IIM Calcutta conducts commemoration ceremony for the graduating students of 2020 and 2021

IIM Calcutta has organized a commemoration ceremony for the graduating batches of 2020 and 2021 at a specially organized event on June 25, 2023, at the Joka campus of the Institute. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, IIM Calcutta did not conduct the annual convocation in in-person mode in 2020 and 2021. Keeping the interest of the students in mind that the physical mode of the convocation is a red-letter day event for them, IIM Calcutta organized a commemoration ceremony for the graduating batches of 2020 and 2021 on June 25, 2023, at their Joka campus.
The commemorative ceremony has been held in two batches. Mr. Shrikrishna Kulkarni, Chairman - the Board of Governors, IIM Calcutta was the Chief Guest for the first batch (Class of 2020) and Mr. G M Kapur, our senior Alumnus and the recipient of IIM Calcutta's Distinguished Alumnus Award was the Chief Guest for the second batch (Class of 2021). Our Director, Professor Uttam Kumar Sarkar was present throughout the ceremony.
On this momentous occasion, the Acting Dean (NI&ER), Professor Peeyush Mehta said, “We are delighted to celebrate this event for the students who graduated during the two challenging years of the pandemic. The memories of convocation are very precious in the academic journey and this commemorative event provides a great opportunity to recreate these memories.”