IIM Calcutta imparts leadership development training for 1300 Head of Institutions (Schools)

Paschim Banga Samagra Shiksha Mission (PBSSM), Government of West Bengal and IIM Calcutta join hands in imparting leadership training for 1300 Head of Schools of government and aided schools in several batches. An initiative of the School Education Department, the ‘Leadership Development Programme’ is a proactive step taken by the West Bengal Government towards focused intervention in 1300 schools in West Bengal for a better outcome. The Hon'ble Education Minister of West Bengal, Shri Bratya Basu addressed the session. Inaugurating the first Batch of the programme, Prof. Uttam Kumar Sarkar, Director of IIM Calcutta, noted that “I am glad that the Paschim Banga Samagra Shiksha Mission (PBSSM), under the School Education Department, Government of West Bengal has identified and taken the lead in focussed intervention in primary education.
This is a timely and necessary step in the right direction. IIM Calcutta, which is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee, is honoured to join hands with West Bengal Government for national building and striving towards achieving the global sustainable development goal and West Bengal’s mission for universal education." Prof. R. Rajesh Babu, joint programme director, noted that “the role of Head Mistress and Head Masters in realising the goal of the fundamental right to education is paramount. Their role is critical in transforming the life and experience of their students, fellow teachers, and the community. Empowering and motivating the Head of Schools to take the lead and be the change agent for their school is the key focus of this leadership development programme."