Debabrata Chatterjee

Debabrata Chatterjee
Associate Professor
Academic Group: Organizational Behavior
Phone No.: +91-33-24678300
Email ID.: dc
Academic Background:
PhD from IIM Calcutta
Courses Taught:
- Innovation by Design
- Creativity and Innovation Management
- Social Innovation
- Organizational Change and Development
- Designing Effective Organizations
- Leading Professional Teams
- Interpersonal Skills and Leadership
- Winner of the 2017 Emerald/INDAM Indian Management Research Fund Award for project
titled “Bridging institutional voids through institutional work: Case of institutional
intermediaries in India” with Sreevas Sahasranamam - Best developmental paper award in the ‘Cultural and Creative Industries’ track at the
British Academy of Management Conference (BAM 2017) held at the University of
Warwick, United Kingdom from 5th September 2017 to 7th September, 2017 for
paper titled “Creativity in Financially Constrained Organizations: The Role of
Organizational Search” with Merin Jacob
Consulting Interests:
Organizational change and development, Organizational culture, Social innovation impact
Past Projects:
- “Benchmarking study of the performance management system at a leading manufacturing organization
- Developing an organizational culture document for a leading software offshore unit
- Member of high-power committee to study issues of the cardamom industry and to streamline its activities, for an organization set up by the Spices Board, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India
- “Independent quality assessment for the SJSRY-STEP UP placement-oriented training program” in Kerala (two phases) for Kudumbashree, State Poverty
Eradication Mission, Local Self Government department, Government of Kerala - "Study of the present hospital set up and its working to identify the important structural/organizational changes needed for the efficient management of growth in business and maintaining/improving quality levels” at a leading eye care social enterprise
Work Experience:
Professor Chatterjee joined IIM Calcutta in 2018. Prior to joining this institute, he taught at the Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode from 2008-2018. teaches consults on designing effective organisations, creating and sustaining organisation culture for excellence, managing change and development of organizations, innovation management, social innovations, design thinking and leading teams. He offers these subjects to MBA courses and in corporate training programs.
He moved to academia after a long career from 1989-2008 in the manufacturing sector as a Human Resource Management professional. Here he handled significant roles in organization learning and development, organizational change implementation, and employee relations. He has trained senior level managers as part of his role. This exposure has enabled him to bring practical insights into his teaching and consulting practice.
Journal Publications:
- Sahasranamam, S., Soundararajan, V., & Chatterjee, D. (2024). Co‐creating innovation ecosystems in contexts of absolute uncertainty: The case of low‐cost heart valves in India. Journal of Product Innovation Management, jpim.12715.
- Chatterjee, D., Subramanian, B., & Hota, P. K. (2020). Professionalization and Hybridization Dynamics of Social Enterprises. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.
- Chatterjee, D. & Sahasranamam, S. (2018). Technological innovation research in China and India – A bibliometric analysis for the period 1991-2015. Management and Organization Review (Cambridge University Press), 14(1):179-221,
- Chatterjee, D., Leisyte, L., Dasappa, S. & Sankaran, B. (2018). University research commercialization in emerging economies: A glimpse into the “black box”, Science and Public Policy (Oxford University Press), 45 (3): 361–372,
- Vakkayil, J. & Chatterjee, D. (2017). Globalization routes: The pursuit of conformity and distinctiveness by top business schools in India, Management Learning (SAGE Publications). 48(3): 328–344, DOI:
- Chatterjee D. & Sankaran, B. (2016). Commercializing academic research in emerging economies: Do organisational identities matter? Science and Public Policy (Oxford University Press). 42 (5): 599-613, doi:10.1093/scipol/scu076
- Chatterjee, D. & Sahasranam, S. (2014). Trends in innovation management research in India - An analysis of publications for the period 1991-2013, Current Science. Current Science Association in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Sciences, 2014.107 (11): 1800-1805
- Chatterjee, D. (2012). Innovativeness: A team knowledge and communication perspective, International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 12 (3): 229 – 246
- Gebert, D. & Boerner, S, Chatterjee, D. (2011). Diversity - diskutieren oder tabuisieren? Eine explorative Studie in Indien (English translation - Diversity - discuss or taboo? An exploratory study in India), with. Zeitschrift für Management (Springer), 6 (3): 287-314
- Gebert, D. & Boerner, S, Chatterjee, D. (2011). Do Religious Differences Matter? An Analysis in India, Team Performance Management, Emerald. 17 (3/4): 224-240
- Chatterjee, D. & Srivastava, B.N. (2007). The concept of newness. International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 2 (3): 240 – 245
- The aetiology and acceptance of Social innovations: A preliminary framework. Presented at the British Academy of Management conference, 31st August- 2nd September, University of Manchester, UK
- Creativity in Financially Constrained Organizations: The Role of Organizational Search. With Jacob, M. as first author. Presented at the British Academy of Management conference, 5th – 7th September, 2017 at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK
- Institutional Complexity and Alternative Organizations: An Exploratory Study. With Balaji, S. (first author) and Jacob, M. (third author). Presented at the British Academy of Management conference, 5th – 7th September, 2017 at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK
- Global institutional logics & the moderating influence of national institutional field structures on organizational outcomes, with Sreevas, S. (second author) 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen Business School, July 6-8, 2017, Copenhagen
- Survival of alternative organizations in mature fields: The case of an alternative school in India, with Subramanian, B. (first author). 29th Society for the advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) annual conference, 29 June - 1 July, 2017, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
- Power and Institutional Fields, with Balaji Subramanian (first author). 10th Global Studies Conference, 8th – 9th June, 2017, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Bridging institutional voids in innovation for emerging Asian economies: The institutional entrepreneurship of University Research Centers. Sole author. DRUID-Asia, Singapore, Co-organized by DRUID, NUS Business School and SMU, February 23-25, 2016, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, NUS, Singapore
- Trends in innovation management research in four Asian countries - An analysis of publications for the period 1991-2013, with Sreevas, S. (second author) Pan-IIM Conference 5th -8th November, 2014, at the Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode
- Organizational responses to vertically nested institutional logics: A study of two universities from Dutch and Indian research systems with Leisyte, L. (second author) 30th EGOS Colloquium, 3th – 5th July2014, Rotterdam School of Management, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Contextualizing the Triple Helix framework for emerging economies: An investigation of the role of university identities with Sankaran, B. (second author). The Triple Helix Conference, University College of London, 8th – 10th July, 2013, London, UK
- University isomorphism, globalization of western science and the prospects of local knowledge systems. (Sole author). 28th EGOS Colloquium, 5th - 7th July, 2012, Aalto University & Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland
- A model of research productivity of universities. (Sole author). 4th International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation, 14-16th November, 2011, Madrid, Spain
- Sustaining a social enterprise: Palash eye hospital with Krishnan, T N & Tandon, A. (second & third authors respectively). Annual meeting of the North American Case Research Association, 13th – 15th October, 2011, San Antonio, Texas, USA
- Beyond Daring: Identities, conflicts and structures in care-giving organizations (sole author). Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 6th -10th August 2010, Montreal, Canada.
- “Innovativeness” of technological innovations: A knowledge and team process perspective with Srivastava, B.N. (second author)Academy of Management Meeting, 7th – 11th August, 2009, Chicago, USA
- Management education in India: Some thoughts on industry-academia partnership. (sole author). National conference on Professional Education in Knowledge Economy, 24th July, 2008, University School of Management Studies, Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi
- Product Innovation, Social Capital and Innovation Networks: A Contingency Approach with Jena, S. (second author). 3rd International Conference on Globalisation and Competitiveness, 11th -13th January, 2005, Vinod Gupta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Research Interests:
Social innovation, management of innovations
Books/Book Chapters:
- Chatterjee, D. (2016). Selling science through university entrepreneurship: Debates and implications for emerging economies. In A. Stachowicz-Stanusch & G. Mangia (Eds.), Dark Sides of Business and Higher Education Management, Vol. II, New York: Business Expert Press,. pp. 55–80
- Gebert, D., Boerner, S. & Chatterjee D. (2012). Konflikt-Eskalierung: Eine Fallstudie zum Change Management in Schulen in Sued-Indien (English translation “Escalating conflicts: A case study of change management in south-Indian schools”) with in von Rosenstiel, L., von Hornstein, E., Augustin,S. (Eds.) Change Management- Praxisfaelle. Berlin: Springer, pp.397-412
- Chatterjee, D. 2003. United We Stand – HRD Imperatives in a Different World, in Dr. Dharani P Sinha, Dr. Ashok Kumar and Dr. Hari Haran (Eds.), Re-energising Enterprises through HRD, New Delhi: Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.
- Kumar, A. & Chatterjee, D. 1998. The Use of Assessment Centre Methodology for HRD in a Large Manufacturing Organisation, published in Leading Change through Human Resources: Towards a Globally Competitive India, conference proceedings of the National HRD Network’s 6th National Conference, New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company Ltd.
- Devarajan, R. & Chatterjee, D. 1998. Changing Work Value Orientation of New Entrants: A Survey Based Study, published in Leading Change through Human Resources: Towards a Globally Competitive India, Conference proceedings of the National HRD Network’s 6th National Conference, New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company Ltd.
- Chatterjee, D., & Kaur, J. (2022). Project Titli – product development for women at the bottom of the pyramid. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 12(2), 1–27.
Chatterjee, D. & Krishnan, T.N. (2017). Consulting at Indian Hygiene Products Limited: Entry and Contracting. With T N Krishnan. In Donald L. Anderson (Eds.) Cases and Exercises in Organization Development & Change (Second edition), Sage Publications, - Chatterjee, D. & Krishnan, T.N. & Tandon, A. (2015). Sustaining a Social Enterprise: Palash Eye Hospital. With Krishnan, T.N. Asian Case Research Journal, 19 (2): 231.