Buzz Around Campus

First “7 Lakes Run” by Fitness Club
In purview of the Government of India’s ‘Fit India Campaign’ the Fitness Club of IIM Calcutta organized ‘7 Lake Run’, a marathon-style timed race on February 22. There were 3 variants of the run- 2.5km, 5km and 10km. Over 670 participants took part in the run from various age groups, the youngest being a child of age five and the eldest being eighty plus. The marathon was flagged off by Professor Anju Seth, Director IIM Calcutta and Professor Bodhibrata Nag, Dean (Academic) and chief guests Arun Kumar Singh and Elvis Jackson. The prominent winners were Katharina Prietl- Exchange student from Austria & Abhinash Biswas in 10 km and Kistu Hansdiha & Neha Sannabhadti in 5 km variants respectively. Some prominent personalities participating in the event were Ashish Bajaj – Pinkathon Ambassador, Soumen Chatterjee – Leads India’s largest running academy “Jayanagar Jaguars” Kolkata chapter, Arun Kumar Singh – Represented India in Master Athletics, Vijay Boddupalli – Limca Book Record holder, India Book Record holder, Telugu Book Record holder, Dipali Singh – Visually Impaired participant –participated in 10KM variant of the race.