Research Summer School 2022

The Financial Research and Trading Laboratory (FRTL) hosted the 7th Research Summer School in Empirical Finance and Accounting during May 1-10, 2022. The research summer school 2022 was an eleven-day programme with two components: 10-day sessions held in hybrid mode during May 1 - 10, 2022, and 1-day online presentations on June 11, 2022.
Over the ten days, sessions were taken by IIM Calcutta faculty members (from Finance & Control, Marketing, and Strategic Management groups) as well as by faculty members from Florida International University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Monash University, Wayne State University, University of Calgary, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, ISB Hyderabad, IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Bangalore. There were 23 participants and about half of these participants were doctoral students from Indian universities, IIT, IIM, ISB, and IMI New Delhi; the remaining participants were faculty members from IIT, IIM and different management institutions in India.A couple of IIMC doctoral students (across groups) and F&C group faculty members also attended various sessions online.
Prof. Uttam Kumar Sarkar (Director, IIM Calcutta), Prof. Ramendra Singh (Chairperson, Doctoral Programme & Research, IIM Calcutta), and Prof. Sudhir S. Jaiswall (Coordinator, Financial Research and Trading Laboratory, IIM Calcutta) inaugurated the 2022 Research Summer School. Prof. Sarkar inaugurated the session and encouraged participants to participate actively and derive the maximum benefit from this unique programme. Prof. Ramendra Singh and Prof. Sudhir S. Jaiswall also took turns to address the participants along with Research Summer School Directors Prof. Sudarshan Kumar and Prof. Samit Paul.
The first two days had sessions on applied econometrics that helped the participants learn advanced statistical methods and empirical techniques currently employed in cutting-edge research in Finance and Accounting.
The next 8-days had sessions that exposed participants to cutting-edge research and the art of writing high-quality papers in Accounting, Corporate Governance, Financial Reporting, Asset Pricing, Behavioural Finance, Corporate Finance, Banking, CEO Compensation Research and Financial Risk Management. The event ended with a vote of thanks proposed by Prof. Sudhir S. Jaiswal, Coordinator, FRTL, IIM Calcutta.