Q1. Under which categories can I apply for PGDBA?
You can apply under the following categories:
- General
- Economically Weaker Section (EWS)
- Non-Creamy Other Backward Class (NC-OBC)
- Scheduled Caste (SC)
- Scheduled Tribe (ST)
Note 1: Until further communication, all candidates applying under the NC-OBC category shall be inevitably considered under the NC-OBC category, provided they meet the NC OBC eligibility as explained in question number (Q3) below.
Note 2: No changes in the category will be entertained after the closure of the registration window.
If you belong to the SC or ST category, your caste/tribe must be listed in the Government of India schedule. For more information, refer to the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment website (http://socialjustice.nic.in/Home) and the Ministry of Tribal A “airs website (tribal.nic.in). The caste certificate that you upload in the Application Form should be in the government-approved format. The certificate format is also available on the IIM-C PGDBA website under the Certificates section. Download and print the certificate, and clearly state the following:
Name of your caste/tribe. Whether you belong to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe. District and the State or Union Territory of your ordinary residence. The appropriate Government of India schedule under which your caste/tribe is approved, whether Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe. Signatures of required authorities.
Q2. Which documents must I submit if I belong to the SC / ST category?
If you belong to the SC or ST category, your caste/tribe must be listed in the Government of India schedule. For more information, refer the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment website www.socialjustice.gov.in and the Ministry of Tribal Affairs website www.tribal.nic.in
- The caste certificate that you upload in the Application Form should be in the Government approved format. The certificate format is also available on the IIM-C PGDBA website under the Certificates section. Download and print the certificate, and clearly state the following:
- Whether you belong to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe.
- District and the State or Union Territory of your ordinary residence.
- The appropriate Government of India schedule under which your caste/tribe is approved, whether Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe. Signatures of required authorities.