Saptarshi Purkayastha

Saptarshi Purkayastha
Associate Professor
Academic Group: Strategic Management
Phone No.: +91-33-2467-8300 extn 787
Email ID.: saptarshi
Academic Background:
2010 PhD (ICFAI University)
1999 Post Graduate Diploma in Management, International Management Institute, New Delhi
Courses Taught:
International Business Mergers, Acquisitions, Joint Ventures & Corporate Growth Models and Frameworks in Strategic Analysis
1. Awarded the John H. Dunning Fellow for 2022-23, J H Dunning Centre for International Business, Henley Business School University of Reading
2. Finalist for the GWU-CIBER Best Paper on Emerging Markets Award for the IM Division at the 2020 Academy of Management conference -More Money or More People? Institutional Distance, Slack Resources, and Emerging Market Multinational Enterprises’ Foreign Market Entry
3. Best Track Proposal at Strategic Management Society Indian Special Conference , Hyderabad, 15-18 December, 2018 - 'Business Group and the M-Form Structural Configurations: A Comparison in an Emerging Market Context', with Rajaram Veliyath
4. Winner of the 2010 Hormel Meritorious Teaching Award conducted by Marketing Management Association, Middle Tennessee State University
5. Research Grant of USD 2000 in 2012 from Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations for my proposal Impact of macro-economic environment on diversification-performance relationship: A cross country study of India and Japan
Work Experience:
2010 - 2014: Assistant Professor (Academic Area - Strategic Management), Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode.
2009 - 2010 - Assistant Professor, ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad
Journal Publications:
- Institutional distance, slack resources, and foreign market entry with Róisín Donnelly, Tatiana S. Manolova and Linda F. Edelman, Journal of International Business Studies 55, 194–211 (2024)
- Variations in the corporate social responsibility-performance relationship in emerging market firms with Kannan Ramaswamy and Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Organization Science, 34 (2023), 1353-1650
- Type I and type II agency conflicts in family firms: An empirical investigation, with Rajaram Veliyath and Rejie George, Journal of Business Research, 153,(2022), 285-299
- The roles of family ownership and family management in the governance of agency conflicts, with Rajaram Veliyath and Rejie George, Journal of Business Research, 98,(2019), 50-64
- Who does it best? Family and non-family owners and leaders navigating institutional development in emerging markets, with Luis Alfonso Dau and Kimberly A. Eddleston, Journal of Business Research, 107(2020)-197-210
- Business group effects on the R&D intensity-internationalization relationship: Empirical evidence from India, with Tatiana Manolova & Linda Edelman, Journal of World Business 53 (2018), 104–117
- When does it make sense to focus on business portfolios? A study of business group responses to institutional change in India, with Kannan Ramaswamy, Journal of Asia Business Studies, 11(2017), 466-480
- How do institutional transitions impact the efficacy of related and unrelated diversification strategies used by business groups?, with Kannan Ramaswamy & Barbarra S. Pettit , Journal of Business Research 72 (2017), 1–13.
- Business group heterogeneity and the internationalization-performance relationship: Evidence from Indian business groups, with Vikas Kumar & Jane Lu, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 34(2017), 247–279
- Do diversified business groups help? An industry-wise analysis, with Somnath Lahiri, International Studies of Management and Organization, 46 (2016):24-34
- Impact of industry sector on corporate diversification and firm performance: Evidence from Indian business groups with Somnath Lahiri, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 34 (2017), 77–88
- Guest Editors' Introduction, with M. K. Nandakumar, & Vikas Kumar International Studies of Management & Organization, 46(2016), 1-7.
- Business Group Effects on the Innovation-Internationalization Relationship: Evidence from the Indian Pharmaceutical Sector" In Emerging Economies and Multinational Enterprises (Advances in International Management) 28(2015), 379-402, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
- Diversification and performance in developed and emerging markets contexts: A review of the literature, with Tatiana Manolova & Linda Edelman , International Journal for Management Reviews, Vol. 14: 18–38, 2012
- Diversification strategy and firm performance: Evidence from Indian manufacturing firms. Global Business Review, 14(1): 1–23, 2013
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi and Kannan Ramaswamy (2024). How Does Social Identity Diversity Among Boards Influence CSR Outcomes? A Study of Indian Firms. Paper accepted for presentation at the Meeting of the Southern Management Association, 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi; Veliyath, Rajaram and George, Rejie (2024). The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same: The Performance Implications of Blending Structural Forms and Diversification Strategies During Institutional Transition. Paper accepted for presentation at theAnnual Meeting of the Southern Management Association
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi and Kannan Ramaswamy (2022). Corporate Social Responsibility and Performance Relationships in Advanced and Emerging Countries. Paper accepted for presentation at the Meeting of the Southern Management Association, 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi; Veliyath, Rajaram and George, Rejie (2022). Diversification Strategies among Business Group and M-form Firms and the Moderating Effects of Institutional Development on the Performance of these Strategy-Structure combinations. Paper accepted for presentation at the Meeting of the Southern Management Association, Little Rock, Arkansas
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi; Donnelly, Róisín; Manolova, Tatiana S. and Linda F. Edelman 2020. More Money or More People? Institutional Distance, Slack Resources, and EMNE Internationalization. paper accepted for presentation at the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Vancouver. Paper nominated for the 2020 GWU-CIBER Best Paper on Emerging Markets Award Finalists for the IM Division
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi; Veliyath, Rajaram and George, Rejie (2019). Primary and secondary agency conflicts in family firms: An empirical investigation, paper presented at Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, 9th – 13th August, Boston
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi and Ramaswamy Kannan (2019). How do business groups extract more value from their CSR investments in emerging markets, paper presented at Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, 9th – 13th August, Boston
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi and Veliyath, Rajaram (2018). Business group and the M-form structural configurations: A comparison in an emerging market context, paper presented at Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, December 15–18, Hyderabad. The paper was awarded the Best Track Proposal at the SMS Conference. The paper was also nominated for the Best Paper Prize award and GSJ Paper Prize award.
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi and Kumar, Vikas (2018). Speed of internationalization and performance: Role of degree of internationalization, family and foreign ownership, paper presented at Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, September 22–25, Paris
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi; Manolova, Tatiana; and Edelman, Linda. (2016). Business group effects on the R&D intensity-internationalization relationship, paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 5th – 9th August, Anaheim, California
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi and Dau, Luis (2015). Institutional development, family control and management, and company profitability, paper presented at Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference, 3rd – 6th October, Denver
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi; Manolova, Tatiana; and Edelman, Linda. (2015). Does business group affiliation help translate research inputs into export expansion? Empirical evidence from the Indian pharmaceutical sector, paper presented at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, June 27–30, Bangalore.
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi; Lu, Jane; and Kumar, Vikas. (2014). Diversification and performance of business groups from emerging markets: The moderating role of ownership, paper presented at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, 23rd – 26th June, Vancouver
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi; Manolova, Tatiana; and Edelman, Linda. (2014) Innovation and internationalization in the Indian pharmaceutical sector: The moderating role of ownership structures, paper presented at Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, 23rd – 26th June, Vancouver
- Purkayastha, Saptarshi; Ramaswamy, Kannan; Petitt, Barbarra. S. and Li, Mingfang. (2013). How do institutional transitions impact performance outcomes of the diversification choices of business groups? The Indian experience, paper presented at the Pan IIM World Management Conference, 30th May– 1st June, Goa
- Purkayastha S, Kumar V. and Lu J. 2013 Does Business Group Heterogeneity Effect its Internationalization? Evidence from India, 33rd Annual Strategic Management Society 28th September to 1st October Atlanta.
- Purkayastha S, Kumar V. and Lu J. 2013 Business Group Heterogeneity and the internationalization – performance relationship: Evidence from Indian business groups, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 3rd to 6th July Istanbul, Turkey
- Lahiri, S and Purkayastha S, 2013 Business group heterogeneity, diversification and firm performance: A comparison across the manufacturing and service sectors. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, 3rd to 6th July Istanbul, Turkey.
- Purkayastha S. 2012 Are business group affiliation advantages and diversification premium found in emerging economies likely to hold over time? Evidence from India. Academy of International Business-South East, 31st October to 2nd November, Florida.
- Purkayastha S. 2009. Diversification and performance: A study of Indian firms. Annual Strategic Management Society (SMS) Conference, 11th to 14th October, Washington.
Research Interests:
My primary research interest is investigating the effectiveness of business groups. Questions that stimulate me relate to
- how shifts in macro-economic conditions affect business groups and their affiliated firms’ performance?
- how policy level changes influence the strategic outcomes of business groups and their affiliated firms?
- how business group heterogeneity in terms of resources and ownership affects strategic outcomes?
I am also interested in understanding the impact of business groups’ internationalization on their performance, especially the role of top management.
Books/Book Chapters:
- Innovation and internationalization in the Indian pharmaceutical sector: the moderating role of ownership structures, with Tatiana S. Manolova and Linda F. Edelman, In Research handbook on innovation in international business (Elgaronline), Edited by Desislava Dikova and Edith Ipsmiller, Published: 10 Jun 2022
- How does ownership type influence international diversification-firm performance relationship, with Somenath Lahiri, In Services Marketing Issues in Emerging Economies (Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.), Edited by Atanu Adhikari, Published: 25 February 2021
- Are business group affiliation advantages and diversification premiums found in emerging economies likely to hold over time?, In Strategic Marketing Issues in Emerging Markets (Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd), Edited by Atanu Adhikari, Published: 2018
- Diversification and firm performance: An international perspective, Encyclopaedia of Management (International Management, Volume 6), Wiley-Blackwell.
- Business group effects on the innovation-internationalization relationship: Evidence from the Indian Pharmaceutical Sector, In Emerging Economies and Multinational Enterprises (Emerald Publications). Published online: 25 Jun 2015; 379-402
Media Articles
- Purkayastha, S. 2024. The Impact of Caste in the Indian Boardroom, June 29th & July 6th, Vol LIX Nos 26 & 27, Economic & Political Weekly
Purkayastha, S and Veliyath, Rajaram. 2022. Governance Conflict in Companies: How Structural Overhaul can Help, Dec 8th
- Shekhar, V., and Purkayastha. S. 2009. Book Review ‘The new age of innovation: Driving co-created value through global network’, by C K Prahalad & M S Krishnan, with Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, IIM Ahmedabad, January – March, Vol. 34 (1):125-126
- Purkayastha. S. 2005. Of cows, dogs and BCGs Global CEO, IUP Publications, November: 13-15
- Purkayastha. S. 2005. Cementing relationships: Acquisition Of L&T cement by Grasim Industries, Global CEO, IUP Publications, May: 31-43