"Paradoxical though it may seem, it is none the less true that life imitates art far more than art imitates life."..Oscar Wilde
This is brought out explicitly in IIM C's context as campus life here seems picture perfect. The essence of this institution's teaching has been to develop the student's mind and to bring it to a level where understanding the fundamentals of everything is essential. Fundamentals not just of academics, but also of the various aspects of life that one seems to be losing out in this tech-savvy world. Simple pleasures are brought out here. One has the freedom to choose from amongst relaxing on our very own Howrah Bridge to participating in the multi diversified skill sharpening clubs. Towards defining our environment, it is a wonderful mix of modernity and simplicity. Our eNetwork is among the best in the country while the locational advantage gives us the fortune of having the most beautiful lakes within our campus.
Extra Curricular Life at IIM C is undoubtedly one of the busiest phases here. From having corporate case contests to the World War, the wildest inter-hostel contest possible, we at IIM C have seen it all.
Our institute has given us the perfect atmosphere to grow in, to develop into people first and then as leaders. We welcome you to life at IIM C.
The Lighter Side
Once upon a midnight dreary…as I wandered weak and weary…over a single quaint and curious volume of forgettable Kotler. ‘Tis the night before a Marketing Management Project Submission. So what’s so special about that anyway? Nothing really…there is a party in process on the jetty… moonlight, music and the other good things in life by the lake. Someone is strumming “Free Falling” and the crowd joins in lustily in various decibel levels of cacophony. So what if their project hasn’t been formatted or printed – they have the whole of the night and the morning to do that! Welcome to the magical, mystical place called I.I.M. Calcutta….
Garfield and co. are sitting at the Mess Table – a heated discussion on the nuances of Jim Morrison’s lyrics in “American Prayer” is in progress. Junta is watching “For a few dollars more” in the T.V. room – possibly out of the misconception that it will help them negotiate $ salaries with foreign consultancies once they manage to get out of this place. The Basketball Team is crowded around Mohan’s, glugging Bisleri after a vigorous training session for the XL-IIMC meet …the entire question boils down to “strategy” (oh no, not again…) after all - “ it is war!”.
The list for tomorrow’s C.V. submissions is out and some hapless individuals have realized that they don’t have any blue forms left… so a mission sets off to New Teaching Block. to get some more. A cab swerves past, carrying within its confines happy mortals oblivious to the worries that await them for they have spent an evening wining (?) and dining and dancing their silly heads off in a place called Tantra.
The lights in the tennis courts show the die-hard still hitting the balls …it really is quite amazing…. A pool of darkness…a nip in the air… floodlit courts …strains of music and laughter from the jetty…calls of night-birds…double strong coffee…foot-volley in the N.H. quadrangle…
The women’s volley team limps back from practice…adorned with crepe bandages and a distinctive smell of “Moov” to place last-minute orders at the Night Canteen – where even the quintessential “two-minute” Maggi Noodles takes half an hour to prepare – Calcutta Standard Time, you see! (But believe me - the egg-rolls are pretty good!) . And even if none of these pastimes hold your interest… there is always a movie you’d love to watch available on the network. Walking past NTB, one will hear strange guttural chants coming from within its confines, which rise to an eerie crescendo …but fear not…it is only the Dramatics Club voice-training for their latest production.
In the veritable bird-sanctuary we live in …one may well remark – “why do these winged creatures make such a racket just when we are about to go to sleep!” In the daytime… you can see and feed scraps to the geese and swans that swim in the lake. And tread your way warily to classes, in an often-futile attempt to avoid the offerings from the avian kingdom perched above on the canopy of trees that covers the campus.
In the daytime there are classes, quizzes, project submissions- the mundane necessities of academic life. Though these aren’t that bad, really, for things as boring as Macro-Eco. and Stats. are made quite interesting by the eminent faculty we are fortunate to have. And what shall we do of an evenings …why, there are Phuchkas to be gulped down with washings of fiery “paani”, there is “daab” to be drunk by the Campus gates, there are P.P.T.s to attend where you shall be fed delectable “High tea”…there are extra classes and tutorials to bear, Quizzes to mug for.
If you are a fitness freak…there are lovely circuits to run / jog… stretches that will take you past our very own “Howrah Bridge” where you will be compelled to linger a while and watch the sunset… scintillating streaks of colors (otherwise observed only in a flame-test in the chem. Lab). There are fish plopping in the lake under the bridge, the evening mist creeping in from the horizon … and if only for a second.You know that life is worth living…
We shall attend classes…. (the “lecture theatres” are air-conditioned!). We shall frequent Kali Xerox once a week to gather notes and assignment solutions courtesy the generous brains that have solved them for our sake. Since we have exams once every 40 days we don’t get much time to slack off! And we shall work get a G.P.A. of 7 +, bag a foreign placement, put “nights out”, submit Marman Projects, play hard, study harder … and party hardest! For it really is true when they say…your time at I.I.M.C. is the “best daze of your life”!