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Nobel Laureate at PGDBA Third Batch Convocation at ISI
The Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (PGDBA) is a two year full time residential diploma programme jointly offered by IIM Calcutta, IIT Kharagpur, and ISI, aimed at creating business analytics professionals employable by leading Indian and foreign firms. The Convocation Ceremony of PGDBA third batch (2017-2019) was conducted on 23 January 2020 at Indian Statistical Institute. All 52 students of the batch successfully completed the programme and 3 of them Merit listed.
Nobel Laureate Professor Joachim Frank
Professor Joachim Frank, Nobel Laureate, Columbia University graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and delivered the Convocation Address. Professor Anju Seth, Director, IIM Calcutta and Professor Sahadeb Sarkar, Chairperson, PGDBA Programme, IIM Calcutta attended the auspicious ceremony and congratulated the awardees on this special occasion.