • Behind the Screen: Unravelling the Relationship between Cyberbullying and Student Achievement across the Globe Using TIMSS 2019 Data (with N. AlJabri, A. Rubian & U.Choudhary). Forthcoming. International Journal of Bullying Prevention.
  • Personalized education and Artificial Intelligence in the United States, China, and India: A systematic review using a Human-In-The-Loop model, Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, Volume 3, 2022, 100068, ISSN 2666-920X, 
  • Patterns of cognitive returns to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use of 15-year-olds: Global evidence from a Hierarchical Linear Modeling approach using PISA 2018 (with N. AlJabri). Computers & Education, Volume 181, 2022, 104447, ISSN 0360-1315, 
  • Managerial practices and school efficiency: a data envelopment analysis across OECD and MENA countries using TIMSS 2019 data. (with N. Aljabri). Large-scale Assessments in Education 10, 24 (2022). 
  • Access to Educational Technology and its Implications on Learning Outcomes of 15-year-olds in Saudi Arabia: Empirical Evidence from OECD PISA 2018 in the context of COVID-19 (with N. Aljabri). Journal of Educational Sciences (JES) 2020. 
  • Schooling and employment responses to income changes: evidence from an unconditional cash transfer program in Rwanda (with R. Sabates, R. Sabates-Wheeler & S. Devereux). International Journal of Educational Research (IJER) 2019. 
  • Do Financial Education Interventions for Women from Poor Communities Impact their Financial Literacy and subsequent Financial Behaviours? (with A. Vignoles). Journal of Research for Educational Effectiveness (JREE) 2018. 

    Policy Papers: 
  • “Cambridge FinTech and Regulatory Innovation Programme: Impact Report” (with the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance), University of Cambridge Judge Business School, November 2021 
  • “Preparing for the Future – enabling evidence-based educational reform in Saudi Arabia” (at Evidence for Policy Design, Harvard Kennedy School), Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, September 2018 
  • “Financial Literacy around the world. New evidence from the PIAAC data” (with Anna Vignoles and John Jerrim), Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), July 2017 
  • “Evidence Review of Economic Returns to Education in the United Kingdom”, Foresight Projects: Government Department for Science, UK, November 2017 
  • “Adult Education and Literacy in the context of Sustainable Development Goals – Discussions from the Uppingham Seminar Series” (with Alan Rogers & Pallawi Sinha), Uppingham Seminars, April 2016 
  • “Catalysing Growth – Education Sector in the Northern Region of India” (with PwC Knowledge Management), Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) eduSummit’11, June 2011 
  • “A Study of Building Knowledge Society in Karnataka,” Karnataka Knowledge Commission, Government of Karnataka, June 2011

Research Interests:

  • Fields: Economics of Education, Technology, and Public Policy 
  • Topics: Education, EdTech, Impact Evaluation, International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSAs)

    Any research opportunities under me are strictly restricted to candidates with a doctoral degree and specialization in the following areas only: Education, Economics, Public Policy, Statistics, Data Analytics.


  • SAI International School: In Pursuit of Academic Happiness (with B. Mukhopadhyay), IIMCRC, March 2023
  • Navigating the Transition to Online Teaching in Higher Education Institutions Amidst COVID-19: The IIMC Experience (with B.P. Abraham, P. Ray, and S. Paul). IIMC Case Research Centre (IIMCRC), IIMC-CRC-2024-01, March 2024