Devi Vijay

Devi Vijay
Academic Group: Organizational Behavior
Phone No.: 033-24878300 Extn. 2129
Email ID.: devivijay
Personal Details:
Devi Vijay's work examines inequality, institutions, and collective action, with a focus on healthcare. A significant strand of her research documents the evolution of the community-based form for palliative care in Kerala, and its translations to other geographies. Devi has co-edited, "Alternative Organisations in India: Undoing Boundaries" (Cambridge University Press, 2018) and Organising Resistance and Imagining Alternatives in India (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming, 2022). She has published in various journals in disciplines such as organization studies, public health, medical anthropology and marketing. She is a Senior Editor at M@n@gement journal, Associate Editor at Business & Society, Media and Artefacts Review Editor at Organization, and serves on the editorial board of Management Learning. She has co-founded Sabr and Peer Community in Organization Studies. Devi completed her PhD from IIM Bangalore. She was a Fulbright-Nehru Postdoctoral Research Fellow (December 2016-May 2018) at the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University.
Contact Details:
K-408, New Academic Block
Academic Background:
Fulbright-Nehru Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2016-2017), Columbia University
Fellow, IIM Bangalore (2012) - PhD
Courses Taught:
Post Graduate Programme: Organizational Behaviour
Post Graduate Programme for VLM: Organizational Structure and Design (Core)
Doctoral: Social Movements and Organization Studies; Advanced Organisational Behaviour (Classics in Management); Qualitative Research Methods (Module)
Health Care Executive Management Program: Public Policies in Health Care; Organisational Design & Change
2024: Finalist for the 2024 Responsible Research in Management Award by the Fellows of the Academy of Management and the Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM) network.
2023: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. Aiman Nida, Devi Vijay, Randhir Kumar. Relational Work - Indian Women Domestic Workers Navigating Quotidian Work Challenges. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Division Best Paper Proceedings.
2022: #ThinkListImpact20 in 2022: Center for Business, Organizations, & Society at University of Bath, UK annual list of 20 academics world-wide working on impact scholarship and responsible business.
2020: Academy of Management 2020 Awards. Devi Vijay, Philippe Monin, and Mukta Kulkarni. (2020). Strangers at the Bedside: Subaltern Solidarities and New Form Institutionalization.
- Carolyn Dexter Award, All Academy Award
- Best International Paper Award, Organization and Management Theory Division
- Runner up, Best Paper Award, Organization and Management Theory Division
2020: Academy of Management 2020 Awards. Vivek Nair and Devi Vijay. Façade of Neoliberal Merit
- Best Doctoral Student Paper Award. Critical Management Studies Division,
2018, 2017, 2016: Above and Beyond the Call of Duty (ABCD) Reviewing Award winner, Organization and Management Theory (OMT) Division, Academy of Management
2013: Best Paper Award in General Track at 20th International Conference of the Indian Association for Palliative Care (IAPCCON 2013), Bangalore.
2011: Recipient of the Pradip N. Khandwalla award at the IMR Doctoral Conference 2011
2011: Finalist, Carlo Masini Award for outstanding scholarship in the fields of public and non-profit management, Academy of Management Meeting 2011, San Antonio, Texas
Current Projects:
2018-19 UK Global Challenges Research Funding “Assessing Quality and Outcomes in a Community Form of Palliative Care Delivery in Kerala, India“ (Principal investigator - Professor David Clark, University of Glasgow) IIM Calcutta Category I funding "Institutional Change in the Healthcare Field in India"
Past Projects:
Healthcare Inequalities in the Indian Healthcare Field Evolution of the Kerala palliative care sector Translation of the Kerala palliative care model: Examining Sanjeevani palliative care program, Nadia, West Bengal Mritshilpis of Kumortuli: Institutions, Practices, Scripts
Work Experience:
Nov. 2022: Professor
Nov 2017-2022: Associate Professor
2016-2018: Fulbright-Nehru Postdoctoral Fellow, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
2012- 2017: Assistant Professor, IIM Calcutta
Journal Publications:
Organization Studies
- Vijay, Devi and Saiyed, A.A. (forthcoming) Killing us with slow poison: Organizing infrastructural violence and infrastructural work at the internal frontier. Human Relations.
- Vijay, Devi, Nair, Vivek, and Gupta, Priyanshu. (2025) Irreverent and Indisciplined: Outranking Management Learning in a War-torn Planet. 55th Anniversary Special Issue of Management Learning.
- Vijay, D. and Berkowitz, H. (2024) Academic work as craft: Towards a qualitative and multicriteria assessment. Peer Community in Organization Studies, 100004. 10.24072/pci.orgstudies.100004
- Vijay, D. (2024). Contesting the common sense around NGOs. Organization, 0(0).
- Vijay, D., Kulkarni, M., Gopakumar, KC., Friedner, M. (2024). Disability inclusion in Indian workplaces: Mapping the research landscape and exploring new terrains. IIMB Management Review. 50th Anniversary Special Issue.
- Vijay, D. (2024). Contesting the common sense around NGOs. Organization, 0(0).
- Devi Vijay, Philippe Monin, and Mukta Kulkarni (2023). Strangers at the Bedside: Solidarity-making to address institutionalized infrastructural inequalities" In Organization Studies.
- Varman, R., Vijay, D., and Skålén, P. (2022). The Conflicting Conventions of Care: Transformative Service as Justice and Agape. Journal of Service Research.
- Devi Vijay (2021). Settled Knowledge Practices, Truncated Imaginations. Organization
- Devi Vijay and Vivek Nair (2021). In the Name of Merit: Ethical Violence and Inequality at a Business School. Journal of Business Ethics. - Devi Vijay, Shalini Gupta and Pavni Kaushiva (2020). With the Margins: Subaltern Resistance and Social Transformation. Gender Work and Organization.
- Devi Vijay. (2019). Editorial. “Changing Nature of Work and Organizations”. Decision.
- Devi Vijay and Philippe Monin (2018). Poisedness for a Social Innovation: Genesis and Propagation of Community-Based Palliative Care in India. M@n@gement: Revue officielle de l'Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (20th Anniversary Special Issue)
- Rohit Varman and Devi Vijay (2018). Dispossessing Vulnerable Consumers: Derealization, Desubjectification and Violence. Marketing Theory.
- Rohit Varman, Paromita Goswami and Devi Vijay. (2018). The Precarity of Respectable Consumption: Normalizing Sexual Violence Against Women. Journal of Marketing Management, 34:11-12, 932-964, DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2018.1527387
- Kulkarni, M., Gopakumar,K., Vijay, D. 2017. Institutional Discourses and Ascribed Disability Identities. IIMB Management Review.
- Vijay, D. & Kulkarni, M. 2012. Frame Changes in Social Movements: A Case Study. Public Management Review, DOI:10.1080/14719037.2011.642630
Public Health and Palliative Care
Vijay, Devi. (2024). Post/colonial influences on End-of-Life care. Invited book chapter for Post/colonial Imaginaries: Re-Imagining End-of-life Care. David Clark and Annemarie Samuels (Eds). Handbook on End of Life Care and Society. Edward Elgar.
- Vijay, D., & Koksvik, G. H. (2024). Waiting for Care and Community Organizing for Serious Health-Related Suffering in Kerala, India. Medical Anthropology, 43(4), 338–352.
- Vijay, D., Whitelaw, A., & Clark, D. (2020). Logic Conflicts in Community-Based Palliative Care. Progress in Palliative Care.
- Vijay D, Zaman S and Clark D. (2018). Translation of a community palliative care intervention: Experience from West Bengal, India. Wellcome Open Res 2018, 3:66 (doi: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.14599.1)
Selected Recent:
- Vijay, D., & Koksvik, G. 2024. Chronic Waiting Amidst Serious Health-Related Suffering in Kerala, India: Temporal Crossroads of Dominant and Alternative Care Organizations. 40th EGOS Colloquium 2024, Sub-theme 20: Alternative Organization at a Crossroads: Which Routes Forward?
- Gupta, S., & Vijay, D. 2023. Placemaking at Ajrakhpur. At 1st Global conference on caste, business and society. Co-Organized at Anglia Ruskin University and University of Cambridge. June 2023.
- Vijay, Devi and Saiyed, A.A. (2023). Killing us with slow poison: Producing infrastructural violence and precarious bodies. EGOS Track on Intersectionality and Precarity.
- Nida, A., Vijay, D., Kumar, R. Relational Work - Indian Women Domestic Workers Navigating Quotidian Work Challenges. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 2023 in Boston, Massachusetts.
- Vijay, D., & Saiyyed, A. (2023). Killing us with slow poison: Producing infrastructural violence and precarious bodies. EGOS 2023. Sub-theme 32: Embodying Precarious Work: Intersectional Precariousness and Organizing for a Good Life.
- Vijay, D., Gupta, S. & Kaushiva, P. (2022). With the Margins: Writing Subaltern Resistance and Social Transformation. 3rdGender, Work and Society Conference – LUMS. (Hybrid conference + presentation). 3rd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender, Work and Society (ICGWS) 2022.
Research Interests:
- Inequality, Markets, Institutions
- Palliative Care, Sociology of Health
- Alternative Forms of organizing, Collective Action
- Qualitative Methods
Books/Book Chapters:
- Vijay, Devi. (2023). Studying Precarious Lives. In Saija Katila, Emma Bell, and Susan Merilainen (Eds.), Handbook of Feminist Methods in Management and Organizations Studies. Edward Elgar.
- Vijay, Devi (2022). Vulnerability as Praxis in Studies of Social Suffering. In Emma Bell, Sunita Sengupta (Eds.). Empowering Methodologies in Organisational and Social Research. Routledge India Series.
- Rohit Varman, and Devi Vijay. (forthcoming). “Event, Thanatopolitics, and Consumer Precarity ”. Selected for publication in Russ Belk and Yuko Minowa (Eds.)., “Consumers in Precarious Asia” DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25447.60323
- Devi Vijay and Rohit Varman (Eds). (2017). Alternative Organizations in India: Undoing Boundaries. Cambridge University Press.
- Devi Vijay and Rohit Varman (2017) Undoing Boundaries. In Vijay, D. and Varman, R. (Eds). Alternative Organizations in India: Undoing Boundaries. Cambridge University Press.
- Devi Vijay (2017) Scripting Alternative Images: Institutions, Practices and Scripts of the Mritshilpis of Kumortuli. In Vijay, D. and Varman, R. (Eds). Alternative Organizations in India: Undoing Boundaries. Cambridge University Press.
- Devi Vijay (2018). Being Mortal: Beyond the great doctors, and what matters at the end. Discover Society
- Devi VIjay and Debabrata Ghosh. (2018) "The Sabar Shouchagar Project (Toilets for Everyone): Making Nadia District the First Open Defecation Free District in India" Emerald Emerging Markets Case
- Vijay, D. & Prabhu, G.N. Jaipur Rugs: Weaving together 40000 artisans
- Kumar, K., Venkateswaran, Ramya Tarakad, Vijay, Devi , Sharma, Deepali, Keshavamurthy, Srivardhini and Tumbe, Chinmay, Research on Business and Entrepreneurship History of India – Reflections on the State of the Art and Future Directions (December 29, 2011). IIM Bangalore Research Paper No. 329. Available at SSRN:
Media Links:
- End of Life Studies Group, University of Glasgow Podcast:
- Patients Engage: Palliative care in Kerala - lessons and answers
- IIM Calcutta Insight Series:
- End of Life Studies Blog, University of Glasgow
Media Mentions: