Sumanta Basu

Sumanta Basu
Dean (Development and External Relations) and Professor
Academic Group: Operations Management
Phone No.: +91-33-2467-8300
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Academic Background:
- PhD in Production and Quantitative Methods, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
- B.Tech (Hons) in Chemical Engineering, Vidyasagar University
Courses Taught:
(Average Feedback across Courses: 9.5 out of 10)
- Hospital Planning and Structure (PG Diploma in Healthcare management)
- Managing Healthcare Operations (MBA Elective)
- Managerial Problem Solving (Game Theory) (PGPEX)
- Operations Research (MBA Compulsory)
- Risk Management and Markov Chain Applications (MBA Compulsory)
- Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing (MBA, PGPEX, PGDBA and Doctoral Elective)
- Production and Distribution Management (PGPEX-VLMP)
- Management Game (CAPSTONE Simulation Game for PGP Compulsory)
- Operations and Supply Chain Management and Analytics (Long Duration Programs)
- Economic Modelling in Operations Management (Doctoral course)
Ongoing MDP:
Awarded the best thesis proposal of track “Algorithmic Models & Supply Chain” in the international conference “Doctoral Colloquium, 2008” organized by Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. - University silver medalist in graduation.
Consulting Interests:
- Healthcare Operations and Management
- Data analytics and Optimization across Business Domains
- Pricing and Revenue Management Applications
- Retail Operations and Analytics
- Platform Operations
Past Projects:
- 2019: The state of primary and secondary education in West Bengal: An empirical analysis using DISE data (Internal Project funded by IIM Calcutta)
- 2019: Heuristic Approaches for Reliable Facility Location Problems (Internal Project funded by IIM Calcutta)
- 2018: Study of Court processes and re-engineering opportunities for improving court efficiencies for justice delivery in India (Project funded by Ministry of Judiciary Services)
Work Experience:
- Associate Professor of Operations Management Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (2014-2020)
- Assistant Professor of Operations Management Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (2010-2014)
- Assistant Professor of Operations Management Group, XLRI, Jamshedpur (2009-2010)
- Senior Manager in Wipro Technologies & BPO (2008-2009)
- Process Engineer in Haldia Petrochemicals Limited (2000-2003)
Administrative Experience:
- Coordinator , Center for Development and Environment Policy (2024-Till date)
- Chairperson, PGPEX-VLMP (2020-22)
- Chairperson, Admissions Committee (2018-2020)
- CAT Convener (2018-19)
- Coordinator - CEMS Block Seminar (2017)
- Chairperson, Student Affairs Committee (2014-16)
- Group Coordinator, Operations Management Group (2011-13, 2022-23)
- Member, Admissions Committee (2016-18, 2024-26), CMDP Committee (2016-18), Student Affairs Committee (2012-14, 2016-18, 2022-26), Placement Committee (2014-16)
- Election Officer, Faculty Representative to BoG and Faculty Convener, 2013-14
- Member, Innovation Council, IMI Kolkata, under the aegis of MHRD’s Innovation Cell
Journal Publications:
- 2025: Greening Innovation, Advertising, and Pricing Decisions under Competition and Market Coverage, Forthcoming in Journal of Cleaner Production.
- 2024: Shipment policy and its impact on coordination of a fashion supply chain under production uncertainty, 192, 103778, Transportation Research Part E, Elsevier.
- 2024: Varied offspring memetic algorithm with three parents for a realistic synchronized goods delivery and service problem, Soft Computing, 28, 4235-4265, 2024, Springer.
- 2023: Influenza Vaccine Contracts in Developing Nations - Coordination, Flexibility and Vaccine Coverage, 55 (5), 436-455, Decision Sciences Journal, Wiley.
- 2023: Collaboration and Coordination Strategies for a Multi-level AI-enabled Healthcare Supply Chain under Disaster, 63 (2), 497-523, International Journal of Production Research, 2023.
- 2023: Multichannel Retailer’s Channel Choice and Product Pricing: Influence of Investment in Fit-disclosing Technology by Competing Retailers, International Journal of Production Economics, 262, 108895, 2023.
- 2022: What Ails Physician Review Websites? A Study of Information Needs of Patients, Decision Support Systems, 166, 113897, 2023.
- 2022: Optimal time and fee for movie release on OTT: Impact of movie, OTT and market characteristics, Decision Support Systems,165, 113893, 2023.
- 2021: Uniform or Spatially Differentiated? Pricing Strategies for Information Goods Under Simultaneous and Sequential Decision-making in Multi-Market Context, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 64 (102832), 2022.
- 2021: A joint weighting and modified weighted aggregated sum product assessment‐based methodology for the measurement of patient satisfaction: Evidence from Indian healthcare, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 29, 5-22, 2022.
- 2021: Evaluating the Performance of Primary Schools in India: Evidence from West Bengal, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 2021.
- 2020: Advertisement Revenue Management: Determining the Optimal Mix of Skippable and Non-Skippable Ads for Online Video Sharing Platforms, European Journal of Operational Research, 292 (1), 213-229, 2021.
- 2020: Imprecise Modified Solid Green Traveling Purchaser Problem for Substitute Items using Quantum-inspired Genetic Algorithm, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 147, 106578, 2020.
- 2019: Theory of Constraints based Mafia Offer for Supply Chains of Deteriorating Products, International Journal of Production Research, 58 (14), 4421-4449, 2020.
- 2018: Decision-making under Risk: Evidence from the Hindi Movie Industry. Journal of Operations and Strategic Planning, 1(1), 15-33.
- 2017: A Route Efficiency Analysis Using Shannon Entropy based Modified DEA Method and Route Characteristics Investigation for Urban Bus Transport in India. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 56(3): 332-359.
- 2017: Efficient preprocessing methods for tabu search: an application on asymmetric travelling salesman problem. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 55(2): 134-158.
- 2015: A DEA and Regression based Financial Performance Evaluation Framework for Public Bus Transport, Journal of Soft Computing and Decision Support Systems, 2(3): 9-13, 2015.
- 2015: Metaheuristic applications on discrete facility location problems: a survey, OPSEARCH, 52: 3, 530 - 561, Springer, 2015. (with Sharma, M. and Ghosh, P.S.)
- 2015: Pricing and cloud services-the impact of broadband quality, OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science, 50, 96 – 114, Elsevier, 2015. (with Chakraborty, S. and Sharma, M.)
- 2014: Pricing Infrastructure-as-a-Service for online two-sided platform providers, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 13: 3, 199 - 223, 2014. (with Chakraborty, S. and Sharma, M.)
- 2013: A fast tabu search implementation for large asymmetric traveling salesman problem, OPSEARCH, 50: 1, 1 - 14, Springer, 2013. (with Gajulapalli, R. S. and Ghosh, D.)
- 2013: The Kolkata Police force and Durga Puja: Managing a mega-festival in a metropolis, Decision, 40: 3, Springer, 2013. (with Bose, I. and Ghosh, S.)
- 2012: Neighborhood reduction strategy for tabu search implementation in asymmetric traveling salesman problem, OPSEARCH, 49: 4, 400 – 412, Springer, 2012. (with Ghosh, D.)
- 2012: Tabu search implementation on traveling salesman problem and its variations: A literature survey, American Journal of Operations Research, 2: 2, 163-173, 201
Conference Proceedings - 2020: An Integrated Weighting-based Modified WASPAS Methodology for Assessing Patient Satisfaction, 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA)
- 2011: Pension Fund Management in India: A Stochastic Programming Approach (Proceedings of XIV Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management, December, 2010)
- 2010: Intensification based Approach for Tabu Search Implementation (Proceedings of XIV Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management, December, 2010)
- 2010: Neighborhood Reduction Strategy for Tabu Search Implementation in Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (Proceedings of 43rd Annual Convention of Operational Research Society of India, December, 2010)
US Patent - 2012: Automated Data Analysis and Recommendation System and Method, Application No. 12/333,332
- 2011: Method and System for Workflow Management of A Business Process, Patent No. 636803
- 2010: System and Method for Allocating Job to An Agent, patent No. US8352304 B2
- Presented accepted conference papers in reputed international conferences like MSOM, INFORMS RMP, INFORMS annual meeting, POMS, Euro, IFORS etc.
- 2019: Awarded best paper in IEOM Bangkok
- 2008: Awarded as the best thesis proposal of track “Algorithmic Models & Supply Chain” in the international conference “Doctoral Colloquium, 2008” organized by Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.
Research Interests:
- Pricing and Revenue Management
- Economic Modeling and Game Theoretic Applications in Business Problems
- Healthcare Operations and Analytics
- Retail Operations
- Platform Operations and Emerging Technologies
- Meta-heuristics, Algorithms and Computational OR
Books/Book Chapters:
- "BELL the CAT" in Managing India: The idea of IIMs and its changing contexts, Routledge, 2024 (Thakur, Manish, and R. Rajesh Babu, eds.)
- "Management of mathematics or mathematics of management: Quantitative methods in management" in Management Education in India: Perspectives and Practices. Springer, 2016 (Thakur, Manish, and R. Rajesh Babu, eds.)
- 2020: Overcrowding of USG patients at XYZ clinic: Application of healthcare queueing, IIMCCRC (
- 2019: Mendine Pharmaceuticals: Integrating Forecasting and Production Planning - Parts A & B, IIMC-CRC-2019-08, IIM Calcutta Case Research Center (
- 2014: The Kolkata Police Force and Durga Puja: Managing a Mega-Festival in a Metropolis, IIMC-CRC-2014-01, IIM Calcutta Case Research Center (