Campus Reunions

Reminiscence 2019 - PGP 29th Batch
Reminiscence 2019, an event bringing together generations of Jokars, was celebrated as a symbol of all things Joka. After a welcome befitting the returning heroes of IIMC batch of 1994, we opened the house for interaction between the present students and the alumni. We were awestruck by our alums and the students to put forward great points in a debate that followed.
One of the most important parts of the 2 day gala event, was when we walked with the alums, around campus, enjoying their nostalgia and their old stories . The alums also had a chance to have a “back to school” lecture by professors which led to a deep discussion on assertiveness among career driven women and the glass ceiling . The alums were greatly impressed by a show of dance, drama and stand-up by our students and the whole batch came together to promise that they would give back to Joka in a big way. We ended on a happy note, where they took back memories for a lifetime and we kept great lessons from interaction with them.