Buzz Around Campus

Gift by PGP 16th Batch: Instituting Annual Debate
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed recently between IIM Calcutta and the PGP 16th batch (Class of 1981) of IIM Calcutta, represented by Sandip Bhatia to institute 'IIM Calcutta Annual Debate (In memory of Bobby Saldanha)’. For this the donor (PGP 16th batch (Class of 1981) of IIM Calcutta) has gifted an endowment. As per the agreement, IIM Calcutta will hold an annual 'IIM Calcutta Annual Debate (In memory of Bobby Saldanha)’ every year, starting from 2020. The event will be hosted in association with the student-run, IIM Calcutta Debating Society. While reminiscing, his batch mate Sandip Bhatia recalls, "Listening and absorbing the logic, humour and language of Bobby Saldanha debates was a treat. If you were his opponent, you would have to resign to excruciatingly painful defeats. His arguments were flawless and combined with his sense of wit and spontaneity, he was virtually unbeatable". Professor Anju Seth, Director, IIM Calcutta thanked the PGP 16 batch for their gift and hopes that other batches too would come forward to contribute meaningfully in keeping IIM Calcutta’s tradition of excellence higher.