E-ceremony of 56th Annual Convocation 2021

IIM Calcutta conducted its Annual Convocation 2021 over a virtual ceremony on May 15. The landmark event was graced by IIM Calcutta alumnus and Chief Economic Advisor to Govt. of India, Dr. Krishnamurthy Subramanian as the Chief Guest along with Shri Shrikrishna Kulkarni, Chairperson - Board of Governors, IIM Calcutta and Dr.Subir Bhattacharya, Director-in-charge, IIM Calcutta. 462 students of the 56th batch of IIMC’s 2-year flagship MBA programme were awarded their degrees, 61 students were awarded for the 1-Year MBAEx Programme. The award of diplomas were announced for 36 students in Post Graduate Programme for Executives for Visionary Leadership in Manufacturing (PGPEX VLM) and 57 students in Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (PGDBA). The Institute also conferred 14 students with their PhD degrees. Commencing this year, a new award the 'Nirmal Chandra Memorial Doctoral Student Award' has been instituted for the PhD graduates obtaining the highest CGPA. The e-ceremony began with the introduction of the Chief Guest and the presentation of Annual Report by Dr. Subir Bhattacharya, Director-in-charge. This was followed by the address of the Chairperson, Board of Governors Shri Shrikrishna Kulkarni. The Convocation Address was delivered by Dr Krishnamurthy Subramanian.
For achieving academic excellence, the students were honored with medals and awards across programmes. The e-ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks, a token of appreciation for the chief guest by the Chairman and the singing of the national anthem.